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RE: 700+ Followers?! Thank You! [3 Tips to Steemit Success]

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey gal! Thanks for stopping by! Sometimes I do something weird to spice things up too! I haven't done anything cool in what seems like forever, what have you done to spice things up lately?

Things are going okay, they could be better, could be worse, but otherwise, good. Everyone is real well, I just did an update post the other day! Here's the link, you'll love it! Here's the link to chickens and gucks: chickens and ducks And here's one to the quail: quail Everyone is doing decently. Though I MIGHT have a sick chicken. Oye. I'm dealing. But it's frustrating. She's been inside with me today in the "sick ward".

The smoke is gone, I think! Hahah. We've had some rain and such. AND COLD WEATHER. Ugh.

How are you? What have you been up to?


Sometimes I get off into my experiments with photography and digital art. It's a slow time here at the homestead, just planted a fall garden, chickens have slowed down laying to 4 eggs a day. I think they have a bit of PTSD from going through hurricane Irma being cooped up for 2 days with crazy winds and torrential rain! It was miserable for us as well no power for a week which also meant no well water!
Sorry to hear about the sick chicken, what are her symptoms? Is it your bestie?🐓

Oh I hope you post about your photo and art experiments! I do more drawing and such in the winter when it's too cold to do anything else. I haven't really drawn digital in a long while.

My chickens have been super sporadic in laying also. I think due to the smoke blocking the sun. But now we don't have 14 hours of light per day, so I think it's going to slow considerably. But yesterday I did get 5 eggs!! That was a surprise from the 2-4 from the weeks prior. Haha.

She was just standing in the corner of the coop, like she was in a time out. So I brought her in, felt for maybe a stuck egg (no), and just gave her some probiotic/electrolyte water, food, and all that. It's one of my welsummers, so not bestie. Man, I would probably be so upset if it was bestie... I gave all the chickens probo/electrolyte water. Hopefully this one was just feeling under the weather for no real reason... I can't tell if she's eaten anything, cause she just knocked everything over, but she's drank. I'll probably put her back out tonight, maybe later today. We'll see. I think she's alright overall though, I hope!

I'm going to the feed store today so I may pick up some special goodies for boosting chickens or something, if they have them.

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