Small Fish Want To Grow in The Ocean Of Whales

in #steemit6 years ago

People heard the story of big money and dreams, they opened an account on Steemit and started writing their first bestseller .... they eventually saw a big sum of 0 cents !!! At the beginning I had the same result on almost every post, now I am proud of my perseverance that paid off. People are ready to do everything for money, we have a lot of false profiles, attempts to deceive and cash money, but that's all part of the great ignorance. There are safe steps that lead us to the top, but this does not happen overnight, which requires high-quality work every day.If you want to earn from $ 300 to $ 500 in the first month then Steemit is the right place for you. The most important thing is to understand that there are no tricks here, there are rules and how to achieve success. If you want to get support for all the details of the project then the best place for this is the Steem Schools Discord Channel .

Steemit is a business network that has three different user groups (investors, bloggers, users with no blogging skills), we need to understand the different angles of looking at things to become successful in this project. Investors have invested a lot of money and they want to earn as well as users who do not have money in their pocket, they also know that with the development of Steemit, Steem value grows as users bring new users and investors. They want to support leaders who bring new people, those who help others make quality posts and comments, we do this every day at the Steem Schools, which has over 3500 users at this time - Be part of our business school . I have many users who need money for basic things (food, clothes, medicine) and they give their maximum to make money. It is our duty to teach new users to make great comments, bestseller posts and make friends in the right way. Every day we give awards for the best post from the Steem Schools Ultimate Challenge, today I was thrilled by a young man aged 16, who has a story of an Oscar with emotions of truth and a great vision for Steemit. You can see all the details about Steem Schools Ultimate Challenge at


It is important that we are committed to our goals, to make a plan and to work every day. When we are alone without support, it is very difficult to have the right result. New users in the mail make a large number of posts and this is a mistake. When you make a large number of posts it's ok, but nobody knows who you are, new users are looking for people with high voting power because they want to make money. Your best chance to succeed is to be a professional commentator, which means that you give as many quality comments as you can. Do not make small comments or copy-paste comments ( Thanks for sharing, Nice Photos, Awesome post, please help me etc. ) it belongs to the category of spam. Read the whole post, try to see the reasons why that person writes that type of posts, then do your best to make a creative comment that will attract attention to be rewarded. Write down any comments until you get support from that blogger on your post, You have great competition and therefore try to be the best of all. Be honest and make friends because one day you will be in a company of whales.

You have an inspiration to make big money, Steemit is the right place for you because now is the best time to start with your career. Now the value of one Steem is about $ 2, as the number of users increases to Steemit, its value will grow to $ 100 and much more. If you make this year only 3000 Steem, that means you have $ 300,000, and that's a big sum of money for all the people on this planet. The best thing is to invest money because this is the best moment, I know when the value was $ 8, the price will return and be even higher in the next 100 days. Now we have about 900 000 users, imagine the value of Steem when there are 100 million users, which means the price will jump to the height of the cloud.
Steem is the best crypt of the speed of blockchain technology, Steemit is a young project that is developing and I believe there will be many more changes that will put us on the throne of all crypts. What is very important is proper education and work, so the Steem Schools project is there to support you on the road to success. Our doors are open to all small fish, sharks to whales - we all have great interes to grow together to the top of the cryptocurrency world.

See you on the Steem Schools discord channel :
We Win Together @dobartim


Thank you for founding the steem school! Without your effort, we minnows can’t go anywhere, but with the steemit school, we felt supported 100%. It’s a detailed, step by step understanding how to be a successful steemian! Thanks for your support, @dobartim and flysky! God bless you always!

Thank you for your nice words

estoy aqu en steem schools es algo complicado para nosotros los habla español pero me gusta mucho que aqui hay bilingues que te ayudan amablemente a entender lo que dicen y te sientes en familia lo mejor es que todos te tratan bien y no hay imparcialidad realmente felicito a @dobartim y a @juanmallorca por ese apoyo y ese amor demostrado a esta plataforma y me llena de alegria e incluso hasta de emocion la gran ayuda que e recibido en steemit.

Hola, please writte on English

He is saying that is very nice to have Spanish people talking like @juanmalloca otherwise would be complicated and thanks us for the help

Thank you very much

This is so true, i believe this is something everyone have struggled with.
And you do keep on saying that prize of steemit is going to be $100 that will be huge.
You really say every word so wisely, and that is really impressive.
We only win together.

