Lets Hear It For The Steem Capitalists!

in #steemit7 years ago


There appears to be an ongoing trend on Steemit whereby certain types of users are denigrated.

It is almost like people are too afraid to say that they like the money they are making or might potentially make from Steemit.

Or worse still, being made to feel like they somehow don't belong because they want to make a buck or two.

Apparently it is all about the community and you are not allowed to try and earn or be happy that you're earning Steem Dollars.

So as an early adopter/influential user I'd like to set the record straight and talk about some different categories of Steemian, and how they are all great and add value in their own way.

The Unsocial Ones

This is the category that I fall into; the unsocial ones are a group of Steemians who would not otherwise be on Steemit, were it not for the financial rewards.

We have a minimal engagement with other types of social media, and are looking at ways of actually cutting the time we spend on Facebook, Twitter et. al.

Now that we're on Steemit, we realise the best way to generate Steem, is to add as much value as possible. Whether that is directly through producing great content, or becoming part of schemes and collaborations that enhance the community.

We also realise that we need to socialise, which we're happy to do. We enjoy the community just as much as anyone else and love contributing to it; however whilst it may not be the reason we stay, the money is what brought us here in the first place.

The Pro Bloggers

These tend to be people who have put in a lot of work on other platforms, from Facebook to Youtube and everything in between.

A lot of these guys have been sweating away for years trying to make a buck doing what they love. In most cases they have generated minimal income, and Steemit represents their big break.

The main value they bring is through their content, which has matured on other platforms, and of course a ready made off-Steem audience.

The Crypto Investor

Since HF19 whereby the voting algorithm was changed so that a person with a modest amount of Steem Power could achieve decent voting rewards, we have seen an increase in investors on the platform.

Before HF19 there were few people who were willing to invest thousands of dollars in Steem and power up, because it made little financial sense.

Back then it made little sense to purchase thousands of dollars only to see your voting influence go up by a couple of cents.

So now we have more investors powering up, some of these new Steemians have decided that they want a return on their investment, and the best way to achieve that is by voting on their own comments.

Whilst this may look a little lame on the outside, we have to remember that these guys have invested a lot of money and shown faith in the platform, this is the value they bring, and why not reward them for it?

The Social Networker

These Steemians are versed in the ways of social media, they have several accounts on various platforms. They not only understand the mainstream channels, but also the lesser known ones such as Slack and Discord.

The main value they bring is via community building, they understand how to make alliances and how to enhance the experience of others.

* * *

The way I see it, as long as you're not a blatant scammer then you're welcome in the Steemit community.

If you want to make as much money as you can while you're here, I say more power to you. As long as you're not ripping anyone off, or duping people into scammy schemes, then why not.

I guess at the end of the day, what I'm trying to say is Steem and let Steem.





Awesome post. I've been writing about some of the toxicity cropping up on Steemit lately, and I think these divisions are a big reason/contributing factor to it. Certain members of various groups become rather militant about regulating those from the other groups.

Currently, there appear to be pro- and anti-bot factions, as well as pro- and anti-"old whales" factions. There also seems to be continued disagreement about both voting and flagging.

It puts ones in a difficult position if you are straddling a few different groups. I know I am.

I particularly enjoyed this part:

"Or worse still, being made to feel like they somehow don't belong because they want to make a buck or two.

Apparently it is all about the community and you are not allowed to try and earn or be happy that you're earning Steem Dollars."

It's very taboo in some places on Steemit to appear profit motivated. Setting aside all morals and ethics, it's a bit silly to operate on anything other than the assumption that most users are here because of the rewards. They aren't here for the ubiquity, or the interface, or anything else (on a macro-group level). Every decision we make has to assume some things as a result of this, such as the system will be maximally gamed and abused by things like spammers/plagiarizers.

I appreciate you pointing this out in an evenhanded way.

I'm just here to up vote my own comments! LOL
Great post as usual! Thanks

Lolz; that's fine, just share a lil' bit of that candy around! :-)



How many votes a day do you get and how much did you have to spend to obtain 1.69$ for a vote like this?

