Oh the hard fork...

in #steemit7 years ago

AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Should everyone be so worried? Well yes! Forks can hurt a lot when used correctly to inflict pain... Forks can also make a person really holy.

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Is this hard fork going to be the end of the world? Well everyone around me is so scared, I say crazy people. But quite literally every person I have spoken to about this lovely hardfork has a sense of fear around them.

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I, on the other hand, am really interested to see what this will bring to the community. For many months, well actually since I started on steemit, I have been trying to help the "minnows" get some light and value on their amazing posts. I have had many projects as you are well aware of "The daily pick of hidden gems" being the most successful one of all.

I am hopeful that this will be the end of the minnow struggle on steemit, or at least the beginning of the end. Recently I have added many minnows to the sea, but I really feel sad as that lovely swarm of posts, in steemit's "new" category, is starting to develop and infest once again.

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These poor souls are getting very little votes, even from other minnows. It could be that minnows don't feel like voting, or the spam is hiding posts after 30 minutes.

Whatever the case might be I am hoping that it will help out these minnows and distribute the value a whole lot better in this ever growing and loving community.

I will be posting this up within this new hardfork in the hopes of seeing exactly what it is all about. My advice to all those viewing this: I have lived through last years 4th of July and thus I have gone through all the hardforks that have followed. Consistency, as well as staying positive, will be your best friends at this time. The last hardfork we went through was rough, but all those who still posted through that time will tell you it was worth it.

Stick with us and keep on steeming.

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Now onward to the hardfork with arms, my fellow men. I will be with you no matter what.

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Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I like your writing style! Thought you might enjoy my most recent comedic post. Trying to put funny and thoughtful content out there. Check it out HERE if you're interested.


Thank you for sharing, following you

I still don't understand what is going on ? Please explain in simple words.

Steem has got an update. Now people with less voting power have more impact on the reward distribution. And rewards are distributed more evenly in general.

Thanks for explaining. I was lost after reading this post.

I'm following both of you! Love your blogs.

Here is my latest one about the 3 essentials for success if either of you are interested :)

buenos posts publica !

What is going on with the HF? The power of my votes is way higher than I thought. Is this right?!

Yes it is right, but remember that your votes use a lot more power now.

It was only supposed to be 4x. I was never this big a whale!

Well remember that there is a part of the reward pool that was never getting paid out and now I think the whole pool is getting paid out.

That could be it, lets see...

Dont worry. I gotcha. You can count on me and my 2 cents

and mine too :) you are invited to my steemit to read

Remember that the vote weight of a whale is not equal to the vote of a minnow, meaning when having 100M SP that is worth 1000 times more than someone who has 1K SP. Before the HF this was 100Mˆ2 versus 1Kˆ2. That is a REALLY big change now, meaning the BIG SP holders votes are worth much less than before, and what they do not have anymore is in the hands of the smaller SP holders.

Do you have a link for that info? Interesting.

From one of your valued witnesses @timcliff




But I assure you, the square root over linear, that is a fact and that is major. In small number it is something like this:

  • A: 10 SP holder
  • B: 100 SP holder

Before the value

  • A: 10* 10 = 100
  • B: 100 * 100 = 10.000


  • A: 10
  • B: 100

Before the ratio between B and A was 100 and after only 10.

Do this for the bigger numbers and you noticed that the top of the SP pyramid was taking almost all the Steem distributed every day. That is why the whale no vote gave us an substantial jump in vote reward. I have the feel that last month or so more and more whales started to vote again and using up their votes every day. Anyway, that experiment is now ended. Lets see what that will do coming days/weeks.

Thanks for the details! Helps :)

Hi - having been here less than a week, I barely understand voting frequency and which votes carry more weight.

I do understand the ratio above, though, so thank you!

Cool! :)

Now I can just write a comment and give money to myself. WTF???

That is not a smart idea. Remember giving others will help you grow a following and that is more worth it than upvoting yourself

Thank you, I'm new here.

Just for today I am liking every comment I write and respond too until I get to 0% voting power. Enjoy :D

I see the power regenerates at 20% a day if you drain to 0%. 5 days to get back up!!

How can you check your current voting power and if it's been depleted for the day?

Check here but change my name for yours: https://steemd.com/@btcmillionaire

Thanks! Mine says 61% right now. What does that mean? Does it reset every day?

