What Are The Most Frustrating Things I Had With Steemit? (We Need Solutions!)

in #steemit6 years ago

Another day with another Post and thankfully the prices are continuing to increasing. I won't mention at all the abuse in this post that we are surrounded by as a frustration factor as i think i have done it for quite some time. :P   Instead i will focus on other things that i consider are of an equal value and providing me with a lot of frustration for a long time now!

This post is part of a giveaway-contest which i really like the topics of each week as well as the whole initiative and that's the main reason i am taking part in. For more info just click here!

So without further delay let's start our top 3 countdown:

1) Bad Interface

This is something that brings me frustration everytime i get in Steemit. At first when i joined and saw that interface i said "ok just a typical interface that's easy to use". 2 months later the issues started becoming noticeable. The number one issue that frustrates me is that it's hard to navigate.

When i first joined the platform the active accounts that posted each day were only a few and because we were a few when i clicked in the "New Page" i could easily find the posts that i wanted. Now with the amount of accounts being on the rise the whole finding "quality" posts by checking at the New Page is rather difficult. 2 days ago that i tried it, i was scrolling for 7-9 minutes and i only found 1. All the other posts were either irrelevant links, single pictures, "insert any form of" plagiarism and flagged accounts.

Also another example of how frustrating the current interface is, can be easily located when you wanna find the intro post of a certain person. You need to scroll down for ages especially if he/she is a long time member. I believe that given the accounts we currently have @ned and his team should think of a new update that will be more user friendly and help in the further engagement of the members!

2) Older Posts

Ahhh where should i start with this! Honestly this isn't a thing that only frustrates me but disappoints me and even make me sad at the same time. A lot of us dedicate a lot of our time into making our posts,trying to maintain a certain quality while at the same time we try to comply with the "rules".

Now let's see this from two different perspectives, that of the author and that of the curator!


Imagine being a curator of a certain community or you just curate by yourself each day, trying to find new people and awesome posts but it's really hard cause of the interface. Even if you find a person that you might like his post, it's really hard to see his older ones. 

Except the fact that if you are checking in new-hot-trending page and one's post is let's say 6-7 days old it's nearly impossible to find it(Imagine if it's past the payout). Likewise if you happen to find an author through one of his latest posts good luck guessing if his other posts are actually interesting for you to read or not.

The only thing you can do is once again keep on scrolling!


If you are an author i honestly feel you! Except the fact that as i mentioned above our older posts are nearly impossible to be found we earn nothing out of them too. That's really disappointing cause basically it's like someone says to you "your older posts don't worth now" which is actually completely sad and untrue.


Even if your posts are 2-3 days old now, probably you are not gonna earn new upvotes. When i first joined aside the payout that was after 7 days like now, after 30 days we received another payout for our posts. Even then i didn't like that payout "strategy" that  much, but now i only dream of it :P

The majority of the oldest posts out there hold extreme value even after the payout thus they need to think a way to reward the authors for that. Let's take as an example, review, scientific,travel,food,generic tips,drawings, animation posts etc etc Do you think the value of these will ever fade away cause i don't.

3) Manually Search-Curation

That's the most frustrating thing in my opinion and one of the main factors that is tied to it is the bad interface. I have read a comment a couple of months ago i think from @jaki01, (i don't even recall in which post exactly) that he mentioned that actually mostly nobody searches for new content manually these days.

That had me into deep thinking cause by that time i was manually upvoting new authors by scrolling down to the new page! So that was something that never crossed my mind but it all made sense. Till now when i post an article 9/10 times i know exactly who are the ones that will upvote it.(the ones that follow me is the answer)

Due to lack of time i stopped searching for new posts too but i will start it again!

That frustrates me a lot because i know that the exact same post if it was posted by a whale it will gather 10-20-30 times the amount it gathers now and if posted by a newbie probably would earn 0. In a way i can get why people don't actual bother to do any manual searching and that maybe due to the interface or to their limited time schedule or they simply are bored too :P

Is this for the best though?
Can't we push ourselves a little bit more for the sake of the platform and the others around us?

At least i will try to balance it somehow and each day i will try to find new posts that i am interested in and deem quality from the new page and upvote it!

images and gifs 1 2 3 4 5 6

Hi, to solve finding a users earlier posts quickly I made Steemit Allposts the layout is a bit slapdash but it does the job.
I am going to redesign it this week.

