@ZEARTUL @BELLYRUB @BELLYRUBBANK DOXXED | Respond To Your Victims Within 7 Days Or Be Doxxed

in #steemit7 years ago


As many of you know, @zeartul (AKA C****s C******s from Simi Valley, CA) the owner of @bellyrub and @bellyrubbank, went awol this week leaving a lot of good Steemians out of pocket. You can read up on the recent events here and here.

After looking at all the evidence I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt by giving him 7 days to respond to his victims. I don't believe he purposely ripped people off from the outset otherwise he wouldn't have been so sloppy with his OpSec which lead me to find his full name and address. From what I can piece together it looks like he went awol due to loosing a substantial delegation coupled with the low price of Steem. Once his delegation was taken back his problems started snowballing resulting in him being unable to keep up with repayments to his investors.

Running away, not keeping people informed, and then lying about it isn't the way to solve the problem. But as I don't believe you ripped people off intentionally you have 7 days to inform your victims of exactly what you are going to do to rectify the situation.

Some Proof

This 1st image is a recent photo (within the last 24 hours) of Zeartul and his girlfriend.

This 2nd photo is from his Facebook page.


(FYI: I've cropped in on the images to make them harder to reverse image search.)

C****s, I have your full dox which includes your girlfriends name and your home address in Simi Valley, CA.

There is no point deleting your social media accounts as I have everything archived, backed up, and screen-capped. Don't respond to me as I haven't lost any money to you. What you need to do though is respond to the many people you have stolen money from outlining how you aim to repay them all back. A lot of people are unhappy with you and would like there investments returned.

You have 7 days to inform your victims of what is going on otherwise your full dox WILL be made public.


It looks like this guy has left quite a little trail.

Carlos Cardenas of Simi Valley made this shame list for his btcjam scams


You can see there he's a public notary. WHAT THE FUCK? How is this man a public notary? California residents you may want to contact your secretary of state's office http://www.sos.ca.gov/administration/contact-information/ on that one.


His LinkedIn profile shows he owns

Worldalike inc  
Notary public in Simi Valley, California
Address: 1749 Ahart St, Simi Valley, CA 93065, USA
Hours: Open today · 8AM–11:30PM
Phone: +1 805-587-5708

I guess we can start calling his office at 8AM PST tomorrow.

Sadly, the doxxing threat did not get him to change his mind. He made a transfer to OpenLedger DEX yesterday for 70.620 STEEM in his account.

EDIT: Wow, I did not see he actually responded to this thread. He's an idiot.

This is wrong, what bellyrub did was wrong but this is still wrong too.
I am honstly distigusted with steemits lack of morals and double standards recently.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
I'm sorry if that is an unpopular opinion but you are no better then bellyrub now with your doxing.
Good job, you must be proud.

STFU @skeptic, you scammer lover! I'll doxx that son of a bitch myself if it came to that and I wont ask permission from anyone. Fud off!

Hey thanks for the support. I just checked to see if I had voted you for witness and it appears I haven't. Is your witness @fyrst-witness ?


IDK how many times i have to say it but i am in no way trying to defend bullyrub, Theft is wrong.

I am only saying doxing is wrong and trying to justify doing it because someone else did something wrong is pathetic at best.

doxing is a criminal offence just like theft is yet you all support one crime because someone commited another?

We can agree to disagree i guess.

Yo haus. If someone stole your car or let’s just say stole money from you.., wouldn’t you want to know who it was?

well boss, i would want to know who it was but i would not use that as justifacation for more wrong doings and if i did i hope someone would care enough to speak up and set me straight.
I am not defending in any way whatever @bellyrub did i am only saying it is also wrong to dox.
Just my warped opinion though.

Upvoted due to unprovoked emotional flags.

Also, I agree the information could have been shared privately with victims.

thank you, i looked at steemd before logging in and i just stared in confusion for about a min or 2. lol

I also feel bringing his family and girlfriend into it is out of line.

Im thinking i should just stop speaking my opinion before i end up with more flags. lol

How is exposing the identity of a scammer so that his victims have at least a chance to seek re-compensation a wrong in any way? It's the right thing to do so people can start phoning the police on this guy.

