My One Year Anniversary- A steemit Journey in Collages

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Can you find yourself? I tried to represent every one of the amazing people I've met on this journey...

...which began exactly one year ago today; a journey that would change the course of my life forever.


That statement may sound dramatic to some, though I think most who have been on this platform for some time know exactly what I mean. There is no place like it in cyberspace, nothing that even comes close to comparing.

When I think back to those first couple of months, or 'the honeymoon' period, I'm overwhelmed by memories of a whole new world that had opened up to me. Admittedly much of that time I spent with rose-colored glasses on, noticing only the best of what this platform had to offer...which was pure magic.


I remember the first day with the vividness that is reserved for only the most special times in life. The first time I rode a bike without training wheels, the first time I drove a car by myself, my first big crush, my first kiss, the first time I laid eyes on the love of my life and the day I married him, seeing my babies for the first time. The first book I ever finished...which is what ultimately led me here.

I found myself lost in a brave new world, of art and fiction, travel and music. From the serious to the hilarious, the beautiful to the eccentric. Contests and movies, controversial and conservative, philosophical
and alternative, crypto and sports. Poetry and photography, nutrition and food... and of course, all things steemit.


From the US to Australia there were people from all points on the globe and all walks of life with every interest imaginable on display.

My husband says "In the end it's about the people you loved and the places you saw". Steemit has contributed to both of these immeasurably, and I'm certain it will continue to. What an incredible journey it has been, and I look forward to many more anniversaries just like this one.

Please enjoy the Steemit Song by the awesome @verbal-d

And his new bitcoin song!

My sincerest apologies if I missed anyone, I love you all!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

Have you filled your witness votes?
Check out these passionate and competent souls: @teamsteem, @steemgigs, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @roelandp and @dragosroua; then go to
If you don't see their name, simply write it in the empty box at the bottom of the page.

To better understand what a witness does read @dragosroua's post Witnesses: What they are and why you should care


Heya awesome @dreemit! Beautifully presented article and very touching. Happy anniversary to you and your husband. And you are spot on. The journey of Steemit so far has been mind blowing to say the least. But your progression in this short period of my has been exceptional. Because of your incredible talents as a writer, your beautiful character and the joy you spread to others. It's hard to think of anyone more heartwarming than you, @dreemit.

My very best to you and the family and here's to loads more thundering success in the upcoming year. All the best and thank you for my inclusion in your sweet collages... :)

It's very fitting and thoughtful that you included my husband in this, though he has personally written only a few guest posts, he was the one to find this place for me, to encourage me to try it and keep going every step of the way.
I'm so grateful to have found you so early on, it seems that every connection I've made here has been a beacon of light and you are definitely one of the brightest among them! Your talent drew me in, but your true and awesome spirit is what kept me returning and always will @ezzy.

I return the sentiment tenfold, and these collages would not be complete without you :)

Steemit changed my life too as I am sure it has for many. What a truly amazing possibility we are a part of!

So glad to have met you here and hope to get to know you more as we interact in the most awesome internet space online!

Really cute collages BTW and glad to see my self and many others there with you in the life changing glorious highlights of the year!


Yes it is! And I have no doubt we will get to know one another more, I have already started a travel fund for next spring/early summer and your paradise is on my list!


I am working on a sustainable project in Costa Rica and Portugal now too!

Look forward to the greatness in store for our future!

Full Steem Ahead~*~

Happy EVERything to you dearest @dreemit!!! What a fabulous post, sharing how moved you've been by Steemit and all the people who love you here. So grateful to know you and to have shared such great moments already. Thanks for being you, for including a piece of me in your world, and for engaging this potent experience with us all. Infinite hugs sent your way!

Ah, thank you my darling! I look forward to the day that I can hug you in person, until then I'm just glad to have you near in this cool slice of cyber space :)

Hugs awaiting in abundance~~~~oh yes!!! May we be so blessed!

Top notch!!! I am so glad that Uncle Boom found a way in there hehe.

It has been a wild and crazy ride hasnt it. Nothing else like it in my life so far!

Hahaha yes I saw that unmistakable noggin all over those collages. Glad you made it in there too, multiple times actually hahaha as it brings a smile to this noggin on my shoulders ;-)>

Many boom facets made it in there haha!! It certainly has been wild, super grateful for it- for you me boom :)

I am super grateful to have met you on here my little weemy! Although derided by a lot of folk on the platform for the social aspect it has been the most social platform I have ever been on :O)

Oh that is most definitely a mutual feeling me boomy! lol! Screw the derisive social haters, it's my favorite part of the platform by far!

