Steemit Betting Community Progress Report

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

It has been nearly 4 months since the Steemit Betting Community was created. One of our main objectives was to make Steemit a more welcome place for new members by having a community to start off with and help everyone grow by guiding them in the good direction and provide some support with the @sbcbot upvotes. After a really hot start, things slowed down a bit and it seems like a good time to do an overall progress report.

SBC Upvote Bot

The SBC Upvote bot has now 2500+ SP in it mostly thanks to @stimp1024 and has been working quite consistently spreading out votes in the community thanks to @beat-the-bookies. The votes at the start were the same for everybody but have been changed to somewhere between 15%-75% based on overall community engagement, the willingness to grow on Steemit and content. Right now we are not with enough members and the bot could potentially support a lot more.

SBC League

The creation of the SBC League were everyone posts in a somewhat similar style while keeping honest track of their betting record so far really worked. Before the SBC League this was mostly done in ways often even without posting odds and rarely with any real record keeping. So far the SBC really made a difference here and it is great to see guys like @djoker use steemit as a way to improve their own betting results.

Enhanced Voting Graph

When analysing the voting patters of all the members that make use of the @sbcbot upvotes, it is quite frustrating to see that there is almost no interaction or voting between members that have a lower SP amount. I'm not sure what the reason is but I guess it's either because there is a lack of awareness on how Steemit works or because of having a more taking mindset where upvoting smaller accounts doesn't make sense because nothing can be get from them.

How Steemit Works:

There are Whales, Dolphins, Minnows and Plankton on Steemit. If Whales were to mainly support Dolphins, the Dolphins would on their turn be able to support more Minnows. The upvote from these minnows can make a difference to Plankton while plankton should be focussed on supporting each other. This way everyone get support which makes steemit a more attractive platform resulting in a price increase that most benefits the whales.

While this is mostly theory and in reality it is always a lot more complicated. This model can somewhat work in a community like this.

If only the ones who are joing the SBC League and have similar posting styles would start supporting each others and sometimes make a genuine comment it would already make a world of difference. Even if a vote is not worth much, getting more upvotes on posts on it's own can be really encouraging and when everyone grows together it will really amplify over time and make a difference.
When lookin at the voting pattern of many members using the Steemreports tool it often shows a more taking mindset with most of the outgoing votes going to contests from @stimp1024 & @barbadosso who are easy to enter just by giving many votes. @stimp1024 has recognised this issue that his contest can be very demanding on people that have no voting slider and added the option to play along without upvoting many months ago. This voting patters is one of the big differnces between the core group and the ones who have been less community driven.

To me this has been one of the biggest advantages of having this community. Some signed up to Scorum which is a new Blockchain platform similar to Steemit and a couple of us followed which gave us a huge head start on there since we all had good experience when it comes down to blogging and had each others back with mutual support. Many of us regularly hit the trending section giving us even more exposure which would have never been possible without the SBC. Mostly the more engaging sbc members joined Scorum about a month ago and are all somewhere around dolphin status after a month.

SBC On ScorumSP
@fullcoverbetting4500 SP
@costanza2050 SP
@stimp102425320 SP
@beat-the-bookies1010 SP
@djoker464 SP
@numpypython1120 SP
@lawlees2290 SP

These numbers are without the even bigger earning last week and the 60% SP airdrop that will be given on top of what has been earned so far!

Attracting New Members

This has been a huge challenge and everything seems to be stagnating a bit after a hot start. The crypto bear market definitely has something to do with fewer people finding their way to the Steem blockchain. I will continue to do what I can to spread some awareness around Steemit in the online betting world but it remains a hard sell.

The SBC has come a long way and made huge progress at the start but now seems to be facing something of a wall we need to break through to grow in numbers and become stronger as a group. I'm looking forward to reading some thoughts, suggestions or remarks in the comments !


The first thing I did when we did start the community was starting to follow all members which are followed by the bot. This way all posts of the member will appear in my news feed.
I try to spread my votes as much as possible but I also take the quality of the post into account!
And yes, we had lot's of discussions about the fact that most members communicate with the founders and not with each other!
Hope that this will change in the near future!

It is hard to find new members for our community, for sure now with only friendly games and the major competitions still to start! We will keep on searching the blockchain for new members. But this is not only a task for the founders, but a task for everybody who is involved in the community!

Good idea following all the members followed by the bot, I just did the same.

Great thing to do!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 66593.69
ETH 3319.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71