If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts... Continuing The Discussion Started By @davemccoy

in #steemit6 years ago

You Throwing It Down?

Three days ago, I read a post by someone I admire for his indefatigable efforts on behalf of new users, those of us who came in around the same time as he did, and for the platform in general—none other than @davemccoy.

After reading through the post, I left a comment saying that I would probably end up writing a post of my own because I had a lot to say and didn't want to try to cram it into a comment. Those of you who know my comments will probably find that amusing, if not surprising. Dave certainly did.

He also may think he's in big trouble. Or not. As it is, I don't think he's got anything to worry about from me.

He and I agree on a great many things, and on the things we disagree on, we have always, rather easily, walked away from it in what I would categorize as a spirit of brotherhood and growing friendship.

I fully expect that after I'm done here, we will still find ourselves at worst, agreeing to disagree and being totally good with that, or actually agreeing wholeheartedly. If that actually happens, what I don't want, Dave, is for you to feel any need whatsoever to capitulate or apologize. Neither are necessary. You said what you felt you needed to say and I am glad you did.

The fact that I decided to do this, as a kind of sort of but not really that big of a rebuttal is more me being the stubborn old cuss I'm becoming, rather than any great umbrage I'm taking with Dave's arguments or conclusions. I certainly hope, and will do my best for my words here to turn out that way.

With that in mind, I will go through the points of Dave's post that I would add or say differently.

Image source—Pixabay

Okay. Who put the raisins in my candy and nuts?

The Wind Up

Dave wrote about five different complaints/concerns/themes that have made the rounds here on Steemit, some more than others. I will not go through them verbatim (please refer to his post), but I will give a quick paraphrasing of each topic and then quote from his conclusions.

#1. If more of the whales cared more about the newbies and minnows, then we would have a vibrant thriving network of people that consume good content and reward it with their upvotes.

Dave, I feel, rightly assesses that we newbies and minnows should not expect that higher SP of any flavor should freely upvote everyone's posts. He ties it to practices that many here find improper or at the very least not very community minded. I would again agree, if any of the self-upvoting, circle voting, chronic use of bidbots or delegation leasing is going on with the sole purpose of getting personal gain, then yes, it's not good at all for the long term sustainability and health of the platform. It would be great, as Dave points out, if someday all the higher SP were to change their ways, or at least enough of them to make a difference. However, things being what they are, that's not likely to happen, so don't expect it to happen.

I agree. However, I think it needs to go a little farther. In fact, I would say, why are we looking around at anyone else on this platform but ourselves?

Just because we show up here, bright eyed and bushy tailed with energy to burn and excitement to the moon doesn't mean we're entitled to squat. The world out there is hard, and darn near impossible if you get right down to it. Why should the expectation here be any different? Why should magical fairy dust be sprinkled all over us just because we think our posts are so awesome, or worse yet, those with the higher SP somehow owe us something.

They didn't get where they are because of us. Some of them worked very hard for the last two years. Others bought most of their way in. Some got an amazing distribution before anyone else got a chance. Others received compensation for their development work. In the end, who cares how they got it. It's not ours. None of it belongs to us, and they can do with it what they dang well please.

Do I wish they would spread it around more. Sure. I think generosity is good for the soul, and frankly, that's what this platform is designed for. It's meant for people, all of us, high and low SP, to post, comment and curate. It's great that other apps are being delegated SP. It's fine that people are finding other ways to use the platform other than as a blogging site. Ultimately, though, the long term prosperity of Steemit as a functioning social media site that allows all of us to earn rewards for our work depends on moving the reward pool around.

I fully believe the higher SP knows that. I can only guess at why they don't do it more often. The fact of the matter is, I'm really at the point where I don't care what they do. I care about what I do. It's the only thing I can control. I will continue to be a part of the conversation, I will continue to try to persuade, and try to lead by example, and I know I will only be following others who are farther out there and along than I, because there are many of us on this side of the fence.

That's why a portion of Dave's conclusion of this particular topic struck me funny.

Expectation: Don't expect anything from the whales, orcas, or dolphins. If you get their support, from any of them, realize that it is a gift and truly something that is special and unique!

I agree wholeheartedly with the first part. Don't expect anything from higher SP. It's the rest I would tweak.

