in #steemit6 years ago

Hello Steemians, how are you all doing today? I must say... never in my entire life have I encountered a social media platform filled with many positive people that you can meet and share your ideas with. At this point, I am a lot more active on Steemit than I am on Facebook these days :)

Steemit Better than Facebook.png

And I will tell you a few reasons why I am enjoying Steemit compared to facebook.

FIRST OF ALL, I will point out that Steemit still has yet to have the notification features

(Read more on my article on that if you want to know more: )

and that you cannot send private messages to you fellow steemians directly... those are two things facebook does best. And of course communicating with family and friends, I doubt most of yous have a lot of people you know on steemit when you first started, right?

Anyways, here are the list of the reasons why steemit is better than facebook, or at least has an advantage over it:

FB vs Steemit.png

1.) Steemit ENCOURAGES you to go out and meet new people from all around the world while Facebook DISCOURAGES you to meet new people, it only wants you to communicate with people you know, not STRANGERS which leaves you limited to the people you can meet out there while in steemit, the possiblities for new encounters and friendship are UNLIMITED!

2.) You have access to all sorts of information waaay beyond what the mainstream media wants you to know in your news feed. You know that in the news, they cover almost everything in a negative way, especially when it comes to anywhere outside your country and putting people in fear from traveling or having curiosity of learning new things.

You can learn all sorts of new things from cryptocurrency to life in general from many wonderful people and you can post anything you want people to be aware of too.

In FACEBOOK, the mayority of the posts you will encounter are usually pointless memes, a lot of pictures of family/friends having a good time and causes a lot of people seeing them to be very jealous and comparing themselves to other cause most people does not post sad stuff because a lot of people will judge them.

3.) The People in the Steemit Community have all been amazing so far in the experience that I was on steemit. They are very open minded, can engage them in intelligent, meaningful conversations and they do not judge you no matter what bad experiences you have been through. It's easy to talk to them and make friends with.

Many people posts their tragic sad stories and how they are able to improve themselves no matter what the situation. 9 times out of 10, the steemit community will support you. You can be your geniune self. Everyone seems to be very honest about themselves and not ashamed to share their life experiences.

On FACEBOOK, you try to tell your sad stories and many people will judge you. They will tell you that you should not be telling your life story and be an open book to the world because people will twist it around which has been the case. Unless you know most of your facebook friends are supportive, its best posting more of your honesty on Steemit and if friends you have judges you... you gotta ask yourself... WHY THE HECK DO YOU HAVE THEM AS A FRIEND TO BEGIN WITH?!

4.) And my final reason for the time being on why Steemit is better than Facebook... you get PAID for posting quality content and interacting with other steemians online by commenting their posts, upvoting, following and resteeming. The more STEEM POWER you have, the more your upvote will be worth! :) Did I also mention its 100% FREE to join?

Some people even make a living on steemit once they are established enough. Investing more money on your steem coins is a cryptocurrency that has the potential to increase in value in the long term. :) So the more active you are on steemit and building your community, the higher chances you have of success!

And of course... on FACEBOOK , you do not get paid to like, comment, share or post whatsoever. Instead, Facebook makes millions of dollars selling your information to 3rd parties so they can put ads so you can buy their products. Facebook gets paid off your hard work and you do not get a dime from it.



The only thing I have noticed that it's really difficult for me to recommend this platform to most of my local family and friends because they do not seem very passionate in writing blogs and meeting new people.

Fear and laziness are most likely holding them back... and I know for a fact that Steemit is NOT for lazy people but for dedicated people that are SERIOUS in reaching their life goals, meeting new people and get very valuable information on this platform.

Many people these days do not like to write or read because they prefer to see short videos because it does not require too much of their interaction. Many people sees you barely make money here in the first place and I got news for those types of people.... STEEMIT IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME!

Just like on YouTube, Instagram, Deviantart, Cryptocurrencies and even Steemit, you need to have the patience and persistent dedication to keep going and do not stop because you gotta think long term, if you continue to be consistent with valuable topics, you will eventually reach the goal you want.

But of course most people are into the instant gratification than working a long time for nothing. It's TOUGH but that's what it takes to truly be successful in life and on steemit!

