Hello My Name Is Dayle And I Drive Into Ditches | yep, it was a rough morning...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello blockchain my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again. If you had told me that I'd be saying the words "Hello, my name is Dayle and I drive into ditches." I would have laughed in your face.. Monday however, had other plans....

So I’m up in the mountains visiting Mom, on the way into town I noticed a new coffee shop. It called to me as it would any digital worker in need of a steady supply of wifi, so I made plans to check it out as soon as possible.

I left around 8 am, computer, chargers, the whole mobile kit, set and ready to go. I pulled up but noticed that the only way into the parking lot was an illegal turn over a double yellow line so I went up the road a bit and pulled off into a small dead end road where I could turn around and pop the ol' driving school classic, k-turn. As soon as I threw the car into reverse I heard a loud bang and felt as though the bottom of my car completely fell out. I thought maybe I had backed into a ditch, and was just stuck in the mud…

I got out and this was my view.

Beautiful day though right?

Apparently, there was a sinkhole surrounded by boulders that I couldn’t notice because of the overgrown grass and foliage in the area. It really was lovely, just no place for a Kia to be hanging half into. If I had backed up like 3 feet to the left, I would have been totally fine, but I honestly thought it was all solid grass.

I called roadside assistance to come drag me out, and my mom, and they both showed up to assess the damage when the property owner came barreling down her long driveway.

According to her, I was trespassing. I couldn’t have been more than 6 feet off the main road which was labled with a street sign, but that didn’t stop her from screaming at me and asking me if I knew how to read. I apologized, letting her know I’m not from this area and I was simply just trying to turn around. There were signs that said “DEAD END” but I didn’t know it was anyone’s private property, There were street sign! And again, I was just near the opening to the main road.

She rushed over, and took photos of me, and my car, shoving the camera in my face, saying “That tow-truck better not ruin my grass!” And “You better pray that rock doesn’t move!”.

Obviously, I’m in tears already concerned that my car is screwed, and this woman’s chaos was just making things so much worse, she even went over to scream at the truck driver for being on the grass and take photos of him too.

Mind you, his was VERY back-woods property, she lived in a small shack you could see waaaay down the other end of this unpaved road, and of course, I’d never judge anyone based on their income, but my point was that she was acting like I drove through her living room. I fall to pieces when people yell at me. Like actually raise their voice, screaming, I've never been able to handle it. I remember having abusive customers when I worked in retail, I start shaking, and crying, I completely crumble.

Mom tried to diffuse her, I heard them talking about owning a farm, something about cattle. I’m texting @teamhumble frantically, my hands shaking and tears running down my cheeks. He was an absolute doll, checking the year of my car and where the exhaust was. Reminding me to breathe, count to 10, and stay calm.


I know it could have been worse. At the end of the day I drove into a ditch, it’s not like I had a head on collision with another car. I was safe. But if any of you live on the edge financially as a freelancer you know how stressful things like this can be. The initial shock of - oh my car is screwed, PLUS this woman is acting like she wants to call the cops and have me put in prison. I’ve been on edge about money and logistics for a few weeks now, losing my steady client has definitely been a shock to the system, and now this. Just completely put me over the edge, just like my car LOL.

I can kinda laugh now thankfully. I’m ok and writing this to you from the coffee shop I meant to get to in the first place. The car was towed to my Mom’s local shop and they put it up on the lift to make sure everything was ok. (This is also where I introduced myself as the "one who drives into ditches") THANK GOD there was no serious damage. UGH. I can’t tell u what a relief that was. Nothing damaged, just a slight dent in the gas tank, nothing dangerous, nothing out of alignment. I drove off the lot 10 minutes later. No charge.



So what did I learn? Well, no more turns down unknown country lanes for me. Now that I think about it, watching Mom, Borg-Style distract this awful back woods country woman talking about horses and cattle while I’m watching my poor car get dragged over a boulder was actually pretty funny.

She went straight into mama bear mode, inserting herself in-between me and the threat, and hacking this lady to keep her calm while letting the tow-truck driver know where to take the car (because she trained the garage owner's dog, ... because obviously). Damn thankful for her.

Also trying not to beat myself up for what happened. No one sets out in the morning TRYING to drive into a ditch. Mistakes happen, and everything worked out. I’m safe, the car is fine and now I’m in a dog themed coffee shop writing to you. Anxiety settling down and enjoying the company of the resident mascot, Bean, the french bulldog.

IMG_9200 2.jpg

Say Hi Bean!


Funny how things can turn around in an instant.

I hope if you’re having a doozy of a Monday this little story may have given you a laugh knowing you’re not alone, and by reminding you that things can really turn around in the blink of an eye.

That client can get back in touch, someone could be around the corner waiting to lend a hand, or a word of encouragement. Just do you best, stay calm and treat people with love and compassion.

Hang on friends,
Better days are ahead
<3 Dayleeo


Crushing it!

. . . like my gas tank? lol thanks?

so thankful that it turned around love. really really. most importantly that you are safe. thankful.

I know, theme of today is thankfulness for sure. Thank you for you support and all your checking in on me today Mouser <3

hey no problem! x

Oh wow Dayleeo, thats rough but I'm glad you're safe and didn't get hurt!

Thank you dear! Just coming down from the anxiety and adrenaline, a good 12 hours of sleep should do it... lol certainly passing out early tonight and hitting the reset button.

Yes sleep is the best reset I find, go hibernate for a bit!

perfect word for it lol <3

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