suddenly unable to gain new followers!?!

in #steemit6 years ago

For the past couple months, I've been gaining at least 10 new followers with each new post. I climbed steadily to over 500, and suddenly the growth completely ended!


Despite putting out quality videos, photos, and written articles on a variety of categories, twice per day, I'm only gaining about 1 new follower per day now.

This has been going on for weeks!

Is anyone else suddenly frozen, or nearly frozen? I realize numbers aren't everything, but we're all here partly for the Steem, and unless you know the right rich and generous people, a few hundred followers isn't going to cut it!

Besides, I'm also here to have my voice heard, and 527 (x2) isn't quite enough ears! And I don't think it's really even 527, since only about 15 accounts interact in any way with my posts!!



That's creepy...

There is a lot less activity in general it seems to me. I use GINA so I can see whenever someone follows or unfollows me, or upvotes me or comments. It used to be over 100 messages a day. The past couple weeks it may be a dozen or so. Discord itself is like a morgue compared to what it once was. There is a beep that goes off whenever anyone posts, and it used to just be constant, I could not take and and had to turn off my volume. Now it is mostly silent. I don't know what it means, summer slowdown? Low sentiment due to the bad crypto market? Or steemit losing steem...? Anyway, I have gained a couple followers this week, but not many.

Thank you for commenting, and for that info! Makes me feel like it could be a general slowdown. Summertime, perhaps. Low crypto market, yeah that should have some effect. Doesn't really explain the sudden dropoff. From a few posts getting me 30 followers, to a few posts getting me 1 follower. Comments and votes are down, too.
I hope it's temporary and Steemit gets moving again soon. Where's that "any day now" update, I wonder? I've been here almost a year and there haven't really been any improvements in that time. For cutting edge technology, things feel a bit stale at the moment.

I think the people that will come to Follow you will do so when they see UP Votes coming there way which usually comes from people with Big Steem Power Balances. I could be wrong......

So people stopped following me because I don't have enough SP? Hmmm.

It was just a thought I don't know for a fact.......I do know that you are engaging with your commenters and that is a plus

True, thank you for noticing :)
It's just weird that new followers were SO easy for weeks and weeks, and now I'm at 527 forever! I'd love to see a chart of my followers vs. time. Where's endlessmountain??

Perhaps change the odd tag to tap into a new or different audience may help. Going into the same tags over and over again may simply exhaust new followers that sign up.

I've been doing cannabis, marijuana, comedy, news, life, philosophy, and so on. No new followers, post after post after post.
It feels like "the algorithms" on Steemit have changed, but there supposedly aren't any algorithms, so I dunno.

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