The First Book of My Series- The Allies of Old- REBORN is ON AMAZON! Momentous Day! I LOVE YOU STEEMIT! (steemit collages inside!)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

This has been a long time in the making, and it's almost hard to believe that the day is finally here- Reborn, the first book of my paranormal series The Allies of Old is ON AMAZON!

I am immeasurably grateful to all of those who read it here on steemit; your support, encouragement and feedback played a large role in propelling me to this point :0)

A special thank you to my incredible friend @therealpaul who painted a masterful scene for the cover, who in fact plucked the very image of what I had always envisioned for the cover right out of my head and breathed glorious life into it-

Reborn cover by paul.jpg

-and to Scott, whom you all have known as @son-of-satire, for turning the magnificent painting into this incredible book cover that is now beautifying Amazon-


Here is the back of the book blurb, which was agonizing for me to write (summarizing is not my strong suit):

reborn blurb.jpg

This has been an incredible journey so far for me, in both the real world and the fictional one. The book began as an idea for a young adult novel, in fact I have what amounts to a novella of the original story which takes place the summer before the book begins (though there are some identical scenes in it that I had moved over into the beginning of Reborn, sans chapter one) which I have decided I'm going to release here on steemit.

(For those of you who have already read the first novel it will be a deeper look into the main female characters outside of Anna with a fun little side adventure.)

All in all this has been a banner year for my bucket list. I have now checked off its top two items of "Publish a novel" and "Road trip to California", both of which I've had on that list for a very, very long time.

And I've just realized something as I'm writing this- I was stuck for quite some time, feeling distinctly uninspired, a lack of enthusiasm for the future... I kept blaming it on the heat, and while that never helps I knew it wasn't all of it. I thought perhaps that it had to do with not being ready to come home from that glorious trip, but now I see something else. I needed the milestone of getting a book published. I didn't just want it to happen, I needed it to. I was standing still- not moving backward granted, but not able to move forward, and this was the reason.

Suddenly, I have all kinds of ideas, I wake up itching to write, to plot, and to go do life to the max!

I am eternally grateful to Steemit which has been a force, like one of nature's elements, in my life; giving me purpose, propelling me forward, like the wind hitting the sails of a boat that had been stuck in a harbor and pushing it out to sea.

It is relatively quiet around here lately, and that's okay, sometimes it's nice when the water is calm and you just float around in lazy circles.

Especially when you have amazing people floating around with you ;0)

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My heart is stretched to bursting with the amount of people who fill it- So Blessed!

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A special shout out to my amazeballs friend @meesterboom who was among the first (may have actually been the first) to order the paperback version and send me a pic! Dude, you rock!!

meester reborn.jpg

Buy Your copy of Reborn HERE:

I'm not generally one to ask for Resteems, but for this post- if you feel so inclined- I would appreciate it immensely!

Thank you my steemit peeps, so much love for you!!

COVER REBORN BOOK (1)-page-001 (1).jpg


YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! You did it!!! One more beautiful top notch expression from @dreemit. Look at all those fans in your corner--and I'm sure that is just the beginning. I'm truly grateful to witness you in such great expansion, and at the same time providing something for the enjoyment of others.

@therealpaul's art is also super potent. What a miracle you have come together. Kuddos to the entire manifestation of this dream.

Behind you dear sister--full upvote and resteem. Blessed yes!!

Ahh, this is why I was very much hoping to see you here, I knew you would mirror my excitement and enthusiasm! Being overjoyed by the good fortune of others is a gift you effortlessly give @everlove :)

Meeting @therealpaul was a serendipitous blessing for me! As it was meeting you lovely lady!

Thank you so much! xxoo

Serendipity is blessing us all. And now your outreach will make it even more potent! So grateful to shine the light on you @dreemit. <3

Wow, what a journey.

I remember those days so well when you filled notebook after notebook with ideas for this story. I remember you tapping on keys into the night to get the story hammered out. I remember you agonizing over rewrites.

I remember the day you said- "I am finally finished. I've written my book". A victory.