I love screwing them!!! I mean, figuratively. Well dependingly figuratively. You get me!

I'm glad that you had such an amazing year here.
Those collages are pretty cool!

You support the success of so many great Steemians and really help make this community one of quality and integrity. Thanks for that.


thanks @quinneaker !

Thank you!

Thank you!
It's all about the people I've met, lovely wonderful people like yourself :)
It was a bit of work, but also fun to do!

Wow... that's undoubtedly the best tribute/milestone post I've seen since I've been here. The greatest-- and most unexpected-- thing about Steemit continues to be the community.

Congrats on reaching this milestone!

I definitely miss the community. My husband and I just had a discussion about making friends. He's found a good core group of guys from work. For me... Well, I have Steemit and one of these days I'm going to make it to some of these meetups and get proper hugs.

Funny how life works... you just popped into my feed about 30 seconds after I was singing your praises for the "Community Engagement Challenge" on one of @clayboyn's posts.

Hope you've been well! Did you NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo... I got as far as 3000 words and then moving happened.
I still have intentions of doing another CEC soon. Now that I'm in my new place and have a lovely creative space, I can get my head space back in order. XOXOX

That is what I call synchronicity :)

What a nice thing to say, thank you! You are absolutely right about that!

You're welcome! Well deserved.

Oh, and I finally got started on that B&W photo challenge! Better late than never...

Nice! I will definitely check them out- probably tomorrow, I'll be back into the swing of curating after a hectic holiday week/getting out winter business moving :)

Congratulations for the year, really inspiring to see people succeding in this platform
Keep up the good work

Yep, I knew I was at the right place when you showed up here and brightened things up! Thank you for making this last year a great one with your presence and friendship here, and for sharing your artful words and stories with us. I really do feel special to be included on the collage!

You know, I have no idea what my impressions would be without you. You were my first comment, the first person I ever spoke to. You set the scene for me, which is a huge part of what started this out as such a magical place. The honor is all mine Paul, I have so much love for you :)

I guess this means I have been here even longer than a year. Doesn't really feel like it. It is great to have had you here and you have done well to get to where you are so quickly.

I'll have to pull my finger out my arse and start catching back up.

It's weird, on one hand it did go by fast, but on the other my friendships here became deep really quickly making it feel like I've known certain people for a lot longer than one year.

What we really need is for them to incentivize curation--for people who just want to be an audience instead of what we have now which is everyone being a content creator. Which puts us in the position of having to be both. If they did that, brought in a large audience, I'm pretty sure you'd kick my arse since a lot of what I post is pretty specialized.

Already!? I knew it was soon but I didn't know it would be this soon. I thought it was on December. Turns out I'm way more bad at dates than I thought I was. You've had such a banner year here, and I don't know of anyone else who had the same meteoric rise you did. And, you did it with not a lot of hype or fanfare, just some good old-fashioned social elbow grease. You really worked hard to get to where you are, and I'm honored to have been a part of your journey, no matter how small of a part. I'm proud of you, sis! :D

Woohoo! Glad to see A Day in the Clouds, SILVER LINING and Traffic Koans make the collage. I'm also happy that the Boom Rating made it there as well hahaha!

Small part, hahaha, I think I went out of my way to make sure you knew that you are one of the biggest parts in my journey my brother from another. Did you also see the picture of you and your beautiful girl? What would my journey be like without you in it? I can't even imagine, you are a lifelong friend for me now! ;)

OH!!!!! I DIDN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE THAT PHOTO!! SILLY ME!! I enumerated everything I saw and I didn't even saw the one with @randomli in it hahaha! Thank you for including that! I didn't remember even putting it on here haha! I just replied in a different comment that I thought the "Thank You" photo from my birthday post or the leprechaun one would make it, but I didn't expect the one with the half heart/half thumbs up one! Hahaha! Sneaky sneaky! I feel the same way about you! :D

Ha! I can't believe I slipped that one by you-I even put it in the center right next to my own icon hahaha! I considered several including the leprechaun one but that one was just too cute to pass up and I definitely wanted @randomli with you ;)

Haha! I feel so ashamed!! I saw everything around it, I just didn't recognize the photo hahaha! I thought it was someone else!!

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