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RE: @ZEARTUL @BELLYRUB @BELLYRUBBANK DOXXED | Respond To Your Victims Within 7 Days Or Be Doxxed

in #steemit7 years ago

Yo haus. If someone stole your car or let’s just say stole money from you.., wouldn’t you want to know who it was?


well boss, i would want to know who it was but i would not use that as justifacation for more wrong doings and if i did i hope someone would care enough to speak up and set me straight.
I am not defending in any way whatever @bellyrub did i am only saying it is also wrong to dox.
Just my warped opinion though.

Upvoted due to unprovoked emotional flags.

Also, I agree the information could have been shared privately with victims.

thank you, i looked at steemd before logging in and i just stared in confusion for about a min or 2. lol

I also feel bringing his family and girlfriend into it is out of line.

Im thinking i should just stop speaking my opinion before i end up with more flags. lol

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