Dammit, I'm a blatant scammer.
I'll see myself out.

Actually, Steemit is a Social Platform where people will be rewarded for their Content...

What is Steemit.com?
Steemit is a social network and content rewards platform that makes the crowd the beneficiaries of the attention economy. It does this be rewarding users with STEEM.

Steemit has redefined social media by building a living, breathing, and growing social economy; a community where users are getting rewarded for sharing their voice.

Sourced from: Steemit FAQ

Also, the only people who truly benefit from the "schemes and collaborations", as you called them, are Whales. If you read the Steem WhitePaper...

Distributing Currency
There are two ways people can get involved with a crypto-currency community: they can buy in, or they can work in. In both cases users are adding value to the currency, however, the vast majority of people have more free time than they do spare cash. Imagine the goal of bootstrapping a currency in a poor community with no actual cash but plenty of time. If people can earn money by working for one another then they will bootstrap value through mutual exchange facilitated by a fair accounting/currency system.

It appears that we have fallen into the Voting Collusion trap outlined in the Steem WhitePaper...

Voting Collusion
While cooperation to distribute funds to the best work is the desired goal, collusion that undermines this objective should be minimized. There are two kinds of collusion, the most straightforward is when one user simply buys a larger stake than others, and the other involves coordinating a large number of smaller stakeholders to work together. Larger stakeholders can have the voting influence of 100 or even 1000 smaller stakeholders which means they have even greater incentive to defect by voting for themselves than they had under a linear distribution.

Does that sound familiar?

HI thanks for your comments, you make some excellent points and I'll attempt to answer them . . .

Actually, Steemit is a Social Platform where people will be rewarded for their Content...

OK, you quoted from the whitepaper there, and sure enough you are right to point that out. However I would also point out that as well in the paper it talks about rewards for voting and general participation. On top of that there are the rewards that members attain through side projects.

For instance the amount of apps that have been written or work done behind the scenes by Steemcleaners and other such projects.

I feel the beauty of Steemit is that each person has a chance to carve a niche for him or herself, sure you will often be at a disadvantage over somebody who got there first or who has more money than you. But hey, that's life, and at least on Steemit you have a chance to gain parity through ingenuity and hard work.

Also, the only people who truly benefit from the "schemes and collaborations", as you called them, are Whales. If you read the Steem WhitePaper...

Hmm, I'm not sure the part you pasted illustrates the point you're trying to make. I'll say this about that particular aspect. Steemit is ultimately a capitalist eco system, many more would prefer a kind of communist set up, however that's not what it is at the mo.

You cannot ignore self-interest, I think whilst it's in no way perfect, we still are working towards a point whereby the self interest of the whales will align with that of the minnows. Many people have benefited from these schemes, and yes, the people running them have as well, but whoever said they shouldn't?

It appears that we have fallen into the Voting Collusion trap outlined in the Steem WhitePaper...

You're forgetting that the whitepaper is out of date, and now that linear rewards have been brought in we are seeing changes in voting patterns. I believe we have to let these patterns play out for a while longer before we can truly say whether they're good or bad.

Once more thanks for your comments, you've made me think some more about it, and that's always good!


Thanks for your sincere response. I am glad that you took the time to provide a thoughtful response and I am happy to give you something more to think about! I'm going to hopefully provide a little more color to my thoughts and the excerpts I selected.

I agree, as I was pulling some excerpts from the WhitePaper, I saw many items that were clearly outdated (especially since HF 0.19.0). That doesn't mean that the underlying message should be thrown to the side simply because the Witnesses have decided to take action and "step away" from portions of the original purpose of Steemit.

Some of the changes to Steemit will be very valuable, and others will be detrimental. Since HF 19, I have seen a significant shift in the atmosphere on Steemit and the "capitalist" mentality has shot through the roof.

