The Ethics of the Great Steemit Experiment

in #steemit7 years ago

5 years from now when we log in to Steemit, what will we see? Will it be a flourishing social media site with vibrant communities sharing knowledge? Will it be flooded with corporate money as a new engament strategy for businesses? Will it be MySpace, all but dead save for a few niche followers? All I know is it will make a very interesting case study some day.

Steemit's overall philosophy is endemic to much of the crypto-sphere, decentralization, decentralization, decentralization. They provide a framework, the rest of the world runs with it. I think for the most part, that framework is pretty brilliant. Everyday a set of stake is handed out more or less based on how many shares you have on the platform (Steem Power). You vote on how to distribute that pool based on what you think is deserving.

Opinions on the Framework

SBDs being pegged to $1 is an underrated choice that I don't think is fully appreciated. One of the biggest problems with crypto and its adoption as an actual currency is the instability of its value. It gives a secondary token for paying for goods and services on the platform, and you can choose to pay yourself some of your earnings rather than have to sacrifice stake to do so. I know a lot of us are enjoying the additional rewards we are getting from the SBDs. However, it's sort of nonsensical that at this point we're just getting paid in two separate tokens for no real reason. A lot of that $ that is inflating SBDs SHOULD in theory be raising the price of Steem instead. I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out on SBDs and they go back to the peg, but irrationality in crypto speculation is strong.

Delegation is also pretty brilliant. Again, I look at SP like shares in a company. Yeah a lot of people seem to abuse the delegation system, but if people want to earn passive income on their shares it's their right to sell it. It also is useful for people who want to lend influence so certain projects. Overall, I think it helps a lot more than it hurts.

Curation is where I think there is some room for improvement. I like that 25% of the reward pool goes to curators to reward them for discovering content. I dislike that curation rewards as essentially non-existent when you don't have SP, and the 30 minute cool down. I get that it's in-place mostly due to auto-voting, but it also means that if I want to boost something fresh off the presses I'm not going to get a reward. But also the only way to get a real reward on curation when you're a minnow is to vote on it early. Reputation should also be a factor in how curation works and that might prevent some of the voting issues that we have currently. Additionally there needs to be a separate pool for flags. We need to be better able to police what is posted, right now there is a strong disincentive to flag because it diminishes your ability to reward. Negative curation is as important as positive curation and it needs to be treated as such, I'll get to why in a second.

How it plays out

So we've established the strengths and weaknesses of the framework. Let's discuss why this will work or not work. The biggest problem right now on Steemit is the whale war against Haejin and other whales who abuse the system to gain rewards for mostly useless posts. These actors are frankly bad for the ecosystem as a whole. They acquired power and are using it solely in their self-interest. This is emblematic of the collective action problem that exists in large decentralized systems. Everyone in the system would be better off working together, but because self-interested actors can benefit more by taking advantage, we are all stuck protecting our interests and not cooperating and as a result all of us are worse off. See despite what conservative thought will tell you, we are not better off left to our own devices to build ourselves up on our own. In fact, cooperation is the optimal strategy provided cheaters are significantly punished. That caveat though is why Haejin and those like him thrive here. It's also why corporations continue to cheat. Once you have acquired enough power, the rewards of cheating are greater than the punishment, so it's the optimal strategy for you to employ. We have a disincentive to flag, and so we don't punish those who act in a self-interested manner, and in the end we all suffer.

There's either two outcomes here. Those who grind the reward pool for easy gains cash them out while those interested in building this place reinvest in the system until they control enough shares to reign them in, or the whole thing degrades until we all migrate to a different platform with better governance. As I've written about before in my defense of government the only way for the common man to gain enough power to gain influence equal to or greater than individuals with great power is organization. To that end, what you see on Steemit currently is something akin to the Gilded Age. In the absence of governmental control, various projects or gilds have popped up to allow people to organize to support each other in what can be a very lonely ecosystem for the average plankton, or to help prevent them from being crushed by the whales. I'm going to take a moment to shoutout the projects I've involved myself with or just those I think are doing great things to support the community overall. @minnowsupport @thealliance @qurator @curie @steemstem @thesteemengine @asapers. I'm new to some of these communities but they are all doing amazing things to promote quality content on here and to help the smallest of us to navigate the platform.

