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RE: "Fast Reply" : A New and Efficient Way to Comment!

in #steemit6 years ago

So...You write a comment and click to post it and the 20 second delay gets in the way of you navigating to the next reply, reading it, writing a reply and posting your next comment quickly?

You can do all that and write a valid and relevant reply and be ready to send it inside of 20 seconds?

The next thing we’ll have is reply-bots so not only does a user not have to read and vote on content but can reply as well...All without ever having to read the post or engage with the author.

Doesn’t sound like a very social community to me when one needs to punch out comments so quickly. Still, it mirrors the shit society we live in and is providing the shit society seem so happy to shovel into their greedy mouths.

The platform is dying.


Oh @galenkp, I consider you one of my friends, and one thing I always do for my friends, is be completely honest with them. With that in mind, I'm saying to you, 'don't be an ass' :) You and I both know the commenting that I do, and I have never posted a short, disingenuous, or shit reply. In fact, I have been in the top 10 of @abh12345's Curation League for months now; just check out his Sunday "Curation League" posts to see my commenting numbers...all very genuine by the way.

This tool helps me to navigate quicker because like I said in my post, there is a lot of great content that I get sidetracked with. This essentially puts blinders on me long enough to only pay attention to those I'm responding to...which is the epitome of engagement and nothing shitty at all.

If this is the kind of thing that can "kill" this platform, than I agree with @insideoutlet,

then it wasn't very stable to start with.

I'm going to assume (perhaps wrongly?) that your "cool" comment to her was sarcasm?

Of course there will be those who utilize this tool to their own greedy ends. Those people will always be here, but I prefer to see the positives here, which includes the benefits of using Fast Reply.

The platform is dying.

I don't think so. If you look hard enough, you can see all the good that still goes on here, despite or in spite, of the shit.

I think it's time for a holiday my friend :)

It's always time for a holiday! :D

Of course there will be those who utilize this tool to their own greedy ends.

So true.

I had a feeling you'd pick that out.

The next thing we’ll have is reply-bots so not only does a user not have to read and vote on content but can reply as well...All without ever having to read the post or engage with the author.

See @banjo, as 1 example.

I get your point, but this is already happening in code. I think what this tool does is help the humans.

In some cases, like adding people to my league, i need only give a short reply and see this 20 second message a few times each week there.

Lynn makes a good point about ease of navigation to un-replied to comments - this is what i see as the main benefit of the tool (although I haven't used it yet).

Thanks @abh12345, I appreciate your input. I don't think this is something I will use daily, but I was seriously shocked at the time I saved using it when I had 3-day old comments piling up and feeling overwhelmed, and then boom! I was through them all. I can see how it would be very helpful when you're adding people to your leagues, or someone else mentioned how they have a "set" comment to their once/week anything, it has its' benefits and is certainly not a catch all.

Thanks again Ash :)

Yes that is a good use case for the tool, even though I like to mix my set replies up a little :)

Happy replying!

I'm not sure what you are talking about.

I have only used it once but I am truly excited about it as for me it's more the flipping between posts that I lose time on. I generally have no issues with the 20-second rule unless replying to my contest post. Its the navigating between them all and getting distracted along the way lol. I hope this is not the death of the platform and if it is then it wasn't very stable to start with. :/

I appreciate your input @insideoutlet. I can see how this would be helpful for your contest post for sure!

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