When they ask how to be successful, what do you say?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


When they ask the right questions.

I recently had a discussion on the PALnet Discord server with a new member who was also fairly new to Steemit. He asked me a really common question I get asked all the time.

This time though, @ced000 put it into a different set of words, and it intrigued me. I answered him as best I could and I wanted to share it with everyone.


If you were to join steemit all over again, with all the knowledge you have now, how would you go about it...step by step? What are the steps to become a successful steemian?

My reply:

I would settle in for the long haul. It's going to take time.
Then I would decide on a subject or 2 that I am going to post on often.
Then I find people who also post about that type of thing, and read their posts, see what works and what doesn't.
On the really good posts, I would comment with valuable feedback, really show that I read it.
This gets you seen by people and starts to build a following.
While doing that, I would start posting my best content, and always try and improve it.
Then keep doing that for months, not worrying about rewards or how much each post get's seen.

Eventually, you have a real following, people that read and upvote, not just 'follow' you.

There can be more said about trying to find and network with larger accounts who can really increase your rewards. I have several people on Steemit I work with, and who enjoy my contributions to the community who help my posts to reach larger reward numbers. However, hunting for this without having the foundation of a good account and following won't really net you as much in the long run.

Check out @ced000 and their recent post about this same subject.

What do you think? What is the advice you would give a brand new user to help them be successful long term here?



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Great post! Success really is a habit.

spot on! I always recommend, the newer you are, the more you network~ because your followers are your auditorium. Don't stand on stage and sing the concerto of your life to empty seats.

Yes that is true, it applies to most things that i want to do. It has to reach the right people or not sometimes it might not get heard.

Great advice. I would probably add that they should find minnow support programs. I floundered until I got plugged in to a couple.

Definitely, though I am a bit biased being in the leadership of the largest minnow support community here. It helped me to get where I am, as I joined on day 2 of my time on Steemit.

It took me longer to find. But I appreciate what you do. I still haven’t “arrived” but the support groups kept me from getting discouraged.

I am not sure you can ever really 'arrive' with Steemit, but there is always a point at which you think you have made it anyways. What would you use as a metric for having 'arrived' ?

I think it may be a matter of perspective. The goal line may move. But I would say when you have that regular cadre of readers you mention. When you are able to consistently get 50 views per post would be a solid benchmark. Mine are sporadic.

I want so desperately to get to the point that I get a vote slider :P In the meantime getting to a 1 cent upvote was very rewarding.

This is succinct and right on point.
It takes time, effort, engagement and refinement. And have some fun with it too for crissake ;)

Great advice!

The whole thing is for naught without the fun.

The "fairly new user" is very grateful for your advice....thanks again man😊

You are welcome. Honestly, I don't think you will have an issues growing on this platform.

Good advice @discordiant, I think for me at the moment is trying to find similar content or initiatives that push what i like, which is music, arts etc. I think my advice would also to be persistent with your content and have a solid plan on what you want to present. Tho it fluctuates from time to time, it is good to have a reoccurring theme that people might relate to. Tho from my profile, i still can't find the reason why some content gets more votes than the other. Some maybe has more benefits to others with links etc but some more of a personal journal that tries to connect with readers. I think ultimately it is good to stay sincere about what you do and don't give up. Might always change but thank you again!


Consistent and coherent content type is key, definitely. Followers are going to want/expect to see the same stuff from you or they may move on to find more of what they are looking for.

great advice. The 'finding a niche' part is especially important!

I do need some advises actually too, your article is really helpful.
I would read it for a second time.

I am glad it could help.

Nice answer!

I'd ask - what means success for you?

Mine has less to do with rewards and more my helping the MSP community, and new users here on the platform in general. If I am helping people get a start here, then I am being successful.

That was excellent advice @discordiant. You are always super helpful! Thank you for sharing!

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