The Steemians Who Elevate This Site With Their Contributions & Good Energy (What Do We Want This Site to Be?)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

At the moment, Steemit is a mirror of our society out there.

But instead, it could be an example for a better one.

Just like in real life we have a diversity of people with different attitudes, ethics and behaviours here. There are people,

  • who work hard
  • who sit on the sidewalk and beg for money
  • who try to figure it all out on day one in order to become "the best"
  • who try to be smart and make money without any effort
  • who spot business opportunities and put up their lemonade stands
  • who are rich, because they happened to be at the right place at the right time
  • who are rich, because they honestly worked their way up from nothing to the top

Just like in real life, we have people here,

  • who just want to make a quick buck. Some will succeed and some will give up soon. "Tried it. Didn't work."
  • who actively look to provoke and create conflict
  • who constantly over-give and under-earn
  • who want to create a win:win for everyone here, by giving a lot, but also taking care of themselves

Just like in real life, you’ll see beggars begging for upvotes. There even seems to be some sort of Entitlement Syndrome going around, where authors demand Steemit to prove itself to them. (And if they don’t get that whale upvote, it proves that Steemit doesn’t work.)


Steemit doesn’t owe us anything.


We can make of Steemit whatever we want. But we can only do it together.

For some of us Steemit may represent a little extra pocket money.
For some it may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get out of poverty.

For others it may be a way to finally make a living from something we enjoy doing, and that actively helps us contribute to others and change the world.

Something, that finally allows us to quit our job! Like @teamsteem did. Look how happy he is!!! Understandable, and inspiring!

We all bring our own consciousness to this platform

That's why Steemit currently is a mirror of our outside world.

The fact that we are here also shows that we are pioneers. We are the first 150,000 or so on Steemit. We could set the tone for what we want Steemit to be. We could enhance each other's consciousness and set an example for what we would like society to be.

We could create a capsule society in here, that could be a living and working example for the society we’d like to see out there.

Be the message you want to see in the world

Let's be like Ghandi!

All we need to do is bring a higher consciousness here, so much so, that it will one day spill over into the real world.

We all know Steemians who are actively contributing to making Steemit a longterm success.

There are many individuals who consistently add good energy through their unique way of being compassionate, supportive, informative, funny, kind, inspiring, or simply human.

Today I want to compile a list of people with you, who we should all follow, so we can get infected by their good energy and pass it on to others.

I am not looking only for people who we consider “whales”, though many of them will be, because they got to where they are for good reasons. I am looking for people who already represent what we want Steemit to become.

I’ll start with my favourites and I encourage you to add yours in the comments. Let's create a resource for future readers!


My favorites in random order:

@teamsteem - I only found him recently, but I love his dedication to Steemit, his love for a better world that’s based on cooperation and community, and his honest thoughts in his posts.
He is a big believer in Steemit, and from what I can see, he walks his talk and does whatever he can to make Steemit a success.

@stellabelle - It might not be visible in all of her posts, because she covers so many different topics - but I know that she is genuinely on a mission to help people get out of poverty.
She promotes Steemit heavily on traditional social media and in “the real world” and focuses especially (though not exclusively) on people in Venezuela, who have been hit hard by their current hyper inflation.

@felixxx - Felixxx is a fountain of information about Steemit and super helpful. He even wrote a whole post with answers for me after I bombarded him with 22 questions at once. He is really really interested in making Steemit work well for everybody.
He is like a good police officer who's watching over the community, making sure everyone is safe and nobody hurts anyone. He's also a witness and you can vote or him here:

@papa-pepper - I have a feeling he needs no introduction. I found him because of his selfless “random act of kindness” when he sent @darthnava a large amount of STEEM as a donation for a surgery. Many many Steemians followed his example and what unfolded then will probably be remembered by us forever.

@trafalgar - he writes real life comedy here, which always makes me chuckle, sometimes even laugh out loud. He is the only one who's profile I actively check out, to see if he has any new content. Yup, that's how much I like his stuff!

Another thing I like about him is that he has invested a LOT of money in Steemit. That was a smart decision on his part, which accelerated his own earnings, but this way he is also able to give a lot more to the community through his upvotes.

@firepower - firepower strikes me as a super kind and wise human being. He writes a lot about crypto related topics, but also shares a lot about what’s going on in his life and how he reflects on things.
His post are thoughtful, insightful, and helpful! And somehow I just always see kindness shining through in between his lines. He certainly spreads good energy around here and I’m very happy for him that he can actually live from his Steemit income.

@theorderofthings - has only joined recently and deserves a LOT more followers. She has such an eye for beauty and sees things in the real world that others may simply walk past without noticing. Just look at this example!
She definitely brings more beauty to Steemit, so if you are a lover of beauty and details, too, she will certainly brighten up your feed!

@embracingchaos literally shares how she’s embracing the chaos (and also the newness of Steemit) every day. I love reading about how mastering little challenges in life can create so much joy - even if it’s just “How to center an image in a Steemit post”.
It’s funny, relatable, and - I’m sure educational, too - for many new Steemians who are still figuring out their way around here.

@maikegrell - Maike is also still very new here and has started by writing about whatever is on her mind that day. Whether it’s cooking, or “trying to find the time to write”, or what’s going on in Germany right now. Since I live there, too, I can relate a lot to her. Specifically also her conscious view on things.
You might find meaningful insights in her posts, like this little gem in her very first Steemit post: "How did I find the time? I took it. It was already there.”

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Wow! Has this been my longest post ever? Possibly. But it was really important for me to write it today.

Who are the people you noticed, who bring really good energy to this place?

I would love it if you added your favorites in the comments.

Please don’t simply add their names, but also mention why you like them. Why should we check out their posts or follow them? How are they contributing to the success of this platform, or simply the good energy here?

Please consider resteeming this post if you believe we could create a great resource here. Thank you ❤️

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PS: Of course I totally forgot to mention @dan, the creator of Steemit, who actually inspired this post today, after I browsed through his Blog on Github and read about his vision for Mutual Aid Societies. Fascinating subject.


Of course I would count me as one of those that inspire me coz I am grinding irrespective of immediate result.

I like @Krnel, @dollarvigilante, @aggroed, @akrid, @cryptos, @starsteem, @connecteconomy, @stephenkendal (partial list) for what they bring to this platform, some for their content while others for being disruptors of status quo and few for the warm encouragement they give on this platform!

Thank you @rkreddy - there are some I don't know yet - will check them out! (And thank you for the mention <3 )

And good for you, for acknowledging yourself!!

I strongly agree with Gandhi's words. We steemians can set an example of a better society for the world by putting our sincere efforts and hard work.
I know a lot of people who are making this place great, going to mention few of them @ilyastarar is just a month old member of steemit but he is doing amazing things to help and support others, @kus-knee I always love reading from him bcz of his unique and thought provoking articles, @ocrdu for the amazing photography, @allasyummyfood @firepower @jerrybanfield @felixxx @teamsteem.

That is exactly my thoughts of steemit, the posts and comments reflects on who our innerself represents. One of the main goals on steemit is to generate quality discussions and creating a positive community. Every upvote should mean something and something that you're passionate about. Thank you for posting. Will definitely check out those people. :)

A lot of interesting reflections about the connection between steemit as a whole and our normal life (:

I really hope we can create a better version auf our society!

Very informational post i upvote & resteem !

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