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RE: Importance of Google Search Results of Your Blog

in #steemit6 years ago

In my world... google is one of those things that I have to say.. "damned if I do, damned if I don't"

See.. me and google have this love/hate thing going on.
Google. YT, Google Android apps and play store- ALL things I use on a daily basis.
I love watching YT (all the while getting more into watching Dtube). I love having the main search engine readily available.

ALL things that make my life better; well, maybe NOT better... let's say easier at times.

WHAT I hate is the lack of privacy I am allowed by google.
I left FB last year due to this, then in 2018, the truth about our privacy, or lack thereof, was revealed.

So now I use Bing or other search engines.I closed my gmail account, I use more DTube videos, I constantly am changing my cell phone settings (thanks to the cyberguy reports on the news) to more private, if an app requires me to allow access to my contacts, location, etc- I don't download anymore or use.

Having visibility online (at least for me) is not something I want to trade-off for when getting blog/page hits if it means giving up my "world" of privacy and solitude.


Oh I hear you and agree with all the points you're making here. I'd love it if Dtube, Dlive and Steemit become the next generations's standard.

That said, a lot of people still use Google Search, so it's not a bad idea to just optimize your articles, so they are displayed in the results. Besides, I think all these search engines use somewhat similar algorithms, except that Google really focuses on 'personalized' results. Meaning that they'll get information about you through your search history, Gmail etc. and adjust their search results accordingly.

DuckDuckGo is also a pretty good alternative to Google btw :)

@goldendawne: do you have a smartphone?
Perhaps one that runs on Andriod?
Say goodbye to your privacy :)
IOS/iPhone? Well, what do you think? :)

Oh I know that. Which is why I am constantly looking at the new article by a cyberguy to remove things and change my settings. I know I can never completely stop things or from being tracked... but I can try.
Ever since watching the Edward Snowden movie years ago... I have been real paranoid.

You can change settings to whatever you want - they do not care.
Perhaps you want to read
Google apps are recording your location, even when you turn tracking off

Sure, you can try ...

This is another topic in itself! I stopped using Google as a search engine years ago, because I simply wasn't getting decent search results. I found out that this was because Google was tailoring my searches according to things I'd previously searched for, and because I do a lot of online searches, and often for eclectic things, I was getting really weird results.
I started using StartPage instead. It's meant to offer more privacy, but I've noticed that Google seems to still keep track of all the searches I make via StartPage. However at least I get a decent search.
I think Bing is just another type of Google, except run by Microsoft.
I DEFINITELY plan to close my gmail account - when I get round to it! It's started automatically filling in my iphone diary.
I'm glad that more and more people these days are taking privacy seriously. A few years ago I was seen as a bit of a paranoid nutter for being concerned about it.

One other thing, which I thought was hilarious. When I looked into why Google was giving me such weird search results, years ago, I found out that their bots had decided that I was a 65-year-old man (which I am not by the way!). I think this was because I sometimes look up 1940s jazz videos on YouTube.
I decided not to enlighten them. I even started to get YouTube ads for incontinence pads for men! It's only recently that I started to get ads targeted at women.

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