200 Followers and 8 Months Later, My Impressions and Dreams for SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Say Wut?

I woke up today and was surprised to see I had breached the 200-follower mark. Crazy. I never imagined myself ever being so enthralled in a social-media and content-production platform (on my personal Facebook I only post Hansik House episodes anymore...) but the last several months have been quite the wild ride. Now that I'm posting more regularly on Steemit and involving myself more in particular with the KR community (with the great help of my wife who I FINALLY goaded into writing with me on here), I want to write today about my experiences and hopes for platform as we move forward as a growing community.

Let's Talk About STEEM Baby, Let's Talk about You and Me~

Before joining Steemit, my wife would always tease me about one thing – talking in the shower.

- Source: ShutUpImTalking

As a creative professional, it's hard for me to keep any idea, no matter how insignificant or outlandish, to myself. I would accumulate hours of monologue speaking to the shower head, speaking what I thought as innovation to an inexistent audience.

Well no more, now I get to share my jibber jabber with you!

But seriously, Steemit has encouraged me to really double down on my own thinking, to treat my ideas with respect, and work hard at presenting it to a resoundingly positive audience. Every post of mine feels like a mini-presentation and I should probably try harder at making better, more applicable content.

So yeah, as a daily practice, Steemit has been transformative in bridging by brain to reality. And with that a resonating THANK YOU is in order for this community.

Building Community

This has to be my favorite aspect of the platform, to learn and get to know other individuals as I follow them on their content. I'm planning a much more commitment post on this subject in the coming week but particularly for me as a Korean American with not that many close Korean friends and colleagues, taking part in the KR community has been mixed with self-exploration, satisfying new relationships, and a continuously renewed ambition to engage and build up a cultural foundation for Koreans all around the world.

- Source: Blockchain News

And in general, I firmly believe a platform like this is oddly naturally conducive to more robust relationships. It isn't like Facebook or Twitter where we interact in soundbytes and as floating heads. Here, we're transparent about our passions and we can to know people over months and hopefully years' worth of posts.

Trust seems more inherent in the way we engage here.

This is such a critical point that has again motivated me to use Steemit to exclusively pursue my architecture projects here with @voronoi at @hitheryon as well as all my other cultural aspirations such as authoring a book, holding exhibitions, and so on and so forth.

Focusing on Innovation

A lot of us were honestly drawn to this platform due to the curious dollar amount at the end of our posts. Getting paid to throw around my thoughts? Sign me up!

But the more and more I engage on here and learn about blockchain technology, the more excited I am about the potential applications of our social-media energy across a spectrum of professional sectors. There is real innovation to be had, especially with the sustaining of Steemit. Now it is our job as content producers to broaden and enrich the application of this platform on the real world. Whether in the industries of design, agriculture, literary arts, science, and whichever industry you're committed to, I think this technology can fundamentally transform how and for what reasons we produce meaningful content in the world. All with a fabulous community behind it.

- Source: BitSpace

@voronoi and I are committed to ushering that change in the design field, to steward equitable development practices and empower the communities we build with. Too long have we operated in an inherently skewed industry that rewards little effort and works almost entirely on behalf of private interests. Within our own circles, we're really aiming to shake up the status quo and question the underlying ambitions and operations of the profession.


From today and here on out, I'll try to come up with more ways of adding to this community – of offering my insight, proposals, experiences, and hopes for how a creative (because that's what every one of you is, innovative!) network can make the most substantial impact on the world in which we live communally.

Steem on!

follow me @hansikhouse! | design collective @hitheryon

join Hansik House on Facebook!


@hansikhouse thanks for sharing. I'm Korean, Japanese and Swiss and grew up on a dairyfarm in the Midwest. I can understand not having a big Korean American community, my mom never shared much about her heritage, but she loved Kim-Chi. I'm just getting started with Steemit and look forward to building relationships.

Nice to meet you Tim and thank you for reaching out! A lot of my dedicated writing on here as well as my professional work deals with the relationships in and around Korean culture, though I've had many people of diverse ethnicities tell me that it has been highly applicable to them. I've had many a meaningful discussion on here and I certainly welcome you to engage. =)

keep it work man :D

you are welcome :D

Here's to the next 200... and beyond!


Congrats, gonna get there one day!!!

If you post more on Fallout 4, you most definitely will! ;)

Thanx to @berniesanders I was able to find this valuable Post! ;) I bet there will B automatic post translation soon! If not on steemit.com, then elsewhere ;) I always try to google IT in case I don't understand ...

Congrats my friend! Let´s make it to 300!! You have my follow, keep steemin´on!

I didn't realize I wasn't following you @anomadsoul! Right back atya, you're on the cusp to the club ;)

Thanks! Im glad Im up there in the list :D Thanks for the follow! I´ll try to keep up to the expectations!

It is really strong community and it connect people from all over the world

great work alhmdullah :)

following you...

Right back atya!

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