I'm not going to call it a gift, special or unique. I choose instead, to call it random recognition of my abilities. If the upvotes keep coming, then I'm going to work even harder to earn them. I'm not here for a handout. I don't deserve anything for just showing up. And, if it takes every last percentage of voting power, I'm going to find ways to reciprocate because I will not be beholden to anyone. I will build friendships, be part of the causes I find to be useful and beneficial, I will do my best to curate valuable and meaningful content, and yes, I will be thankful that people, anyone, enjoys what I do. But I will not feel like I was given anything. Their reasons for upvoting my work are their reasons. I choose to believe it's because I earned it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And neither should anyone else. If high SP decides to upvote you, think of it as you earned it, just like every other upvote from dust to $.05 you got from everyone else. The amount makes no difference. We don't set the price of our work, others do.

#2. If there were no bidbots, then it would be more fair because "trending" would stop being a farce.

Again I agree with Dave about the trending page. As long as people can determine themselves whether or not their post can be seen, calling it advertising, or sweetening the curation pot, or whatever other contrivance they can come up with, the trending page is worthless. The only way it stops being worthless, bidbots or not, is if somehow posts show up there because human curation puts it up there.

The trending page is about the worst way, in this day and age of pinpoint advertising (sometimes to the moment you'd be looking for it), to waste your hard earned SBD/STEEM on. It's like display ads in a newspaper, or the ads on TV you hurry through with your recorder. Only the highest paying posts are going to be anywhere near the Top 20, and the ones who are predominantly looking at the trending page are the really new newbies. Because that's what they see on the way in and they don't know those folks bought their way to the top.

I don't think I need to take any harder line on the arguments here. Instead, it's part of the expectation we're all supposed to have that I need to weigh in on.

Expectation: Bidbots are here to stay and people will use them to drive up the value of trending posts. Recognize it and move on, because complaining about it will only lead to frustration and disappointment. If you truly want to make a difference, work with the bot leaders like yabapmatt and themarkymark to improve the rules and enforcement on their end.

First, what I agree with. Complaining about bidbots absolutely does no good. Constructively criticizing them, continuing to have the conversation, great. Letting their mere existence and usage upset us, not worth it.

I refuse, however, to except the permanent existence, or lasting existence of bidbots. And moreover, I will do nothing to legitimize their existence. Anytime something get legitimized, they become 'okay.' Well, maybe we should be taxing them (did he just use the 'T' word?!) and assessing fees and regulating them into oblivion, then. As long as any of them take any form of payment to use, they are not solely around to give the little guy a boost. Organize them, give them some rules to live by, you legitimize them, and the more they will be used.

#3. If the system had more distribution of power (less at the top and more at the bottom), then we would have better satisfaction.

I think I addressed a lot of this under #1, and I don't really have anything substantive to add to either the arguments or the expectation. The power distribution is what it is. When we earn more of it, we can do with it as we please, and hopefully, if/when we have it, we'll get it right, instead of perpetuating the problem.

#4. If the system had defined "fair" and "normal" behavior, then we wouldn't have rules that seem to apply to those with the greatest reputation.

Again, I agree with the arguments Dave makes and their conclusions. We can't say we want fairness and then turn around and have things handed to us. Or, because the cause is just, we can't just go bending or breaking the rules, either. How easy it is for the moral compass to slide when it's us some rule affects.

#5. If fulltimegeek had kept his power (instead of delegating it out) and fought haejin earlier, then he could've stopped the selfishness and ended the "whale wars" that many people see as so counterproductive.

I guess I'm one of those people who feel this flagging has been largely counterproductive. But to blame any of the flaggers for doing what they think is their duty and what is right is like blaming real soldiers for fighting a war they think will keep us from tyranny.

Agree with or disagree with anyone commanding a high percentage of rewards, flagging doesn't work very well. You need high SP to do it, and you need high reputation to do it. Otherwise, not only do you lose your VP without taking off more than a few cents, but you leave yourself susceptible to retribution. It becomes less about a disputation of rewards, and more about personality, vitriol and acrimony. None of that, from either side, is good for the platform, especially when so many seem to revel in their contentiousness.

So, no single person is to blame for haejin, even haejin. He's in the unenviable position. He'll lose some reward money, but as long as his main benefactor does what they do, and haejin does what he does, I don't see where this ends without some kind of code change. Incentivizing flagging somehow, giving it it's own reward pool, I don't know. The problem is the rule of unintended consequences engages and I for one think we have enough of that going on already.

I watch it, but I stay away from it. Those who wish to do it, go for it. Those who don't shouldn't be made to feel like they're scum of the earth. As I said before, someone has to move the reward pool around. Can't do it as effectively if you're too busy using your SP for other things. So, who does that leave?

