🆘I'm Still Jonesing For That "Edit" Button! - Please???🆘steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Today's Appeal to the Lords of Steem...

"The ultimate court of appeal is observation and experiment... not authority." - Thomas Huxley

I don't run Steemit,

nor do I exercise any sway over the hard forks and the roadmap. (Thank goodness! 😉)

However, I am a fairly prolific content creator, and I have an agenda of my own that I hope to implement within the confines and promise of the Steemit blockchain and its nominal user interface.

Straight from the horses' mouth, I've been led to believe that it is my contributions to Steemit, (along with, of course, all content creators), that provide the Steem Economy with it's ultimate value:

"Authors are the source of the content that drives the site and the platform, generating the attention that provides the ultimate value to the Steem Economy." - 2017 Roadmap

I never make mistakes, Right? Ummm...

I never make mistakes, Right? Ummm...
Photo courtesy of Bench Accounting and http://unsplash.com

And so, I had waited for HF17 with considerable anticipation.

No, I wasn't particularly concerned about reward pool distribution, removing comment nesting, etc. I did of course appreciate the incremental underlying technical improvements, such as "Separation of Blockchain Logic from Interface Requirements" and so on and so forth, even though they are less visibly obvious from the user perspective.

However, I really wanted one promised feature...

Above all else, I was waiting for the promised ability to edit posts beyond the arbitrary one-month "expiration" date.

"Allow Editing of any Past Post or Comment"

"We propose removing the restriction on editing of past posts. It is a user-interface responsibility to show revision history and enable restoration of unintentional changes made by compromised accounts."
- Steem 0.17 Change Proposal Introduction

Now approaching a month later,

considerably past the introduction of HF17, and I am still looking for that "Edit" button at the bottom of my older articles. I've asked for this repeatedly in various venues, and been told that there is now no "hard" barrier to doing this - that it's a User Interface (UI) thing.

Yet, here we are looking down the barrel of HF19, and I'm still waiting for access to the promise of HF17.

Please consider this a respectful appeal...

Please don't think I don't appreciate the work and effort invested into the Steemit platform and code. Please don't misunderstand this as lack of appreciation for new features like "drag and drop" photo uploads and so forth. Developers and founders, I appreciate all your hard work.

However, although I haven't gone mucking around the innards of the Steemit UI, I am a lifelong coder myself. I think I would be quite shocked and surprised if "implementing" the ability to edit older posts were more than removing a tiny conditional code block that presently prevents the "Reply" and "Edit" links from appearing at the bottom of articles older than 30-odd days?

Would someone handling the daily releases please take a minute to do that?
Please? Pretty please?

I really want to be able to edit older posts as needed.

To whomever can make this happen:

Thank you in advance,

from the bottom of my heart.

I have my reasons. (Yes, feel free to ask.)


Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

I keep looking for this, but it does not seem to be a part of the plan so far. I do hope it becomes such.

Old post edits!! Yes. I have been wanting this too. I have spotted a couple of typos on my old recipes that I really wanted to fix

Yes indeed.

All rationalizations for preventing edits are empty... The blockchain will preserve the history of our errors and faux pas for anyone who wishes to look...

I remember that in latest Hardfork they wanted to get rid of it, look at my previous post! I would be really happy to edit some of my Content! The main argument against this is that people will earn money by just copy and paste a post over & over again in hopes of making a gain. Clearly, i don't think this will be an issue. I doubt someone can have multiple accounts, to keep doing this. We always want new content and everyday interests changes, i dont think that editing past Works will lead to more plagiarism. The Good outweigh the bad, let me edit my Content, i'm the creator and have final say over it! Allow me to Edit my Comments & Posts whenever I want, we should have the freedom to express ourselves not just through action but also through Words. Following you Now! Great Post

One of my primary reasons for wanting edit capability is to be able to maintain a good and up to date Topical Table of Contents. The Steemit user interface unfortunately emphasizes whatever the most recent articles are. Even with the seven day rewards window of HF17, my sense is that people are only voting for what just came down the pipe... Disappointing!

I have mixed feelings about editing old posts. In a way, it may be construed as "sour grapes" but what's the point of editing an old post to be more current (or evergreen) if you're not getting paid out past 7 days? This question makes me sound like I'm only here for the payout, which has never been the case but does anyone really look at those old posts? Is it worth the effort to go back and edit? I'm tossed about it!

I have a rather different viewpoint...

Yes, payouts are nice; but my primary goal here is to create an archive of my thought. Something that my descendants will one day be able to access, if they wish, and say "So that's who he was..."

The nature of the potential permanence of the Steemit blockchain is such that it should make such an archive a real possibility. And, even for the more "short term" case, if I am able to maintain a good Table of Contents, that in and of itself ought to help me attract and keep "real readers," and it is READERS that I really hope for here! ;)

And yes, in my experience (especially with my TOC) people do go back and read older posts! :)

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