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RE: The Colbert Report is now on Steemit with a -= Steemit Exclusive Report =-

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

hey man, listen i read your post and this is the first time we have spoken, but your post was amazing, just upvoted and i can tell you that what you talk about is so important !! I made peace with my mother just before she died , also of this God damned cancer. But it was the best thing i ever did i tell you, things were never that good between her and me. So listen you did the right thing concerning the gun, you are alive now !! How would you have felt seriously to have shot your own mother. Man this story is soooo tough as indeed you were not in a position to succeed either way !! Just get her ashes to her Ocean like she wanted. You are now her own Ferryman, but before you do. Just tell her that you loved her and explain your feelings on all of this terrible mess, tell her you understood her need, but were angry by this strangest of requests as you could not possibly do it. Believe you me she likely to be with your right now !! You don't see her, but believe you me she is there !! So make Peace with her and especially through this system yourself. Strength and honor to you from afar !!


Oh but that is just it, I do see her and hear her....I haven't slept in over 6 weeks because every time I lay down she starts raising cane wanting me to get it done. Hopefully, this all ends tomorrow and I can move on with my life.

well im sure, yes !! Tell me, you believe in spirits man??
just written a story on it give it a read if you like , it tanked here, too long i think and no pretty eye candy !! let me know !! positive protective thoughts are what you need right now !! find the words and the feelings, put them in your heart !! Come out the other side ok !! Life is beautiful, Death is probably better ! ; - ) take care on that road FerryMan !!

I see dead people!

No but seriously, ever since I was about 6 years old I have seen the dead, ghosts, trapped spirits that never moved on. I have helped a few "cross over" and recently even, while I was in Michigan, helped a fellow steemian talk to a lost loved one in Houston, TX that had just passed away.

go to @gomeravibz. please and read my story, you,ll see that we are both knower,s then indeed !! nice to meet you here anyway ! , - ) you seem like a good nut like me, a bit rough, but then us nuts always are on the outside eh?? be good to yourself you hear !! bye for now FerryMan ! : - )

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