7 Questions For Steemit Success!

in #steemit7 years ago

Just 7 questions reveal the future of Steemit.
Secrets from a legendary entrepreneur that can help you.

If You're on Steemit, this info is very important.
Watch the video. See Your Future.

Click The Button! Lets Be Friends!

Cheers My Steem Friends!
Much Love, Happy Money Man.


In regards to the third question, I don't think its fair to box Steem into a the same category as social networks. Obviously, right now, that's what it is; Well SteemIt at least. But personally I don't really see Youtube/Dtube as social networks in the same way. I think by those standards every website that has a comment section is a social network.

With that in mind, @heimindanger not only provided the community with a great extension to Steem, but also made more of us aware that the Steem blockchain really could be much more than a social network.

I think it may be more akin - at its core - to an Online Reputation provider like Deemly. Deemly basically provides an online 'trustworthy-ness' scale. And I think thats kind of what Steem is.

Steem is the reputation provider and a token; Steemit is an extension that acts like a social network, Dtube is an extension that acts like a video hosting provider.

With this perspective, I would say that Steem has the entire pie, not a slice.

Thanks for the video!

Rad! This is the kind of angles I love to hear. I did you a very broad stroke with labeling Steemit a social media platform like Facebook. I actually consider it more akin to Reddit.

I like how you mentioned Dtube being an extension of Steemit.
It's proof that Steemit can branch in many more directions. The Dtube angle could just be the first door that opens.

Really we can look at Steemit as a platform from which to build all kinds of social interface.

A trustworthiness or reputation provider is yet another angle.

So, in reality Steemit does have a very large portion of a small market. They are one of the only blockchain players in a market that is being invented as we speak.

Cheers. Thanks for your insight.

Once again a nice show by @happymoneyman ......

you have explained or rather asked 7 questions and all are somehow the echoes of every steemians.....the answer is in the diary of future i think.

I am just trying to ask you a question that"where do you see the price of steem vs usd in 2019/2020" ....

Steemit has great potential i think and i think its still at a baby stage...so we should feel lucky to enroll ourselves in steemit at this stage....not to forget steemit is the first ever blockchain based social media....this makes steemit unique ......

Thank you so much...steem on & stay blissful....

Woohoo for Steemit. If I had to guess I would say $9. I'm not very good at guessing though. Haha. Cheers my friend. Maybe 900 instead?
Have a great weekend.

I know its not related, but I like your hat.

Awesome. I appreciate your comment. My hat helps me bring out my inner Indiana Jones. haha. Cheers have a great day.

Love this video @happymoneyman! Your ending was epic! Your videos are getting so polished, and your content is really relevant. I am excited for five secret Friday tomorrow! I think we got something good on steemit!

Haha, I'm glad you liked my spontaneous ending. I was having fun this morning.

Woo hoo! See you tomorrow for 5 Secret Friday!

Thanks for watching. I really appreciate it.

It was an Epic Video today loved the Energy :D and positive Vibes and yeah coming back to some question i would like to say yeah Steemit has the Breakthrough technology and there is no doubt for sure, recently heard that over a million transactions in a very less time gets done which is far more than bitcoin and ETH combined together
its a great startup and the best positive thing about it is that we all are a part of it which makes it unique from any other competitors out there.
Steemit may have a small share but do remember facebook too started from the bottom so it goes well with time i guess.
Steemit has a great team of great leader which are working day and night to make it the best platform for all no doubt about it :)

Thanks for sharing the video just wanted to keep it short but looks like it got more than enough ;p LOL and yeah waiting for 5 secret Friday Video :D

Oh, I was trying to remember that fact. Steemit has as many transactions as BTC and Ether COMBINED! That is pretty amazing.

You're right. Facebook started small on one college campus. Then only a few. Now we are here today. It will be interesting to see us pick up some network effect. It's fun to be a part of.

Thanks so much for watching and commenting.

Yay, I'm glad you're looking forward to 5 Secret Friday.
I really have fun with that video because it is just fun stuff that I like.

Cheers. Have a great day @blazing.

Lots of positive energy as always ! And I must say , Steemit is the next big thing right after the IPhone . This is the first social media that I have become addicted to , man !

It is no where like the other social media where you post your feelings , and stupid status , this platform educates people. We learn from one another to grow and learn.

It's a crypto currency , what's better than that? I'm sure there is no social media like this , it helps you build yourself and gain little money , love it .

I have introduced some friends to the platform and they love it . LONG LVIE STEEMIT

Cheers for this and thank you!!

Yes! I agree. I wasn't very active on any other social media. It seemed pointless to me. Steemit is a great outlet for creativity and a resource to learn. Coupled with the ability to make money, it's something special.

Thanks a lot for watching. I really appreciate your support. Cheers.

Welcome as always . Cheers 🍻

Great video! I think, for the long term, that Steemit has a very bright future.....

I'm on board with you @michaelstobiersk. I think Steemit has longevity.
I wasn't very active on other social media sites. Steemit has been a big creative outlet for me that I never had before. I think Steemit highlights the positive aspects of social media.

I agree. The only other social media that I really tried is Facebook. There's not much to it. Steemit requires a lot more thought and skill. Twitter? Whats the point. Same with Instagram, Reddit, etc.

Very true. I was on Facebook, but I didn't enjoy it. It wasn't a place to be creative or learn. It was just a place to see friends try to impress each other.
Steemit it a great outlet.
Cheers my friend. Have a great weekend.

Nice post with good and useful video about steemit by @happymoneman
Wel done my dear friend...
I think this video is very important and useful to all steemians....we always try success in this platform...thank you so much sharing this valuble tips with us...
Happy steeming...happy money...happy video editing..happy posting....and with @happymoneyman

Cheers my friend. Thanks for watching and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful day @dinisanda.

Great vlog as well as the side videos. !
I think that Steemit is not like Facebook because in this site, you can learn a lot more. :D

The learning is my favorite part.

great video. All I can say is something I always say when I talk about Steemit: RIP Facebook.

Haha, yes. True my friend. Have a wonderful weekend.

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