Then, you posted the first chapter on Steemit. People came. They began to reward you for all of that work. It was not just your husband or your brother telling you that you are great...strangers were now telling you that. A victory.

And here we are. You are now a published novelist. Victory again.

I remember when I asked you all those years ago- who are you? You answered without hesitation- I am a writer! And so you are.

I do not have the words to describe how proud of you I am. You made it! May you have many more victories, many more stories. Your fans, of which I am your biggest, can hardly wait.


I couldn't have done any of this without you. In the story of my life, you are the hero, and what a story we are writing together! No words can ever adequately capture my love for you, my muse, my soul mate, my heart. I know you will never stop pushing me to make all of my dreams come true- and since the biggest of these is you, I am well on my way :)

I have the micro-printed first edition, I'm proud to say. Congratulations again, and thanks for the opportunity to spread my artwork all over creation through this awesome book!

Soon we will be working together on the next piece of your brilliant artwork to spread far and wide- how lucky are we to have found each other immediately in the steemit sea!

I do feel lucky-- not sure I could have kept paddling without your help! I am ever thankful.

Aw, me and the little boom right up there!!

It's a fabby thing. And its amazing now that you are abuzz with ideas, I love that feeling!

You did good sister!

I debated on which picture to use, but I just couldn't help myself, that one- MELT!

I know! That feeling is what I live for!

Thank you sexy, I mean brother- okay that's weird now. Haha!

Sexy brother.. gaaar!!

Hehe, it is a good one. I quite love it myself!!!

Congratulations @dreemit !

That's a huge accomplishment and must feel SO GOOD!

Thank you so much @canadian-coconut! I can't thank you enough in fact, your support on my steemit journey has been tremendous! I am so blessed that I can call you my friend Linda!!

So much wonderful news!
Maybe even more awesome than publishing your novel is your new found a inspiration and enthusiasm!
Many blessings on the inspired path.

Thank you so much! It's a milestone that was definitely needed, it's awesome that inspiration and enthusiasm is the result for sure!

How have you been?



And very flattered/Honored to see myself in your picture montage.

Thank YOUUU, haha! You made a beautiful addition to my montage, colorful too- I think your hair matches one of the shades on my book! (Love it!)


I just ordered my paperback copy. I'll be shipping that to you for an autograph. XOXOX Congratulations!
Time for a victory dance :D

Only you would have the perfect Gif for this! Love it!

Awesome! Oh the fun things I will scribble inside for you! ;)

Congratulations, dear @dreemit, on this achievement! Evocative cover art by @therealpaul & it's gracious of you to acknowledge all who are part of your book's journey. Wishing you continued success, my friend, on Steemit and off. Onwards, upwards! <3

Thank you @yahialababidi, your words, and you yourself mean so very much to me- such a beautiful soul you have!

I would not be where I am if not for all of those who have been apart of the book's journey! Thank you again, and I wish you the same my illustrious poet!

I'm launching my latest book as we speak, also recently available on Amazon, so I know how you feel and deeply appreciate how books are not possible without the support of so many others in so many ways...

Stay blessed _/|\_


That's fantastic! Make sure you let me know when you post about it!

Beautiful artwork! :)

Well, I've posted about it more than once, but here's author page if you wish to take a peek (hardcover edition of Where Epics Fail is available from my publisher & paperback can be pre-ordered on Amazon) Sweet dreams :)

Yes, I know, sorry I meant when you put up the post of its release, definitely want to resteem that for you!

Sleep tight :)

Hello, again, @dreemit :)

Here is today's post with information of my new book's release (out, now, in hardcover & as an ecopy).

Many thanks, for your support & happy weekend round the bend!



okay so the muted human version of this was me physically going SQUEE and bouncing up and down in my seat but it wasn't enough so I had to bash out excited goat real quick XD

Congratulations on publishing :D I hope you sell at least a hundred million books! And also yay for knocking off two HUGE things from your bucket list :O Feel accomplished!

Excited goat rocks! Not quite as hard as the visual of you going SQUEE and bouncing up and down, but still hard!

Thank you, and I hope what you hope happens- though I'm content to wait until I've put out a few more, haha!

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