
Thank you for presenting me with your misinterpretation but unfortunately, no. I actually take mental illness quite seriously. If you want to read jokes, I sometimes do a fine job of writing those on my blog and you're free to go read them there. I did not come here to piss around. But I do sense you're trolling me. If you'd like, I can sit here all day and talk in circles with you for as long as it takes and up until you either give up, or go crazy as well. The choice is now yours and I am kind of bored. So if you want to play, we can play.

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go.... Your trolling again.... You were saying lolz

No, but, you see, you're the one who says shit like 'lolz' and uses the wrong version of "you're," so therefore, by definition, you're the troll. You're a near perfect stereotype. Following all the guidelines. Barely even thinking for yourself. Simply regurgitating your lines, but failing, miserably. "You were saying lolz" No. You said lolz. I only recently started saying lolz because you said lolz. Who says lolz anyway? Is that the kind of shit you'd say online when you were a teen and now you're older an haven't been able to find your true identity yet? Don't worry. Give it time. It'll come.

Lowering the tone and rambling is the level of trolling you want to revert to. Come on, wipe your red tires away, every troll has his or her day lolz!

So I'm not an English grammar teacher like you claim to be (weak trolling).

Steem clearly has a lot of improving to do, starting with people that like to misrepresent people, abusing new investors and being disingenuous by claiming to care about mental health while at the same time mocking a successful business man on his own platform. You've got a nerve ain't you lolz

Have fun with all that sarcasm in your fingertips.

Hey. I didn't say I was going to be sincere. You've already been disrespectful and clearly you're just another paid provocateur attempting crowd control. You can call it weak. I'll call it intentional because I had hoped to be called a grammar teacher. This isn't my first rodeo. I'm literally fucking with you right now.

It's not me mocking that unsuccessful businessman. He's doing that himself. You're just here because you're paid to defend him and ignore facts at all costs. There are blatant lies in this document above, but you're paid to ignore those. I will not believe for even one second you're not smart enough to see what's actually happening here. Only money can make you ignore those lies and call this kind of crap "success." It's one the biggest fails in the history of crypto, the man is embarrassed, but refuses to acknowledge the mistakes, and continues to dig his hole deeper and deeper, as if he's lost his mind. I can believe he's lost his mind. His pride is hurt. He's incredibly insecure. He's doesn't know how to redeem himself. Nobody will listen to him unless he pays them. Even one of his own friends said he's not acting normal. That lucky streak is over and now he's lost. Doesn't want to feel small, so he acts big, but doesn't look big, he comes across as irrational, dishonest, emotionally immature, and socially stunted.

Call that 'trolling' all you want, since it's your job. I'm already well aware of the fact anyone wanting to be openly honest around here will not be tolerated. Saying Hive is a curse word. I am supposed to fear saying Hive. Hive this, Hive that, Hive you, and fuck off.

Ok, you are in control clearly, if you say so. How did you know about my payment?

you think he is not concerned? i am. the behavior shown in last month+ is in the best case a behavior of pathological liar. and that would be the best case scenario. constant mood changes and personality changes exhibited could be pointing to a bigger problem.
I can like him or not, but this is not how a sane person behaves

I've seen some of the spam-troll-comments sent his way since 14Mar20 every time he types a letter. I think he is being quite reasonable under the circumstances.

If you feel a concern then fair play to you but in relation to the quote from crying red eyes, he was just being a disingenuous troll that made a comment that can not be taken seriously at all.

You're right. All these lies and all those people pointing out the same lies with all kinds of proof... that's just trolling. Let's not face this reality head on. Sweep it under the rug and write everyone off as trash. Good plan. Don't focus on what's actually happening. Cherry pick and element from the comment you don't like and assume the rest says the same thing. That's actually genius. You'll get far in life here with that mentality. I bet you could even be a top twenty witness soon and then you can be a thief who has to deal with silly trolls all day!

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