Problem Solved - Delegate/Undelegate Steem Power (SP) The Easy Way For Dummies :)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi my dear friends,
I was bit confused with all the delegation / undelegation of Steem Power aka SP.
It seems like there is no simple tool for dummies, without all the tech boolshit, so I took the mission on myself.

Here it is (it uses API):

(please don't use other urls, this one is verified by community in this post)

How to delegate SP?

  1. Feel the form beside the last field (it is easy).
  2. Go to and look what is the steem_per_mvests value (right column).
  3. Put steem_per_mvests in last field (the steem_per_mvests field)

How to undelegate SP?
Full undelegation = delegate 0 SP.
(Or for example if you delegated 10 SP and now want him to hold only 3 SP then select 3 in "How much steem power" field)
If you are not pro and not sure how much vests you need to send specific amount of steem power

You can play with it, and see it is accurate and easy :)


Feeling the form:


If you want to understand how it works, you can read this:


Man i get this error

Validation errors in your request!

please select a valid symbol: VESTS or SP.

What is that mean?

Looks like they changed the API

So will this no longer work? I am trying to undelegate funds. Thanks!!

Check out my post, I was able to get it to work.

Thanks, figured it out. Now just waiting for it to kick in. How long did it take you for the SP to become undelegated?

It takes 7 days. I haven't found anything that shows you how long you have left until it returns to your account. If you end up finding a way, let me know.

Ok thanks a lot 4 your time

how to undelegate the code dont work

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