The Setup - An Alternate Take Part III (An Original Short Story)

in #steemit2 years ago

Just five minutes since they had left one of the hardest parties of their life, the laughter subsided and Gee already settled back his cold, harsh exterior. Jay could not help but question the distinct possibility of their humanity being shredded beyond any repair. Though that’s what life in the hood does to you, he thought. In this brutal realm of survival of the fittest, every breath you took was a blessing. And the respect your actions garnered from other members of Los Magra could be undone in the blink of an eye. Life was a continuous test and everybody had no choice but to play along.

Jay had counted a total of five street lamps they had passed by. The sixth was just up ahead outside Mr. Robinson’s convenience store. It was all he could concentrate on in an attempt to blot out the twisted ramblings of his long-time compadre and self-appointed protector. The sound of his name called out alerted his focus once more.

”Jay, you listening to me? I’m trying to advise you on life, son. Tell me if I’m wasting my breath and I’ll stop.” Though it would have been considered madness to accept that charitable exit clause offered up. He knew better than to shrug off Gee when he had entered this particular mode of lecturing about life's lessons. Going forward, his simple one-word answers were not going to cut it any longer.

”No, of course I’m listening, bro. Sorry, my mind was drifting.”

”Well, you back within Earth’s atmosphere yet?” He asked, arms flailing in the air like those tall inflatable tube men outside certain retail stores. His wild, energetic mannerisms gave off the appearance of a half crazed lunatic whilst he proceeded imparting his worldly wisdom to Jay. ”Coz I’m giving it to you straight right here, homie. You gotta step up to the mark or this existence you living ain’t gonna mean shit. You feel me?”

Jay moved his head to one side. ”Yeah, I hear ya. So what would you have done back there then?”

”Are you seriously asking me that?” Laughed Gee, shaking his head. ”Simone was passed out on that couch. Totally off her head. Legs spread. In fact, everyone was out of it so forget about getting caught. That was a hot dish served on a steaming plate right for the taking. You fucked up, you know that, right? Man, if that was me? I’d have been all up in her shit long time back. You only get a few chances like that in a lifetime and we ain’t getting any younger.”

As they approached the darkest part of the intersection, Jay produced a rolled-up smoke from the back pocket of his jeans and lit it. ”But you know the risks associated with that, right? AIDS and shit making the rounds. I mean, I don’t wanna be catching no disease in my prime, you feel me? If I’m going out, it’s gonna be with a bullet in…” Jay felt a soft draft of air as Gee ducked past him behind a large metal container to their left. In the next instant, a hand came up and yanked him down hard by the scruff of his jacket collar.

”What the…”

”Ssshhh, keep your voice down.” Gee whispered, trying to survey the area directly either side of them. ”I saw something up ahead but wasn’t too sure of what. Gimme a sec.” He moved over to the opposite side and peered out. ”I'm sure a guy popped out by the corner over there and ducked back under cover. And I swear he was wearing a POPO’s get-up.”

”What? You crazy?” Replied Jay. ”What the hell is one of them gonna be playing hide-and-go-seek out here in the middle of the night for?”

Gee then began shifting to the other side of the iron container, crouched and shuffling along the floor in short, quick steps. ”That’s what we about to find out, my good brother.” Jay watched as he observed the faint outline of his friend scanning the open area to his right, at the same time cloaked under the cover of darkness. ”Just as I thought. That uniformed pig has sniffed out two dumb-ass bitches over there. But what the hell are they doing? Maybe they just scored some blow and got tailed by the cops. I dunno. I’m telling you, some shit is gonna go down here.”

Jay shifted over to the other end of the container so both of them each had an independent vantage point to view the unfolding drama. Jay stared down the dim lit highway stretch, trying to make sense of what Gee was talking about. The convenience store together with it’s nearby street lamp offering the only sources of light in the otherwise bare vicinity. Jay could see no movement apart from a flashing neon sign outside saying “Mr. Robinson’s got everything you need… and then some.” It may have triggered after reading those bright coloured prophetic words or simply the striking glare of luminosity in front of him, but the seriousness of the situation hit him like a tonne of bricks. ”Oh shit, Gee. Those motherfuckers are robbing Mr. Robinson’s. You hearing me?” Jay looked back over his shoulder and once again saw the vague silhouette, hunched near to the ground.

”I know.” Gee mumbled across to him. ”And can’t you see what this means? It's like a gift from the heavens. You strapped?” Jay's expression was of total shock, not that Gee could have seen it anyway. ”What?” he asked softly, but with firm concern. ”You want us to get involved in this shit too? You said the POPO are right across the street staking those assholes out.”

”Exactly.” He cooed, cocking a firearm back with his hands kept close to the ground. ”Let the situation play out. If these guys get taken down by that pig, we move in and pop a cap in him. You know that old fuck Mr. Robinson is stashing a shitload of cash behind that bullshit counter he always sits at. This is an opportunity of a lifetime too good to miss, dropped right into our laps. It’s all setup for us. Just stay focused and keep your head down.”

Jay leant out a little further to focus on the street corner where the supposed cop was hiding. ”Man, what if he arrived with backup?" He muttered back. "Or worse still, the rest of the pigs are on their way here. Are you sure there's even one of them hiding over there?”. As soon as the words left his mouth, someone’s head poked out from the side of the street. Even in the gloom of the murky night, it was plain to see. A lawman's typical blue uniform shirt, even the low brow officer’s cap. There was no denying it now as Jay shoved himself back into the safety of the shadows. ”Fuck, man! I think he saw me!”

”Keep your voice down! What are you talking about?” Gee called out in a shouted whisper.

”You’re right, man.” Jay replied in a muffled panic. ”It’s the damn POPO! He was looking straight at those guys but glanced around for a second. He saw me, I swear it!”

”You’re losing it, man. Get your ass together. We'll deal with him if we gotta. Let me take a look.” Gee moved over next to him, now almost in a prone position, and peeked beyond the same side of the container whilst applying the utmost caution. He gasped in astonishment. “What is it?” Jay asked.

”Those guys across at Bridge Street.” He muttered back, still glaring into the night. ”They’re right outside the shop now. And you ain’t gonna believe this shit. It’s fucking Vince and Carl.”

Before Jay had a chance to respond, Gee spun around and dashed off back down the street before a loud gunshot echoed throughout on the other side of the container.. ”Oh my god, no. Not Vince, man.” Jay cried out, as he sunk down to the ground, clasping both hands upon his temples. Though the eerie silence that followed did not last long…

Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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