Little old us.


Just as Dave said, we do need to have realistic expectations. We need to use our abilities, our wits, and expect nothing from no one. When higher SP drops some dollars, appreciate their patronage, but know you earned it. They thought so, so should we. No one owes us, and we owe nothing to anyone else. If you want to be generous because that's who you are, then be it. Don't expect anyone else to be. There's a lot of good causes here all competing for attention, just as there are a whole bunch of posts competing to be seen. This is Steemit. Your post isn't all that until others say it is all that, even if it is a $0.01 at a time. And your cause or personal situation is yours to further or resolve until someone else picks it up and helps carry the load.


You've got a lot of great thoughts, Glen. I won't address each one as it could get tedious and then I'd just be writing my own article, but I agree with you on pretty much everything (nothing stuck out that I would get upset about) and I think it's admirable that you've chosen the path of positivity, self-responsibility, and not worrying about what you can't control. I appreciate your opinion and value your point of view. :)


I don't know. There seems to be a but there. More wordsmithing? Maybe a tweak in tone?

I'm glad I didn't upset you, too. That would not be good.

I have found that there are times when I write something that seems perfectly measured to me that it comes off as being mean, or standoffish or something else unintended. Now, in this case, there probably was some standoffish-ness. Anyway, I also thank you for reading. (slight flourish and bow).

It can be difficult to tell how things are going to come across online, but for the most part I think I understand the heart behind what you say. And I agree with most of what you say anyways, so that makes it easier.

No But. I just hedge in case there's something that I missed. For instance, I like raisins in my GORP, but that's probably because that's how my dad made it. Nothing against those who don't like it. :)

Wow, a flourish and a bow. I'm honored. ;)

I actually like raisins, too. Peanuts aren't my favorite. I like Almonds more, but my wife could consume bags and bags of peanuts. Dave had a picture of candy and nuts on his post so I thought I'd play off it, but raisins aren't a part of the saying he was going after so, anyway. Nothing again Good Ol' Raisins and Peanuts.

I had to look it up, though. :) I guess my Dad didn't make GORP. I actually thought I read GARP, and the only Garp I could think of wasThe World According To... variety. :)

I had to decide early on to simply enjoy Steemit. Slowly trying to learn more about it, stay out of controversy, acknowledge posts I appreciate and ignore those I don't. I like to keep it simple for me, try to be fair for others and stay out of the way of those on the platform with huge ambitions, too much ego and/or power (or don't know how to use it).

Regardless, always positive, always foward.


Glen, I found that we agreed (as usual) on roughly everything... The only thing that I think you might think I wouldn't agree with, is just a matter of me taking a shortcut and saying something without really elaborating further. And that is regarding the "support" from dolphins, orcas, and whales...

I choose instead, to call it random recognition of my abilities.

I agree with you that the support should be earned and don't think that anyone ever gets something for nothing. I would never want anyone to feel compelled to vote for me unless they valued my contributions to the platform. In a way to me that is "support", it isn't based on any one set of words or another, it is based on the respect that one person has earned in the other person's eyes. For instance, I upvoted your post because I liked your content and think it adds value, but also because I want to show you the respect for everything you do. I realize I don't get around as much as you do, and I miss many of your posts. So when I see one, I will always want to give it the respect that you have earned in my eyes!

So even here I think we agree... I always like to see your point of view and very happy that we agree on many many of the same points!

Great reply and glad you put it in a post so that it could get the respect it deserves! :)

I probably should have included something in my preface that you may have been holding back a little or just not getting as detailed as you may have wanted, but I didn't know that for sure, without asking, and in hindsight, I probably should have asked. I thought it might be kind of cool to have a part counterpart though, which is why I went for the post.

I also know that you are very diplomatic. Maybe in some instances you're not, but you're not the bridge burning type, it seems to me, if you can help it. Doors open are better than shut, and when you run with a lot of different folks, high and low SP, there's some wordsmithing that needs to take place. I understand all of that because I find myself doing it to.

That might sound like I'm accusing you of not being genuine. If I am, then I'm also accusing myself. What I'm trying to convey here, that sometimes you say what needs to be said, and nothing more, and sometimes you find the words that will navigate between all parties, so that all parties will listen.