We win only together

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

I find this post very interesting already. I just joined Steemit a couple of days ago and to be honest, I have a lot I would share but for now, since I am still a beginner, I resolved to just sit back and observe what people are doing and I have learnt a lot, and still learning. To be frank, I have no intentions of posting yet for some more time, save for a few comments or so. I do not rush into things I know little or nothing about. This post has really added to what I have learnt today though I haven't tried the school yet (don't know if I will anyway) because of the comments from @toresto about spamming, and I don't like the idea of using bots. I just can't split the word "spam" from "bots". I feel their main duty is to inconvenience people. But thanks anyway. I appreciate your post.

What you're doing is great actually and I wish more people who join this platform are willing to do the same - do a lot of research and learn! A lot of people come here and expect to make lots of money on every post they make. It takes a lot of time and effort to get noticed here and make good connections.
After 13 months here I can say that I even made some true, honest friends from all over the world that I stay in touch on daily basis (outside Steemit) and I still have posts that get less than 1$ payout. :)
And yes, there are people in Steem Schools who do that "follow me, upvote me" thing but one of the things we try to teach them that's NOT the right way to interact with other users, because it won't get them anywhere.

Thank you Nikolina

@radarklaw I tried it one or two week ago maybe things changed this is purely my experience, and opinion
I just think that most of the guides here are not that honest(not talking about the steemit school)
a lot of people talking how they made 500 from one post, some mention that they did invest some are not.

I just got a feeling that everyone here is chasing after money and not for good content.

and this creates a situation where good content creators are crashed.

I just think if you creating good content people will follow you because of this and when you have a good audience the money will come by it self

You are right. I observed this too, almost everyone is after money. When I came onboard I expected to socialize, get connected, share ideas, and then money comes after all, but unfortunately, the majority don't care about whatever, it's money all the way from hellos to goodbyes. I only try as much as I can to stick to my interests and try as much as possible to satisfy myself with what I find. It's nice meeting you here @toresto

Steemit is not a sprint my friend but it's a marathon.
Don't give up too fast, learn each day, explore and discover lots more things

I have no intentions of giving up any time soon. That is why I am taking my time. I know that soon I will be advising beginners just the way you are trying to do here. I'm only wondering, if #steemit had life, it would definitely die from the pressures people mount on it on a daily. I mean if not for my mindset, I would say 'in just a couple of days I've been here, I need air already' ;-)

you too @radarklaw I so glad I am not the only who think that people of steemit forgot what this all about and they only focus on the money

Welcome to Steem Schools and learn about quality comments, posting ...

This is wrong, make marketing with a lot of comments - this is first step if you want to see rewards on your own posts,

This is a spam way of commenting, learn about profesional level of communication on Steem Schools.

one thing i can say for steem schools is that they try to teach people how to write good comments. now if you learn how to write a good comment but you do it professionally it could be one type of spam, quality spam :) but on the other hand if you learn to make quality comments and you do that for posts that you are in to then that is ok.
i joined steem schools discord group a week ago, listened to some live classes, followed some work, i am not active, some things that they do i support, some are not my cup of tea, and that is normal. i still don't want to look on steemit as a business, because i have my "regular work" and this is fun for me, but then i have to lover my expectations.
The money problem is in one part because everyone is promoting steemit as a platform on which (i always miss spell this as witch :) ) you can earn money, and most of the people go to steemit with that idea in their heads. i am not sure who said this to me but "you must look on whales like on the children of the rich parents, they will always have money with little effort :), so you must not let that frustrate you.

Only bloggers with knowledge have a power with real knowledge, keep going.

Thank you Nikolina

The most users are not patient and looking for fast easy money without understanding the concept. They dont even take time to do some research about what they should do and should avoid here. They dont see themselves with the whales in the future, because they plan to cash out some money and leave. Unfortunately thats the reality of many users here :(

Be positive and never give up.

instead of cashing out everything one should increase their steem power 50% of what they earn at least . going 100% increasing steem power is also advisable . when your account is a plant just provide more nutrients and supplements once it becomes tree it will give you fruits :)

See you on the top

You are a good teacher to us @dobartim. After i listened to your class, i searched for big whales to make quality comment on their posts. I made comment on a post of a whale 3 days back and he replied to my comment.u know, finally i got UPVOTE from him to my comment and daily i am upvoting&making comment on all his posts, he is replying to my comments.Wow what you said are just happening here. Now "I AM HUNTING FOR BIG WHALES".
In this post, after reading it I didnt understand one point that is- How the price of STEEM increases simultaneously with increase in users?
Does price of Steem depends on users?

New users - new investors - value of Steem is growing

Thanks @dobartim. I've joined the steemit live school and learnt many things. Yes it would be better to know and learn jointly win together by learning together in steemit school!

You are right sir

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