September was a WHIRLWIND | Why I've gone a bit missing, and what's next! ;)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey SteemitFam! Here’s a little life update that I started on Sunday, but wasn’t able to finish until this evening. I considered just skipping it but I really wanted to share what’s been up with me lately, so here we go!…

Ok, I promised myself I wouldn’t take my usual FOREVER AND A HALF on getting this post out to you. It’s a cool rainy Sunday morning. It’s about 9:30am. I’ve been up since 6:30, done yoga, fixed breakfast and coffee, and no one else is awake.

The steady stream of traffic that's usually whirring past my window is somehow absent. I’m working by candle-light. If I didn’t know better I’d say there was a power outage, or some cosmic weather event happening, But nothing. It’s just still.


I’m sending little pings to @teamhumble from across an Ocean. It feels like we’re the last two people on earth in some kind of post-apocalyptic You’ve Got Mail situation. (You’ve Got Steem?) ;)

I’m wearing my baggy green flannel top, and I’m sipping my instant coffee elevated by pumpkin spice almond creamer. Yes I am in fact the most basic white girl on the planet right now.

But I’m also one of the most thankful.

I’m finally starting to feel better off the back of a nasty cold, things are starting to come together in terms of steady work (finally!) and the next few weeks are set to be some of the most looked-forward(ed?) to weeks I can remember.

Today I bought my ticket for Steemfest2. Like, What!!? I remember creating my account shortly after Steemfest 1 had concluded, and I remember watching all the post-event posts roll in giving me the biggest feeling of cosmic-fomo (fear of missing out).

The reason that I call it cosmic, is that I wasn’t even sure what steemit was about. I was SUPER new to crypto even just as a concept, I wasn’t involved in active posting yet and I didn’t know a soul on the platform. Still, something had @teamhumble and myself looking at each other and saying, we’ve got to get there next year.

It’s been a crazy full circle journey of digital work adaptation, long distance love-comms, and learning about myself, mental and physical wellness and crypto. Honestly, I feel like I’ve learned more this year than the past 10 combined, and I’m excited to put what I've learned into action.

After a bit of a scary dry spell with freelance work, I also just landed a dream gig, narrating children’s books. When the client sent me my first assignment “Ducks Have Feelings Too” I was in heaven. It’s taken a bit of time to get the work momentum up in the VO department, but I’m so stoked about this project.

At the beginning of the year I really felt I wanted to take a step back from working in “social” media, but I really couldn’t afford to ditch my biggest client. Mother Nature had other plans however, and when Hurricane Irma hit Florida (where my client is located) they decided to pause my contract while they recouped their losses. I was scared, but in some ways relieved. Maybe I’ll dedicate an entire post to why I wanted out. But I’m sure if you’re spending most of your time here on Steemit, you already know that social media isn’t very social anymore.

And so, almost immediately after that door closed, this DREAM gig just dropped into my lap, shortly after! Today I got to read this...

Anyway, somewhere between driving my car into a ditch, and finishing a 30 day yoga challenge, I also chopped off a ton of my hair.

I really never thought I'd go back to short hair life, (I haven't had hair this short since my working in the cafe days in college) but one day, the thought just popped into my head. It's something that I think along the line I subconsciously told myself was for girls who were thin and who could "pull it off" convincing myself that longer hair made me look slimmer and more feminine. It sounds silly in retrospect, but I was nervous when mom handed me about 6 inches of hair. Damn am I glad I gave myself permission to do it. I love it!


A few more dreams coming through in the next few weeks, and I really can’t wait to tell you more, but just know if you haven’t seen me around much I haven’t forgotten about you. I’m working crazy hard to tie up all the loose ends to move on to this next chapter. I feel confident I can really really make this next year a pivotal one for myself and my @teamhumble.

If you’re reading this, let me tell you how much I appreciate you, how much I’m honored and impressed and thankful to be a part of this community, I know I’ve been taking care of business on the personal end a lot this year, but I’m excited to really show you all what I can bring to this platform as well. I’ve got a zillion ideas I think you’ll LOVE and I’m damn excited to share them as they unfold.

Thank you for your support - it means the world to this blue-haired jersey gal.


awww that was super sweet ;) yayya, get it girl.

thanks love!

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