~ @cadawg

Thats it working! I know, horrible UI! That bar at the top you type a users name in and hit enter then it will work. Don't worry UI will recieve some love soon!

true it's extremely helpful for that purpose but if you implement what @playfulfoodie says then it would go on a whole other level.

Also as it is now can help people that follow way too many accounts.
This app? dapp? :P will be their best friend as it will be extremely hard to find manually what they are looking for, or specific posts from specific people!

@cadwag - ahh, I see where you want us to type in the UN now.

Yes, well when I see something that says "errors" & it looks like that, I DO think it's down.


But I STILL don't understand why you can't seem someone's Steemit posts from way back in the beginning.

Try it now! I have done a partial update, but it still needs more, to see the next pages the button is more visible now: https://cubiccastles.website/allposts/

Looks better now. I'll keep it to give out to others.


Oh my gosh! You know what would make this a perfect, perfect! tool? being able to filter by tags!
I really want to find all of the recipes I've posted throughout my time on Steemit, but it is nearly impossible to do so through the regular interface. Can't filter anything.

Ok, I'll keep that in mind when I redesign it. :)

That would be awesome :D

@playfulfoodie Ok, so it isn't fully done yet, as I want to make it speedier and add more customisations, but I thought I might as well share the progress with you:
Filtered Recipies - I know it only shows 3 on this page so that is one of the things I intend to fix.

All the best,

Wow @cadawg, that is so awesome! Yeah, showing more on one page is an improvement, but this is quite handy already. Atleast it filters out all of the other posts, so it really helps to find certain content.

Love this progress, keep being awesome!

@playfulfoodie, @ourfreesociety, @filotasriza3, I have made a big improvement and written a nice long post about it here <--- PLEASE READ

Ooh that's super awesome! Sorry for the late reply by the way. I've upvoted the fundraising posts, though my votes aren't worth all that much. Every little bit helps, right? :D

Good stuff. Resteemed. Thanks for your comment on the other post and for directing me here!

thanks a lot! that means very much for me, quite a lot of new people thanks to you again stopped by and read-upvoted my post and even made some great comments!

It's too bad you didn't mention the fact that there's NO text editor & the emoji thingy doesn't work.

That's what bothers me the most.

I shouldn't have to fucking use old outdated code just to bold, center, bullet something,

Even my website coder didn't know what markdown was LOL, he had to look it up.

And there's FREE text editors out there.

What they couldn't even grab one & intergrate it?

that's quite true. I still use the editor cause i don't go well with html and in general coding :P but i guess the sort answer is that they don't care :P and the sort solution is to use as most of the comments suggest an interface like busy or steempeak (maybe it will have what you say inside, i don't really know)

@filotasriza3 - sorry I'm confused. There is no text editor on Steemit.

So this "busy" & "steempeak" have text editors?

with text editor i mean the general editor :P not an editor from and for the phone or something. Although there is a specific app for the phone that many use it's called partiko or something like that. I haven't used busy or steempeak so i can't express any opinion but there are way too many posts you can check here in steemit that analyze it!

Thanks a lot for stopping by!

When I say text editor, I mean something like you see on WordPress or Word, etc.

All of the functions like bold, centered, increase or decrease font size, choose font size, colors, italicized, etc. are just buttons you press after you've highlighted the text you want to change.

That's what a text editor is. Easy peazy & there are several that are freeee. : )

no this doesn't exist, you can do all of this with html (which i don't like :P ) but i am very sure that some apps have these functions included but i don't know which are exactly these apps :P i think one of them may has what you ask for! steempeak,partiko,busy.

Thanks @filotasriza3 - I logged into steepeak & I like it, but when I want to copy the URL to my articles, which URL am I using?

The one for steempeak or the one for Steemit?

i have no idea i haven't tried steempeak yet :p they have a discord channel i think so you can ask them directly!

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι για να βρεις-διαβάσεις - ψηφίσεις ένα καλό άρθρο , πρέπει να αφιερώσεις Πολλές Ώρες !!! Αν δεν είσαι εργένης , δύσκολα τις εχεις διαθέσιμες !

καλα γενικα ειναι δυσκολο. σκεψου πιο παλια ανοιγα περιπου καθε μερα 30-40 παραθυρα κ διαβαζα-ψηφιζα. Εφευγε ολη μερα χωρις να κανω τπτ αλλο κ δν υπηρχε κ καμια μεγαλη διαφορα σε αποτελεσμα.