I hope you find this post very helpful and if so, please UPVOTE this post, RESTEEM this to everyone you know to raise awareness. COMMENT below your thoughts on this because I would love to hear your feedback and FOLLOW me if you truly want to look forward to my future content! :)

Until next post, take care, God Bless and stay COOL! BAI BAI :)


Steemit is WAY better then Facebook for tons of reasons like you mentioned. I'm really happy to be part of this movement! We are changing the internet with the Steemian Revolution! : )

Very true man and has potential to truly be better than facebook one day as well! :)

It’s indeed true!I can express all of what I am going to say here in steam rather than facebook.

Yeah because if you say the same thing on facebook, many family and friends may judge your views on life, especially if it goes against the mainstream.

Nice analysis! Thanks for sharing :)

No problem man! If you can resteem this, it would help a lot :)

Amen brother! I agree with everything you stated! Facebook is full of angry, judgemental people with no creative interests who spend their days trolling people because they have no lives. And don't even get me started on the ridiculous memes, lol.

Its also very true that Facebook promotes a lot of negative content and ideas, its just awful. It really does seem like they want to invoke fear and anger in people. The platform promotes Fake news outlets like the Gateway Pundit that preach politically motivated hatred, nothing I want to be a part of. I'd rather stay away from it.

And I agree, there's just a lot of cool, calm, and collect people here who're just easy to get along with, and without all the drama. Google+ is much the same, and its the whole reason I spend so much time there.

Facebook is definitely full of passive users. Which is fine, but a lot of them are just boring.

I also never cared for the fact that Facebook tries to dictate who and what we interact with. Sorry Fakebook, but I can very well think for myself.

Yeah and did you know if you add too many people, you put yourself to risk from being suspended or disabled from FB? It's really messed up... And FB discourages you from meeting new people like I said, even telling you that you can't add this person cause they only recommend you to add someone if you know them. I know the feeling. Steemit is great for meeting new people! :)

Yep! Linkedin is just as bad. Linkedin used to suspend and terminate accounts for following even a handful of people. Their argument was that you shouldn't connect with people you don't already know, lmao! Apparently Linkedin and Facebook don't understand the entire point of social networking is to connect with like minded people who share your interests. Such buffoons they are.

Wow... now that really sucks for LinkedIn... had no idea.

Linkedin terminated my account back in 2013 after I wrote an article openly criticizing their platform. The spat with them first started back in early 2013. Given my social networking community on G+ had grown to over 30,000 members at the time, we had decided to setup a group on Linkedin as well. Given most of our members were IT professionals, Linkedin seemed like a good choice.

1 day after setting up the group we were getting messages from our members that they couldn't join the group. a day later my account was suspended and I was told I would never be allowed to post in groups again. I was never given any explanation as to why. I tried repeatedly to ask for a solid explanation, they refused to provide one.

Then I got pissed off and wrote an article openly bashing Linkedin, and they responded by terminating my account. I responded by having our 30K members promote as many negative reviews as we could possibly find about Linkedin over the course of the following year. I did a great job of bashing them too, as their co-founder Reid Hoffman is so hated on G+ today he has his profile locked from the public.

Theyr'e a worthless social platform full of fake employers and salesman who jump out of the woodwork at every turn begging you to buy their garbage. Thanks, but no thanks Linkedin, their network is crap.

I think Steemit still has a lot of progress to go through before we can really call it better than Facebook. What I find really positive is that everybody seems to be friendly to each other but on the other hand this can also be because everybody is money-hungry and flirting/sliming/having a fake attitude because it is the best way to earn respect and find new followers.

Basically I'm afraid on Steemit a lot of people are basically not speaking their real mind but only saying stuff that might earn them respect or upvotes, you understand what I'm saying right?

Good post though and I hope Steemit can keep evolving, I'm having a lot expectations, but in my opinion it's getting about time for Steemit to implement some new features. It seems like the development team is sleeping...

Yeah, Steemit still has a lot of room to grow! The important thing is that they continue to improve around what they are doing... I hope they start announcing new features as well... I think its way overdue for it now.

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