Every 24 hours yeah.

This hard fork has really gotten to the neck some of us and others who were able to manage well aren't enjoying much. But it's normal and human a brother to feel okay when his brother gains a little bit more. @dragonslayer, its all good, let's keep moving on. That's all what life entails.

Wow those are some really great thoughtful words. I really think minnows are going to gain more now as people are able to give more and those who have huge bot followings and who make a lot have sadly decreased. But to level things out I guess that had to happen.

I don't think those who have bot followers are missing out. I think those who have a few or more high SP holders voting for their posts did see a decrease in payout. I've seen on my posts a dramatic increase in value, one or two had a vote train of at least 200 votes; But all those votes were from minnows, most of them at least.

Well I think the minnows are really going to love it here on steemit now as they can add some value. I am glad you mentioned this :)

yes as i am a minnow I enjoy watching myself add three cents when i vote

Indeed I think the minnows will love this, and that is by far the majority of the users, maybe even something like 99,9%? So this is super good for the platform! :)

Yes there are millions of them and very few dolphins and whales, so this is really good as now more people hold the power for adding value

And not only adding the value, but also rewards for many minnows on their posts and comments will increase. Realise that most minnows get votes from minnows but rarely from dolphins or whales. I always refer it as we have a SP pyramid with the highest SP holders at the top and the lowest at the bottom and what I think happens is that SP holders follow and vote for other SP holders at their level and higher in the pyramid. I have no figures, didn't do any analyses. But I think from what I saw today with my own post and prospect rewards, and knowing that most to all of my voters are far below 100k SP holders, the effect being very positive. At least how it looks today. In the end, for whatever reason we are here at Steemit, rewards counts as well to stay engaged; in the past many minnows got fed up with the enormous imbalance in reward distribution so they left the platform and stopped being active. Only recently we saw an enormous amount of new users who seem to be still active, but I think that had to do with the high Steem value, that also increased rewards.

Time will tell how this all will play out. Looking forward to it though :)

It will be very interesting to find out what will be happening as the larger whales vote again and as all the posts start to equal out in value. The future will be really interesting :)

Wow .. good picture that you show in this steemit, I'm sure many people love and vote this photo, plus more background photos, very interesting photo frames, really amazing, the picture quality is very okay, how do you think @ fataelrumy

I don't get how these kind of replies should be rewarded. Same exact reply to another post and he gets dollars. This is a meritocratic system guys, your vote is precious. Spend it well!

I can meritokratik meaning of google .. i can new knowledge
Meritocracy is an award / payment / reward given to workers / employees tailored to the expertise / position or achievement. In a special sense meritocracy is often used against bureaucracy laden with corruption, especially on the aspect of nepotism.

Well there is only a 10 vote at max power so I think that those who vote for themselves will loose out because they are not sharing with others. And yes voting is very precious now.

Some may lose out in the short-term, but longer-term I think many will adjust power sliders down so that they can continue to vote at higher frequencies.

The hard for is getting great praise from the community.. really makes minnows have a say which will encourage new users to join, to stay and help the conversation keep going which is the end goal. These are great times!

Guys I really never expected this! Everything just jumped up and litteraly power vote exploded.
Hope that this is gonna help new users with short and almost none visibility.

I am sure even if posts are drowned out by the spam they will still have some reward on them


I am completely crazyyyyyyy GOSH. I should go back to work but I am so addicted and I am scared that once I will come back on the laptop this dream will explode like a soap bubble

hahahaa it really does feel like a dream my man and like my breath is taken away. my mind is blown just with the value increase. it will be surprising what this payout will become.

just wait 3h... I got a post with a payout pending... I will tell you more :D

ps: the chat doesn't work for me... that's why I didn't reply. I can see your msg but I can't read it

Ah ok that explains. Mmm I would love to know what happens there.

ONE thing is sure... I am so happy :D

Same here and everyone else is also happy who never got much for their posts

yep the only thing is that now... everyone is writing thousands of posts... and my voting power is dropping down significantly

I would suggest removing some or changing the % at which you voting them. Do this fast before your power is gone

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW YOUR UPVOTE is 38$?????? :O Mine is over 1 $ WOW

I'm ecstatic!!! All my payouts have increased a lot!!!🤗🤗🤗

Same with mine and I really can't believe it.

I'm on a high 😂

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