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RE: The Experiment: communication required, this is a social platform

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Let them downvote my full whale power. You deserve this for having a brain. How many more of us exist here? Are we alone or is their a small army of people who actually understand this concept?

Sorry for the uncharacteristic frustration. Hubris bothers me but unchecked hubris wity no justification lights me on fire. sigh


We could have you said, done ALOT of GOOD with this if done right. We could have even set it up as a cool and hip "holiday" we do every month at the same time (or randomly) to assess longterm datasets while promoting steem in the process...

My God. This is an excellent idea. We have seen somewhat of a boost in the value of STEEM over the last few hours, but, we cannot be sure if that is in any way related to this experiment at this point.

If it is, however, then allocating a weekend-without-whales every month could be a great idea that encourages people to invest in a little STEEM ahead of the "holiday."

Regardless of this specific idea, I think it's an excellent one itself to have some sort of monthly event that Steemians can look forward to. I think that would do wonders for morale, which has taken a heavy blow over the past month or so.

If people only paid attention to those who have more than a little insight into this. Tell u what. if you join me in beyonditcoins mumble ill tell u some of my other plans :)

This is an amazing idea! I love weekends-without-whales.

Please write your next post about this. I have an account with 10% of my whale accounts steempower (cause i gave like 90% of earnings away to build solutions to help steem and bitshares together) to upvote u.

I already wrote a post about my distaste for this unscientific experiment last night, though it was somewhat of a spontaneous thing and I omitted a fair amount of my problems with it. But, nonetheless I do not want to do another one. I have made my objections known and continuing to moan about it will just be pointless, and pathetic by my own standards as well. Thanks a lot for the offer though..

Yeh im growing a bit tired of spouting myself. But i AM thinking it might be worth it to fix some things.

I didn't even know you were a whale, but it restores my faith somewhat to know that you're not all absent minded.

I ask that even though you know this is bullshit, still just avoid upvoting, because I have seen what happens when one whale upvote is countered by 4 whale downvotes, which doesn't even make sense.

But, it buried my trending post and cost me some reputation, so if you do it others, you might inadvertently be setting them up for a loss.

And no need to apologise. I am disappointed in myself for how much I have allowed this to bother me. Inconsideration is something I don't care too much for, and clearly, no thought at all has gone into the efficacy-- or lack thereof--of the data that could be yielded from such a poorly planned experiment, nor the potential ramifications for others, and for Steemit, that could result from executing such an action without prior notice.

Jesus...the most valuable thing that came from this "shit show"(aka experiment) is in meeting you.

Man ...u know we could plan and do this experiment correctly. Give everyone time to prepare. Do a Steem CENSUS, decide what the hell we plan to measure, do background research, establish a baseline for the variables we will assess and how we will control for outside bias...omg we the real, non ridiculous version of this experiment. Something tells me Im not invited to this one since noone even told me.

Please write your next post about this. I have an account with 10% of my whale accounts steempower (cause i gave like 90% of earnings away to build solutions to help steem and bitshares together) to upvote u.

It is my new "whale" account now (now that whales are no longer voting?)

I can vote u up with it now. It is the "new whale"

Man ...u know we could plan and do this experiment correctly. Give everyone time to prepare. Do a Steem CENSUS, decide what the hell we plan to measure, do background research, establish a baseline for the variables we will assess and how we will control for outside bias...omg we the real, non ridiculous version of this experiment. Something tells me Im not invited to this one since noone even told me.

You mean.. real science? What would be the point in that when we can just play the role of lobotomized deities. That's much more fun. Lol.

The fact that no one even contacted you about it just proves there was no planning involved. I had hoped that maybe they at least tried to get the other whales on board, and when they declined, decided to do it anyway.

This tells another story. One of a few whales assuming the authority to conduct an experiment without minnow, dolphin or even fellow-whale approval.

I understand the need to want to help, but if you don't know how to help, better not try or you will do more damage than good..

Okay, I'm starting to feel like a bitch. I have whined about this shit enough. Time to accept it and post some sub-par content until it's over. Sounds like a perfect excuse to enter this weeks memechallenge..

You know whats funny? Im one of the people larimer thanked and gave credit to for his contributions to what later turned into steemit. Ive been here as a cofounder of bitshares and was literally here for the birth of baby steem. Im one of the people who should have at least been informed (of course I would have said this experiment design was ridiculous but thats another matter) if for no other reason than im a whale (who worked alot to become one)...

We could have you said, done ALOT of GOOD with this if done right. We could have even set it up as a cool and hip "holiday" we do every month at the same time (or randomly) to assess longterm datasets while promoting steem in the process...

Omg i dont want to spend all my time doing this research unpaid but its worth it to do this right...

Jesus ill stop.

If people only paid attention to those who have more than a little insight into this. Tell u what. if you join me in beyonditcoins mumble ill tell u some of my other plans :)

I'm not very tech savvy, so if the ideas are at the coding level, I probably won't be able to make sense of them. But, if they are just promotional sort of things, then I'd feel a lot more comfortable in my ability to expand upon those ideas with you.

Id love to bring more thinkers in man. I dont know everything so its IMPERATIVE to surround ourselves with people who are smarter than us in various places

Id love to bring more thinkers in man. I dont know everything so its IMPERATIVE to surround ourselves with people who are smarter than us in various places

That's definitely a philosophy I can get behind.

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