Improvements to the user experience of the platform through SmartPhone Apps, Trading Apps to more easily convert Steem to BTC or eventually fiat, and other improvements that are completely unrelated to simply "Earning Steem" should absolutely be able to earn Steem from their ORIGINAL Content that they are bringing to the Platform.

I find exception when accounts are creating the SAME SCHEMES, such as the Pay-For-Upvotes bots, where the explicit goal is to Game the Earnings System. At this point these accounts are bypassing the 7 day waiting period and eroding some of the basic ideals of the Steemit Platform. While we don't have to wait a full year to Power Down 100% anymore (since it's been dropped to 13 weeks), there is still no other method offered by the Steemit Platform where an individual can immediately obtain value for an action on the platform, EXCEPT for the Pay-For-Upvotes Accounts that are receiving Liquid Steem / SBD

Even when Converting my SBD to STEEM, I have to wait 3.5 Days! (Unless I take the Conversion Hit in the Market)

While the idea of paying for upvotes is very clever, it is a blatent abuse of the Steemit Platform. These bots can game the system with small effect because their upvotes are free, and the SBD they get has more value to them after converting it instantly than by waiting the 3.5 days, or earning it legitimately by producing original content or actively being involved in the community (a bot is not "actively involved").

I've started investing here. I really don't see another way to grow for someone like me.

Fair enough, and you shouldn't be pilloried for it.


Got on steemit and blockchains initially thanks to Curiosity and Desire.
Curiosity of what this new technology can do, and how it can potentially shape the future of internet services, including blogging and social media.
And Desire to profit from the explosion we're seeing of interest in cryptocurrencies, where I think STEEM is one of those of best potential.

Lastly, I see it as a potential enabler for me to do what I love, communicating on science and space while also being part of "the future".

Yes we want people coming from all different backgrounds for all different reasons, this will give us the biodiversity we need to carry on.

I have enjoyed your posts immensely and hope you stay for a long time to come!


I am in SteemIt for the investment and I also enjoy the community. There are a lot of people here who want to control how the site grows. Sometimes, I fall into the trap as well.

There are many types here attempting to accomplish different goals. That is what makes a well-balanced community from which an economy can grow.

Some people just dont accept that they cant control everyone, everyone is free im investor to, and i love the fact that im free here.

There are many types here attempting to accomplish different goals. That is what makes a well-balanced community from which an economy can grow.

Exactly there is room for us all.

I am in SteemIt for the investment and I also enjoy the community.

Same here, I have met loads of great people and have learned a lot about cryptocurrency, so all gravy davey! :-)


I agree with the spirit of your post. However I think a lot of the complaints (including my own) about money seekers here refer to the influx of obnoxious spammy comments and I do frown on upvoting one's own comments if you're not contributing quality content nor actually reading someone else's post on which you're commenting. There's a lot of this and by people who are using others photos/content for their posts and not really bringing anything of value here. I liked @stellabelle's post about this: https://steemit.com/shitcomments/@stellabelle/follow-4-follow-desperation-steal-these-steemit-post-titles-i-dare-you

Very good points, and that @stellabelle article is spot on, and kind of takes off from my Lose Friends And Alienate People article.

I think 100% self-voting is lame, however there are people out there using self voting wisely, they invest and then self vote around 50% of the time. This means they are getting an ROI whilst still spreading the love and gaining a following.

I do think there will be another rejig of HF19, because it isn't perfect yet, we need somewhere between what we had before and what is true now.

Hopefully it will be the value creators who win out, spam is annoying and disappointing, but as long as we minimise it the platform can thrive.


I am all for capitalism. Someone once said, "Capitalism is what happens when you leave people alone." All of us are working in our own self interest. In the old days before money people worked and used barter to trade. If a dairy farmer needed container to store and ship his milk he might trade milk for jugs made by the potter. And everyone will work harder when they are rewarded for their efforts. Now we have governments and private organization that interfere and even steal our wealth. Hopefully Steemit is a new system that will allow all of us to prosper doing what we love.

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