Be careful what you wish for!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Imagine you found a bot that could thrust you up to reputation 70 in a week.

Would you use it? it seems easily feasible that within 2 weeks or maybe less, you could author a few short original posts, and upboat them, (yes I meant to say upboat not upvote, I just like the sound of it better) I digress, as I was saying it is possible.

The thing is though numbers alone mean nothing, getting to over rep 50 can be easily achieved with a single GOOD introduceyourself post, then heading up the 50's and into the 60's via some money invested from outside of here and voila, bang, in the 60's with no slider, no wallet to speak of and nothing really of note to say.
Think about it for a moment, all the time spent getting to 50 - 60 or 70 even, is time spent working on you, working on what YOU want to say, how YOU want to say it & time developing/defining a style.

Don't be the Herbert below.

courtesy of

So allow me to put it like this, it took 2 weeks for me to even notice the above gifs or giphs, and without them, a post can look worse than average, no matter how brilliant the post, and getting noticed is what we need, not just need it is essential in this game, right here right now on here, no followers = no return or very low 0.01cent returns and a sprinkling of 0% upvotes by people that pay no attention to and their vote weight.

As good as the bots are at getting you a slight boost and return in $, patience seems to be a better tool, and on that note let me introduce you to two things of interest, if you are fairly new. (I do use minnowhelper as it gives you a little bit more visibility)

  1. The #newbieresteemday team of @davemccoy & @mudcat36 these guys work tirelessly to promote new talent on here, and now have a dedicated editor waiting to help also, link
  1. Come check out my weekly giveaway of 1.5 sbd to best newbie post of the week, talent gets rewarded, note there is more than 1 giveaway a week, see dave and mudcat for details.

As always, steem on, peace and love & stay AWESOME!

If you like it resteem it & upboat me :-)
Funds up to 1.5 sdb raised on this post go towards the weekly 1.5 sdb giveaway, in 8 days time.



One thing I'll say about vote weight... mine is usually pretty low. That said, the lower it gets, the slower the degradation (it slows in reduction as it gets lower) and if I'm voting low vote power for a lot of different posts, I'm still giving out the same amount of reward through upvoting, but I'm simply spreading it more thinly to everyone.

If I do that consistently for the same people, eventually it adds up to the same as not voting for them for a long time and then eventually giving them one 100% upvote. So yeah, it doesn't matter in my humble opinion whether someone chooses to spam out upvotes or reserve them for only the best at 100% power... myself, I equally appreciate a lot of different posts and so I get a bit carried away with the upvotes. If everyone does that though, it can't hurt because it all adds up. Even a less than .01 cent vote value adds a fraction of a penny even if it doesn't show up. :)

I'm in it for the long haul, and I dish it out, similarly, with that idea in mind. Regular interraction is more important to me than vote power. I do respect those who think high vote power is important of course.

I do tend to keep the vote power above 90% or there seems no returns at all, that said yes, I agree with the interaction, in fact I earn more from some comments (best yet $5) than from a lot of my posts.

You get exactly what you wish for or focus on each moment.

Excellent comment, thank you.

This post has received a 3.42% upvote from thanks to: @deliberator.
For more information, click here!!!!
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The Minnowhelper team is still looking for investors (Minimum 10 SP), if you are interested in this, read the conditions of how to invest click here!!!
ROI Calculator for Investors click here!!!

how does that calculator work? I can't get it to work nothing happens when I click on calculate.

First press Start / Reset and then Calculate

gotcha thanks

I love the game idea deliberator and I absolutely am 100% behind the message of this post. You're spot on. I'm thinking we need to find ways to work our games together so that we connect in some way to a bigger prize. If you reach out to any of your cohorts that you are coordinating with, why don't see if they would be interested.

Its like everyone has their own game they host, but then we could have some support from the #newbieresteemday initiative to give the "newbie" players of your games a prize or something that gets them to play not one, but 5 or 10 games. Just thinking and would like your input along with any of your colleagues too.

I am sorting a discord channel out just for us,all of us, so we can all message or chat on there, sound like a plan stan? :-)

good idea... you can one on one me there at davemccoy#2479 ... I don't know if we can have a group chat there, but I'll my brother figure it out

Contest number 2 is on the go, if you want to advertise it?

I'm on it.. And this week I'm entering ;) Already have my post ready to go :)

I'll be in touch tonight!

I am the "Tag-Lifter" and you have been resteemed because you tagged your post #newbieresteemday


You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

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