What is wrong with Steemit rewards system?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Lately, I have been having love hate relationship with Steemit. We all love Steemit for various reasons, that's why we are here. Otherwise I wouldn't be writing, and you wouldn't be reading. While daily dose of praise is a positive and healthy for the community, I tend to focus on critical thinking and pointing out things, in my opinion, not working well and need to be fixed.

Rewards system: why is my post rewards decreasing as time passes ?

Unless you are in a trending category, you must have noticed that rewards of your post keep decreasing as time goes by. By the time it is payout day it decreases as much as by 40%, if not more. It probably varies, but the point is where is that money going? Now, you thought you did great: put your contribution out, people enjoyed it and you are being rewarded; all of the sudden your reward starts tanking like a bad news in stock market.

Some might say, well steem and sbd prices fluctuate in the market, that's why you are seeing this change. That is not entirely true. While steem and sbd prices do have impact in the value of the rewards, that is not the reason. The reason is the algorithm. Because of the limited resources for rewards, as other posts become more popular, rewards from older posts are siphoned towards compensation of newer popular ones. While it is understandable to have a mechanism to manage limited resources of produced Steem, I think it is totally wrong to take percentage of rewards from older posts to accommodate newer popular ones for multiple reasons:

  1. It is deceptive. It give false hope and expectations. Now lets say your post is a success day one, made good impression, collected decent reward. You get a good feeling, that motivates you and you get back to work to produce some more quality content. After few days you realize your reward got slashed, and get a feeling that you have been robbed. All would be good if you weren't given that initial hope.

  2. Trending posts do not need any further rewarding, that necessitate siphoning from older posts. Let's be honest here, trending posts are most of the time by the same authors, who get automated curation votes from bot whale curators. This is not a secret, and I have nothing against it (not yet). These authors works are well deserved, most of the time reason they get auto curation votes by whales or whale bots is because they are in trusted category of authors. They have earned that reputation. However, the problems is, do we really need to siphon rewards from older less popular posts to give trending posts even more rewards?

  3. Discouraging for curators. This is directly linked to the point number 2. Curators, especially with higher voting power, would be discouraged on curating on less popular authors, regardless of their content. It is just common sense, to put the investment of curation to a proven authors, because it is guaranteed based on current system to return handsome curation rewards. That is part of the reason most of high power curation is automated. Why curate on emerging authors, when it is a gamble, and most probably the value of reward will go down, hence curation reward would as good.

  4. Discouraging for authors. This is directly linked to the point number 1. Emerging authors, while get the feeling of deception, start getting discouraged on spending hours and hours in producing quality content after seeing their rewards keep disappearing. I don't think it will stop them from producing content, especially those who know their stuff will continue with their content production. However, now they would probably compromise on the time they spend on their production. Quality will start meaning less and less.

  5. Competition. This creates unfair competition and unhealthy competition. Because authors and curators are not competing for the best quality, rather competition is how to stay hot and/or trending. As I mentioned above, there is monopoly for trending, for small group of authors and obviously curators. It should be redesigned to motivate all to compete for excellence in quality, regardless of your established connections.

What is the solution?

How about if we reverse the process. Let's give less rewards initially, maybe reserve a portion of Steem created for reallocation. By the time its payday, if there is reserves left reallocated proportionally. It would be much more pleasant surprised to have initial rewards low and see them go up by day 6, regardless of popularity rate.

In the next blog post I will address some other issues that of similar concern. Since this one alone is a big problem as it is, I don't want to clutter it with other issues, so we can focus on one. Let me know what you think.


Is this really a problem if the STEEM asset has almost unlimited upside potential? Your average post reward of 10 STEEM is going to be worth $400 in a few years. Minnows are making $1000s of dollars per day and don't even realize it yet.

I absolutely agree with you on upside potential. At the same time to point out potential problems and have a discussion is healthy. There is always room for improvement. I just hope issues like this don't discourage average authors from putting in hard work for quality content. In a long run quality content will play a role in upside of Steem as a whole.

Indeed, you make some good points, but we also need to signal to new users that they are taking part in bootstrapping an experimental social media platform and monetary policy on to a new powerful blockchain infrastructure. Payouts are not guaranteed. Hell, STEEM could be back at 10 cents in a few weeks. No one knows. This is still the wild west.

Yes you are absolutely right!
Minnows are making thousands of dollars daily
I was about to right on this topic !!

@robert-call thinking like a real BOOMER!

This was something I was wondering about. Thnx for clarifying. I don't see a downside. There is a fixed amount of steam that will be distributed according to upvotes and steem power strength. Am I right? That makes it awesome IMO so you're sure nobody Is printing extra currencies and it gets distributed according to a system that will be transparent.

I agree with you it is awesome that its fixed. I disagree on transperancy part. Most people think rpice decay is due to steem sbd price fluctuation. While, it doesn't make end of the world deal to me, I believe improvements can be done.

I see it as a fixed price pool that can be earned. The more post gets upvoted the more the money gets distributed. It that a correct analysis?

part you are missing is when there is redistribution after distribution. For example this post getting about $38 now, but if upvotes stop and it doesn't stat interesting, part of this reward will be redistributing to popular posts. By the time of payout this will decrease to about 20-25.

your explained everything clearly. somewhat i fear about my pending rewards

It is not end of the world, just need to lower expectations, and not be too hyped with initial rewards.

Very informative, thank you! How ever in the outside world I think it's called taxation.......upped and followed also resteemed ......billytwohearts

Thanks for the explanation. This makes the people who cruise the trending posts as writing prompts even more frustrating.

lol that was not my intention. I think trending authors deserve their success and I have respect for them. my two points are, don't show me I am getting something which ends up being much less. Show me less first, but be consistent. Second point, trending don't need this anyway, they already got locked in autovotes.

Sorry that you thought I was accusing you of this. I wasn't. It just seems to be a trend, and it's really unhealthy for the platform. People would rather regurgitate someone else's thoughts for the upvotes instead of resteeming the original author. Whale votes seem to be the best bait for copycats, and the system you described in your post further rewards the later authors of similar content than the person with the original thought. It's even worse if the person whose content was imitated has a smaller following than the copycat.

This pirrhana mentality will be the ultimate undoing of quality content on Steemit if it is left unchecked, I'm afraid.

Quality post mate. Well thought I. I keep on looking at my rewards flying down :/

Thanks :)

Great post! I totally agree, and very well written by the way

I don't pay much attention to if my upvote would bring me something focusing on the stuff I'm interested in because Steemit is not all about just money!

I like your enthusiasm, but that doesn't mean problems should be neglected

"Under Promise Over Delivery" is always better than the other way around. Breaking the reward pool into fix and variable would be a good way to go. So that as you post an article and as people interact with your post you know what is the assured sum. By the end of the week earning a bonus will be like an added cherry that you don't count on but would be like a pleasant surprise.

Content creators will always need some assurance so that they don't think twice before investing their time and efforts into creating content.

Fairly new here, trying to figure out how the system works. Your post was very informative and I really hope they change the alogarithm but I do believe Steem will continue to develop and fix their hiccups.

Amazing info and insight. Thank you again

I think you are right...steem will notice it and change some algoritham for the overall benefit of the community

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