Success isn't Just About Money - 2nd Month Recap + Featured Followers

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Success is not just having a lot of money, it is about constantly evolving and improving how you live, how you relate, how you serve and who you are. Contrary to what the society conditioned us to believe, that success is about making more money, advancing in our careers or our businesses prospering, it can mean another thing to some people. Success for me might be different for you.

If I had stayed in my corporate job, I would probably be successful as defined by the society. But I am not defined by anything. I rule and live my own life, I am not scared to unlearn this conditioning and reach for the stars my own way. Success for me is being able to live the life that I want. To pursue my dreams and passion. To have more time for things that matter to me. To feel free and do what I want, like what I really want and not what the society wants me to do.

You can be earning a lot of money but you might be lowering the quality of everything else in life, like not spending more time with loved ones, bad habits, unhealthy diet etc.. Success is about choices, relationships, activities and health that are high quality.


It was an emotional roller-coaster ride the past two months, as I wrote my feelings and recollect my travels. Being able to write my experiences is already enough success for me. I was able to improve my writing, release those untold stories and learn more about myself.

I ranted about many things and I was always honest in my writings. But at the same time, I opened myself to changes, as I’m not going to harden my beliefs and closed my mind to everything else. This is actually why I was able to travel for a long time, I didn’t let myself trap into a set of predefined rules and beliefs. I was not certainly born this way, but I try to learn something new everyday and apply what works for me. I admit when I’m wrong and I change when I need to. Life is tough but I learn from experiences. It was hard for me to totally change my thinking as it is not something that can be done overnight. You have to go through obstacles and open yourself to learning and changing.

The most important thing I realized in this community is that success isn’t just about the $ sign on each post. Art is created for art itself. That its worth is not just about money. A writer puts his/her heart and soul into each writing, that each is unique and cannot be replaced. Everyday there’s something new, then after 3 hours, it becomes old. So I try to write as if it’s my last, just enjoying the moment and the short time when people get to read it. That is my own wealth here, cannot be erased anymore. A permanent record of my own experiences and reflections. The product of my travel experiences that cannot be taken away from me.

My success here is being able to touch hearts, inspire and share some lessons I have learned from my travels.

My success here is having loyal followers and their continuous support, those who engage and upvote my content. It means a lot to me because I feel that they see the value in what I write.


When I came back from my long trip, feeling lost and trying to pick myself up. I didn’t know where to start. I asked my friend, what now? He said, “write”.

Then he introduced me to steemit. But he’s not here yet, he’s a very talented writer and artist and I really hope that he will meet me here soon.

I also lost my job last month because I decided to stay/travel in this beautiful island but with very unstable power and internet. And that there are no jobs here, or I’ll compete with the locals. I couldn’t continue working on my start-up project due to lack of funds, which I hope I’d be able to work out soon. So I have simplified my life to a minimum as I’m still living off my savings. Well, the good thing is that I have more time to go to the beach, read, write and live!

I’m featuring my earlier followers first, so to the rest, just keep writing!

I would like to feature the hidden gems of steemit, the unsung heroes who deserve some love!

Featured Followers:

@dandesign86 - he’s a very talented artist and he likes to share his 3D signs. And he also writes stories and lessons with it, which is amazing! He also likes to write about his travels and his expat life in China. He has been writing consistently, and I recommend you to follow him and check out his art.

@soulsavers - he’s been writing consistently and has been my follower since the beginning. He writes about his travels in an RV around North America with his family He’s a cancer survivor and has a very inspiring story that people should read. I hope you follow his travels as well.

@scandinavianlife - he blogs about his Scandinavian life, and he usually writes about controversial topics, news, and his strong views on politics. So if you are easily hurt then his posts are not for you. But I like his honest and fearless views on social issues, so I suggest you follow him if you want to get a breath of fresh air.

@therovingreader - she’s the roving reader! She reads a lot so you can actually tell that through her writings. She’s traveling around Latin America right now, so check out her adventures and misadventures on the road. She’s a very talented writer and I hope that her posts will get more exposure soon.

@jbp - he’s a genius, young tech guy here. He likes to blog about his DIY crypto coin mining rig, drones, art, and his life. He posted a steemit cover photo contest, please join and resteem - CONTEST TIME! | 200 Steemit Follower Special <3

@world-travel-pro - he’s the world travel pro. He likes to blog about budget travel tips and his adventures. He is currently in Thailand. His posts are also undervalued, so check out his latest whereabouts and show him some love!

And of course, I would like to thank these guys for reading my content, engaging, and for their undying support! May you guys achieve great success in this platform.

@flipstar, @bloom, @abh12345, @freebornsociety, @eturnerx, @stackin, @edkarnie, @kevbot ETC. And to those I forgot to mention, thank you!

Last month's featured followers


Before following me, please check my previous posts. I usually write about my travels or whatever my distorted mind has to offer. If you follow me and you're not really interested with that, then you'll only be disappointed! Unfollow @diabolika 😈


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