I would personally prefer organic vote curation, but I also don't have a problem with bidbots and vote buying. In fact, I sell my vote on SmartSteem. Why do I do this? Because at the end of the day I am running a small business here. I have an asset, Steem Power, that I own and can utilize for passive income. Anyone who knows anything about personal finance knows the way to really gain wealth is to use assets to generate a passive income stream. I also know that the more SP I can acquire (all of my SBDs either get converted to SP or used to promote my posts) the more influence I gain, and the more I can shape Steemit as I want it to be. I believe it's more beneficial to invest 10% of your income to later act philanthropically when you can do more good, than just give 10% of your income away to charity. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet will do much more to support the developing world than 100,000 of us sending $20 a month to some children's aid charity. However, I invest ethically (I only sell my vote to white-listed parties) and only use vote buying where profitable (and generally that support good projects where I can). I prefer to use a strategy that will have more benefit in the long run than to trade that for short-term gains. I am investing now because at the platform grows it will be harder and harder to gain influence solely by writing on here. A lot of SP sits there unused currently and as more of it goes to a wider base, we will have to work even harder to keep our influence ahead of inflation.

Where do we end up?

So to recap, Steemit can be the platform that a lot of us envision, but to get there we all have to organize and do what we must to gain the influence to shape it as we see fit. Those who act out of self-interest do not care about anything other than maximizing their take. So too must we act in a collective self-interest to out-compete them. Is this the best framework for this sort of ecosystem? Frankly probably not. Those who do well here are those who are willing to put the work in to seek out the guilds and establish a presence. In some ways that barrier to entry is a good thing, but if this is ever going to get mass adoption life has got to get easier for the unsupported newbie because most won't stick it out. Hell I've tried to get people into the platform who I think could do really well here, but lost interest while waiting a week for an account. Some of us are cool building a business here. Most of population though doesn't have the inclination or the time. Some competitor is going to come out eventually that drops some of the decentralization and openness for a system with more mass appeal, and then it will come down to which one can produce a better product. I think in Steemit's current state, it's hard to see it win. And so, again, if we want this to work out and protect the time and money we have invested here, we must all work together to make this place as outstanding as it could be.

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Take my full vote! Just take it!! I've been considering delegating some SP for revenue for times when I'll be offline for a few days to dip my toe into the passive revenue stream. The smartsteem calculator makes it easy to get an idea of what I could expect. My friend is also holding Steem as an investor and this might be a good option for him as I've been nudging him to put his $ to work. Great overall analysis on the ecosystem. Thanks.

I really like SmartSteem so far (full disclosure, I get a referral bonus from that link, anyone can use this instead if they want a clean one).

I prefer to hang on to my SP and delegate to worthy causes where I see fit, so I like the vote selling more, especially since you can choose to only sell to white-listed voters. But yeah, I've made about 1.5 SBD from it in about two weeks and it's really helpful since I tend to ghost on the weekend.

Thanks for the disclosure. Is it a switch on/off thing where you can make money from partial days (a time block minimum), or do you have to delegate for an entire 24 hours or a few days to quality for a payout?

Consider delegation a long term thing. Delegations take 7 days to return to you when you cancel them so people don't game them for vote trading. Vote selling can be turned on or off at will. I have it set so that whenever my VP is over a certain % it sells a vote.

steemit is good but it has along way to go. Something needs to be done about whales. And the rewards has made it so people are here to make money. More people dont read post just upvote for rewards. considering Dan Larimer plans on making a new steemit on eos , steemit could be in trouble. Once i found out about upvote bots i lost alot of faith in steemit, its almost like a ponzi scheme and the reputation system doesnt work. so many people writing quality content going completely unnoticed and so many people just posting anything and making alot because they have a high rep. What is the point in the rep? as it has nothing to do with quality of posts. Also as you said there is no point in having 3 currencies , just confuses new people.

So many problems lets hope they work it out before people move to the next best thing

I am really curious about Dan's project, especially since he seems a bit spiteful about it. It will be worth a look if he makes it his baby.

I think they really missed an opportunity to not leverage reputation more in the curation calculation. Hopefully this comes up in the next hardfork. There definitely needs to be some more transparency with how the curation system functions.

yeah ill well be keeping an eye on it. If eos steemit does get release i can see most uses moving over as it will most likely have solved steemits problems and since only a few have all the power there is no real incentive to say for most. i do hope steem can solve its problems and work out tho.


Great, thorough article.

All in all, I still believe in Steemit's meritocracy.

IMHO, it's a Hell of a lot better than the philosophy, censorship and politics of legacy systems.



I believe in it too, it's certainly a great experience of free market ideas, but I also have my doubts that the free market is optimal too...

You raise some good points here, I definitely agree with you that we have to think of this as a business still and generate income one way or another as we go along - I try to balance that out with sharing out my vote to support and help others as well.

Well you definitely do a fantastic job supporting around our community, so it's still helping our ecosystems!

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I appreciate your insights, even while I disagree with some of the points, specifically those regarding government. Organization can be achieved without coercion, which is ultimately government's only tool.

Always up for furthering the discussion! I'm not sure how, pragmatically, you enforce the organization's will then. The topic of whether or not this government does actually function is the people's interests is a separate one. A hypothetical government that does behave in the population's best interest still needs a method to have individuals act towards the group's interest.