In my case, I felt freed up to go the step further. All sides to these issues have something that needs to be realigned, and all sides need to figure out the way to coexist, because in the end, whether we like it or not, or believe it or not, we need each other if STEEM is ever going to get anywhere. It's not going to accomplish that while we're fighting each other over who's got what, or who does what. And it's not going to happen as long as more of the folks who can take, only take.

With less than 10% of the total number of accounts on this platform on any given day, and only twice as that many coming around during any given week, there's a lot of work to do if STEEM is going to take its place among the Top Ten of cryptocurrencies, and eventually lead the innovation that will revolutionize how we see the world.

We're not going to get there just worrying about how fat our own wallets are. And we're not going to get there worrying just about how fat other people's wallets are. Somehow, someway, we need to find what each other needs, and work to address that. Then, we go forward.

Ultimately, that's what I feel is the message that needs to be delivered, and I think that's the message you started and needs to be continued, way beyond both of us. :)

The 100% is for this point:

We're not going to get there just worrying about how fat our own wallets are. And we're not going to get there worrying just about how fat other people's wallets are. Somehow, someway, we need to find what each other needs, and work to address that. Then, we go forward.

Ultimately, that's what I feel is the message that needs to be delivered, and I think that's the message you started and needs to be continued, way beyond both of us. :)

You are exactly correct and if you can reach a higher level then I can, then of course I completely support you in any way. It is easy for us to deal with our level and lower, we are so much closer to them in both time and power. We are "connected" to the pulse of the masses, but I agree there is another group of people that really never see anything I have to say. I hope you can reach them, I have been trying to speak with people that do have those connections.

And this is a very insightful observation that further enhances my respect for your ability to sift through the situation and come up with reasonable and intelligent conclusions.

That might sound like I'm accusing you of not being genuine. If I am, then I'm also accusing myself. What I'm trying to convey here, that sometimes you say what needs to be said, and nothing more, and sometimes you find the words that will navigate between all parties, so that all parties will listen.

There is no doubt that when I write something it is intended for an audience. I read it carefully and make sure that it addresses the points that I want addressed. As you correctly state, it doesn't make my words not genuine, it just makes them limited to the issue that I'm trying to make the point on. And like you, I think one of the things that is important is to help people to learn and discover for themselves what they think is right. I try to present the situation in a way that I believe it will be understood, but that doesn't mean I would change my core values.

I agree completely that this place has a lot of potential, and I hope people pay attention one day to the things that you, me, and many of their every day users can "help" them with. We are being constructive and have passion about the platform and want this place to be a top 10 for sure! The funny thing is in my real life job as a business consultant, I would charge @ned $20k a month to give him the same advice I'm willing to give him here for free. And its not just me, there are some really talented and smart professionals that have insights and opinions that can help them. There is more to building an entity than just the technology, and I know if we ever get the right audience, we can help them with those others tasks which are also very important to the future success here!

And if not, then I will still help to make our part of this place fun and exciting... Because frankly I like the people that have been attracted here. The thing that bothers me most when we lose people is that I miss the people that I will never come in contact with again. To me that is what makes a social network, and that is why I think steemit still has a great chance!

I don't have any greater connections than you do. I've tried talking to witnesses and higher SP before, and it didn't turn out so well. Nothing major, just a little gruff and kind of like, "Go away kid, you bother me." Which is really funny because I've got to be among the oldest here. I could have pushed back, I suppose, but this was early on and I thought it best to get the lay of the land first before I started anything. You kind of need to know something, and get it right, before you start trying to convince people that there's a better way.

And frankly, I don't know what that looks like. I've got the 30,000 foot view of it, but that's pretty simple really. Incentivize the behavior you want, don't incentivize the behavior you don't. From the ground, though, it looks like the exact opposite has been happening.

I've thought myself that the greatest untapped resource that Steemit Inc. has at its disposal is the wealth of knowledge and experience stored among its user base. Business owners, developers, crypto junkies, social media users if not some game theorists and social behaviorists.

I'm not sure I want to be a part of consulting with Ned and the gang about how they can make things better, but I would certainly do what I could to support anything that I could understand and reasonably feel assured would actually work for the greater good.

It's getting to that point where the discussion can even occur. Not sure if you've read the latest kevinwong post, but it sounds like the orca-types (if not full-blown whales) are starting to talk about it by way of increasing curation awards again. I'm pretty sure that was already tried once before and was changed for some reason.