Αυτο π καταλαβα ειναι οτι τα ατομα π ακολουθω κ ψηφιζω τακτικα γνωριζουν οτι πλεον δν μπορω να καθομαι ολη μερα κ να διαβαζω τα ποστ τους, μια ματια γρηγορη σε ολα θα ριξω, που κ που κ κανα comment αλλα πιστευω θα δειξουν κατανοηση αφου η ψηφος μ ειναι σταθερη :P

Επισης ειναι αναλογα κ τα ποστ σε καποιες περιπτωσεις. Πχ αν ανεβασω φωτογραφια ενος τοπιου η ξερω γω κανα φαγητο,αμαξι κτλ δν εχω περιμενω να γραψει κανεις τπτ (ετσι κ κανω κ εγω αντιστοιχα), αλλα οταν καποια ποστ ειναι διαφορετικου τυπου π οντως χρειαζονται comment οπως πχ καποια ερωτηση,παραπονο,κατι π να σε βαζει σε σκεψεις κτλ κτλ θα γραψω comment

Δίκαιη αντιμετώπιση !

steemit does need to improve its interface. and it's not just the outside looks. minnows don't stand a chance when most of the pool is dominated by a few whales. there's zero incentive for anybody to curate 'quality posts' (not to mention 'quality' is a very subjective term to begin with). super-linear curve on curation rewards doesn't guarantee anything not even in theory because it's just easier and more effective to collude & circle jerk.

steem has a lot of potential (which is why i still continue to be active here), but does @ned have enough humility to step back and be a facilitator for a mainstream platform? (instead of trying to be the centerpiece of it all?)

i really wanna see if anything gonna change with the new hardfork. I think they try to catch up new things while the base structure (interface-older post reward system) still lack

Hi @filotasriza3, thank you for your participation in the "Exclusive Blogging Course Giveaway Contest".

@ 1) there are several interfaces, look at them and choose one who pleases you/you do like better. they are also not perfect but better is still better. I prefer steempeak.

ye i know like busy, steempeak etc etc but that steal doesn't quite solve the issue in a way. It's like the people behind steemit don't give a damn and they expect the community to do everything. Still in the following days i intend to use steempeak too!

This was a really nice article, you made quite a few good points!!!
Thanks @filotasriza3!

thanks a lot!

I don't have much of a problem with the Steemit interface. At least other than the useless trending tab and the poor search options. I do check out the new tab from time to time but I don't spend huge amounts of time there. Sure, the interface is fairly simple and not terribly feature rich but it isn't bad and there are several other steem interfaces out there besides steemit (busy, etc.). I think part of the issues you mention are about knowing how the steem community works. To really get upvotes and effectively curate you have to cultivate your own communities of interest. Follow, upvote but especially comment on content that interests you. Search out specific tags (again, a better search would be nice).

There are many curation and other community projects out there for specific subjects...gaming, art, photography, etc. Find one or preferably several that fit you interests and/or create your own. Random posts and upvotes in isolation won't get you as far in most cases. Other that more robust search options I'm not sure what could be done to change that by changing the user interface and I'm not sure that would change much.

i agree with what you said, the interface is not entirely bad but i think for our numbers it needs a little update. From the time that they decide to have a team behind the platform they can't really expect everything from the community (busy,steempeak etc etc).

Even if you join a curator team, it's a bit hard depending once again in the numbers to find posts. Usually they have a post promotion page were every 2-3-5 minutes you see a new post pop up and because all of these are in discord you have to keep on scrolling once again! What's helpful though is when they make some weekly posts that highlight some users!

Interaction is the key as always but you need a little bit of luck too i think and generally other factors take place. I know that cause i tried for a long time by doing per day over 25-35 comments and actually read each post (normally i had open 25-35 tabs each day). The outcome given the time i spent was not good, but at least i did it cause i liked it, now i just don't have the time to do the exact same thing

I'd recommend using Steempeak for interface purposes. It's a much better user interface experience than Steemit, and the search function is miles away more efficient and effective. It also allows you to hide resteems by an author so you can scroll through just their own posts.

yee i had seen somewhere steempeak and i heard great thing about it so this week or the next one i am gonna give it a try. The meaning behind my words though about the interface was that the people behind steemit and i mean ned and his team shouldn't expect the community to do everything. A nice update in the interface and in a couple of other things would be nice

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