If it is based on voluntary association with mutually beneficial goals, why would it need enforcement? Here are the group's goals. You're free to join or leave as you see fit. Imagine if membership in the United States was voluntary for each state - what that would do to the abuse of federal power. If I was President (which I can never be) a Constitutional Amendment to that effect would be my top priority, followed by bringing the Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad case back before the Supreme Court and filing suit against the Congress and Federal Reserve for violation of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the US Constitution ... but I digress.

Such a government is hypothetical because it has never existed. Every political structure is perfect, on paper, but people in the real world aren't angels. As a pragmatist, I can get behind a need for some structure, because of that reality. If, for example, markets were completely unregulated, there would be markets for nuclear weapons and seven-year-old slave girls, and somebody has to be able to tell them, "No." But even that may be a slippery slope toward tyranny.

I also would object to anyone other than me deciding what is or isn't in my best interest.

A more in depth response than I expected, thank you!

I'm in agreement with you for the most part, lots of government systems are wonderful on paper and terrible in practice. I'm not advocating communist style work placement or anything like that. I think a government's three main roles are to ensure people behave fairly and equitably towards each other, to collect taxes in service of the common good of the nation, and to leave you the fuck alone otherwise. I think people that like to claim taxation is theft are generally extremely naive. Most people who find some measure of success are able to do so only because of the infrastructure and support the public provides.

Towards your question of voluntary or not, it's the same question of why should I pay union dues even if I don't want to be in the union? It feels like a measure of control placed upon you, however whether you want to participate or not you benefit from the actions of the union. We are supposed to exclude people from public roads if they don't want to pay taxes? What about from schools or fire department coverage? How would that even work? Even if you owned a helicopter to bypass all of that, more than likely your work depends on the public infrastructure to function.

To that end I support a more free and open immigration policy between developed nations. Really the only way to make this voluntary is to have the option to move to a different country and more aligns to your philosophy. I would love to move to Germany if it was feasible, however I highly doubt both my fiance and I would qualify to immigrate there based on their requirements.

I've been meaning to type a reply to this but it's hard to convey tone in writing without it appearing ... obnoxious. That and I'm swamped (on my "day off") with the phishing scam and hopefully averting a flag war, or at least preparing to win one.

I would really like to discuss this though, because as far as I'm concerned it's the conversation everyone should be having at their dinner tables. Hopefully I'll have time to formulate it, or we can pick another venue like Discord or something.

I agree, I think we might actually get things done in this country if we could sit down and have a conversation and get some understanding of how government should work for us. Any time you want to discuss you can always find me on discord!

I appreciate your perspective and thoughtful explanations here. I still have a very murky idea of how all this works. I've been here about a month and a half and I am starting to get the hang of it, but yes, it is not the easiest or most obvious thing to get "in" to the system. I really like a lot of what I've discovered so far, so I hope that this platform will work out its kinks and stick around :-)

In some ways it helps to keep out the riff raff, I'm not ever sure if mass adoption is the end goal here, but it would definitely be better for everyone if there was a clear path to success here. But as the website header reminds us, Steemit is still technically in beta. I'm sure they will find ways to improve the platform in the future.

Excellent article @cygon . I agree with your viewpoint on steemit and see the same issues. It can be a really tough go for those of us who believe in this platform and put in the effort to form community and seek change. we are up against some heavy investors that are here purely for self interest and treat steemit as such. I'm fairly hopeful for the future though, and am excited to see what happens with it in the future. Thank you for the well, written, thought provoking post.

Thanks for taking the time to read it! You definitely feel like plankton in the ocean here some times. I do think that more minnows though over time will dilute the strength of the whales and start to distribute things more naturally.

Your welcome, I hope this happens as well with Steem...that it will balance out in the future. Would be fanstastic!

Well spoken. You got my attention on your first line. I think if everybody in making profit an ethical way, this world would be a better place. With my investments in stocks and currencies I try to look into companies which are profitable, but also leaders that manage the business in an ethical way.

I think investing ethically is so underrated. Also I really try to stick to companies like Amazon that take a long-term view with their business plan rather than just trying to beat numbers every quarter.

I am neither interested in the quarters. By thinking long term you have a less stressful way of earning money. We will always have economical crisis. But since 1950 75% of the time the stock market goes up.

Excellent post. Although steemit truly is revolutionary imo, there is these huge problems. I hope this isn't the new myspace lmao. I wonder if tom is on steemit. Yeah the whole SBD peg is an issue, reward pool "rape", and the massive amount of power these whales have.

Decentralization is always a good thing and hopefully because this blockchain is constantly being tested in the "real world" it can come out on top.

Either way I'm fascinated by what's happening here! If nothing else I'm glad someone at least is trying to make their vision happen, whether that ends up being successful or not. I believe in the general idea here and if Steemit doesn't work someone else will be successful with it.

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