Speaking of which, were you ever able to touch bases again with looksfarwoman? You two were closer than I was but I've always wondered if she was okay. :)

I am going to check out the @kevingwong post, you are the second person that mentioned it so I am headed there when I get back from dinner... And I love how you look at it from a 30k foot view, that's the way I try to as well... KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid! I wish others would no overthink things sometimes. I like your solution too:

Incentivize the behavior you want, don't incentivize the behavior you don't. From the ground, though, it looks like the exact opposite has been happening.

I'm hoping you are right and those discussion do start happening. I know the more pain in price, the better chance it happens. ;)

And no, I have never got to talk to her... She just left and never came back... I really did like her a lot, she was very fun and smart... I hope one day she remembers her password and comes back. I hope it was that she just lost interest and nothing bad happened to her.

That's cool that you remembered her... That is going way back in steemit time... Very very way back (like when we were kids) :P

Always great to see your thoughts Glen, keep up the good actions here! (I don't want to call it work) ;)

Looks like there's enough hurt to go around in the crypto markets right now. Seems like we're in another deep across the board sell off. So, I don't know if pain is occurring for most of these folks you're talking about at under $2.15 USD for STEEM, but it's headed down. And SBDs are as about as close to the peg as I can remember seeing it since I've been here.

She was starting to get a little more vocal in politics, but her last comment was about feeling poorly. Well, I hope she's okay, too.

yes that is quite the drop and we still have another 10% downward adjustment in our vote values....

Yes that's what I was worried about too... She said she wasn't feeling well, I hope she recovered and just lost her password or something. I hope we don't have too many more of our friends drop out unexpectedly. Its the downside (for me) when that happens.

If you want to be generous because that's who you are, then be it. Don't expect anyone else to be.

True essence of being generous. Give without expecting and/or asking something in return.

I don't want to go into the issues. You have made your point.

I think most of the new ones are misled into thinking that you blog and you earn and that is pretty much it. I came from a defunct blog site where you blog and earn through likes and comments. I moved on to another blog site where you earn bitcoins but then had to leave because I cannot maintain it. I came to steemit without expecting much. I realized there are lots of things going on here in steemit that I have no control of. I just have to do what I can do and what I can control and still not expecting much lol! Must focus on the positive and fun!

I think for most people here, that's the crux:

Must focus on the positive and fun!

I've noticed that once I turned from what others were doing and started really honing in on what I was doing, things have been so much better. Information about what whales are doing or not doing, or the general mood of users tend to find me, but I'm not wasting time searching for it.

So, we all find what works best for us, makes us feel good about our time here, and we continue on.

But #2 would not happen if #1 happened. That's all there is to it really.

But no they mostly don't care, they have all the money, why would they care? All they have to do is sit there and post and get all the upvotes/comments from all the redfish/minnows trying to catch their attention.

They're too busy earning money outside this site maybe (not all) that redfish/minnows won't matter.


Who knows?

Those who care holds contests from time to time. Those who care create apps/bots/other Steemit related sites that upvote posts. The rest, I dunno.

I'm sure all of those things you mention are happening among them and more. I don't think a lot of the actual whales post. Some of the lower orcas might, but the rest are generally earning through delegations or other ways. I would say that most of the dolphins, though, are still in the thick of it here on Steemit, and they are probably the ones that are primarily interacting with the rest of us. The problem is, when you're a redfish or a minnow, everyone else looks so much bigger. :)

And really, I'm not sure what I can personally do about any of that. If they're not even here because they are elsewhere then all of the attention grabbing in the world plain isn't going to work anyway.

Yeah that's right, so it's good some curators are doing the upvoting and some big fishes are on auto-upvote with them. Somehow out of everyone here, trying to catch their attention is like begging or a competition too. If they don't like it, better luck next time, if they don't see the post, too bad as well. :P

Yep. Which is why I'd just as soon not beg or compete. If I'm able to piece together nice rewards on posts through smaller SP liking what I write on a regular basis rather than expecting or hoping larger SP will decide to drop some $ on me here and there and for who knows why, I'll be happy. I'm starting to see it happen, so we'll see how it goes. It's a long road, it's the harder road, but I'm not much into begging or competing for attention anymore. :)

Once we've gone through the disappointment stage that's what we usually do. Hahaha. I've been doing that too most of May,I just post whatever I like now, unlike before where I post mostly to earn.

I absolutely LOVE philosophical and thought-provoking discussions and blog posts such as this. This really put my brain to work. I look forward to reading more material like this from you in the future. Keep it up! Followed & upvoted my friend. Great post!

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