How is exposing the identity of a scammer so that his victims have at least a chance to seek re-compensation a wrong in any way?

that could have been done without the threat of doxing. bringing the persons family and girlfreind is uncalled for too. IMO at least.

It's the right thing to do so people can start phoning the police on this guy.

And it could have been done in a way not to be breaking laws, doxing is not the same as finding out who someone is and using that information to give to victims for lawful reasons, that is not the same as threats of relesing personal information that is not only the "scammer" but innocent people that have nothing to do with it.
Just because someone did something wrong like belly rub did it does not justifiy more wrong doings.
its whatever though, im trying to stop talking about it because its getting me flags. i think doxing is wrong no matter who is getting doxed and thats ok if others disagree with me.
have a great day and ill respond to your other comment soon, ill try to make it short as i said im kinda over this conversation already.

I'm not sure the threat was to dox the gf but was merely to show him they know up to date info on him including who he is dating.

You keep equating releasing factual information on a known scammer to be something wrong. Your argument falls apart on that. He is a scammer that was obfuscating his identity with aliases. Revealing his identity isn't wrong.

I agree releasing his gf's info is wrong though.

so your whole argument is that because he is a "scammer" it is justified to break laws as long as he is the victim of thoes crimes because he is a "scammer"?

right? or am i missing something?

I know what you mean I'm not into doxxing either. It wasn't easy for me to post this but once I had found him I didn't really know what to do. So I thought the best bet would be to at least give him a chance to right his wrongs. Hopefully this will make him think twice.

what exactly does his gilfriend have to do with this?? you are fucked up

idk yo im just speechless right now.....

Hopefully it wont come to it and he sorts everyone out. I genuinely appreciate your concern though. Thank you.

YOu can send all his info to his victims and let them do what they want with it.

I'm sorry if that is an unpopular opinion but you are no better then bellyrub now with your doxing.

Heartily disagree.

See I told you doxxing would lead to testicular issues!

I cant even comment, my sides hurt from laughing so hard.

This won’t motivate him to do anything but high tail it out of town and find a new place to live. And your giving him 7 days to do it. He’s had plenty of time to right his wrongs. He doesn’t care to. He had several thousands of dollars he could of used to start paying people back. He chose not to. He’s a crook and a coward.

I agree but I felt the best thing to do in this situation was to at least give him a chance before dropping his dox. It didn't feel right dropping it here and now.

Dude, he's already been given a chance. When he was given a chance he pretended his account was hacked. You can read his bullshit below. His last victims had to send debt collectors and lawyer up. You should just release the info so people can begin to make legal claims against him in California.

Filing a lawsuit against him will be easy no matter where he goes.

Doxx that son of a bitch! Don't give him 7 days. Damn!

Give him to the count of 0.

I wonder if Poloniex will step in and block this guy's account before the drains all the money out.

I dont think so.

Wow, nice move! you are taking serious steps..

True detective... Good work @fortified .

Doxx the fucker!
He's had enough time to do the right thing already.
He needs to be made an example of to discourage any other scumbags in waiting from trying the same stunt.
It's a lesson for those who don't already know that, if something looks too good to be true it's probably a scam.

Personally I couldn't drop it straight away. I thought it only fair if he had a few days to correct his mistakes even though I know he has done wrong.

You're right mate. I was in 'rant mode' when I dropped the comment as that kind of theft pisses me off. I'm sure many of those that have been scammed can't really afford the loss. Those who pray on the vulnerable are the worst kind of scum and I believe retribution needs to be swift and brutal.
Well done for the measured approach dude, you're a better man than me.

Respect. All good. thanks for your support.

Like the wise man would say, bad people exist is because good people do not stand up to them. I know this will likely have major consequences but it truly is for the greater good. This sets an example for others not to follow. It exposes and disposes the bad. World is not perfect and if the good people stand still and do nothing the bad will always prevail.

This is deep. Thanks.
Yes it wasn't an easy decision to make to post this post. It took a lot of thinking about before I did. but like you say good people need to stand up to bad people and make an example of them.


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