Steemitiquette: Self-Upvoting Comments - Have we been given permission or a big dilemma?

in #steemit7 years ago

I spotted the self-upvote button under the comment field yesterday.

Does that mean we're allowed to use it???

Or is it frowned upon?

In my world (in my head) there was a common sense agreement and unwritten law that, yes, you always self-upvote your articles, because the first upvote goes 100% to the author anyway, so readers might actually be hesitant to hit upvote, unless someone else (you, the author), has "removed the risk" of not receiving anything back for you.

So, self-upvoting articles is accepted.

But comments?

Upvoting your own comments was considered vain.
Like, "Oh, wow, what you (self!) just said, is sooo brilliant!"

Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 16.31.32.png

But, actually, what's the difference? Maybe there's a reason why comments and articles are both called "posts" on Steemit?

Maybe there is no difference at all?
Maybe it's all in my head?

Is there a difference in payout?

Or do comments now work exactly the same way as articles, in that the first upvote goes 100% to the author. In that case, we should all tick that box and upvote ourselves, no?

But if the payout works differently, then maybe not....

Can someone who knows this please comment???

(I will upvote your comment, whether you've upvoted yourself already or not!)

If we do start doing this - won't this affect how much we give to others?

If it is indeed allowed/accepted or even encouraged, then we will all drain our voting power pretty quickly.

It's hard to receive 100% upvotes from people as it is. And then it will be even harder. So won't we take away a LOT from others, if we all start upvoting our own comments now?

I don't know. I feel like I've been given permission, but also a huge dilemma at the same time.

Why isn't there some central controlling authority here who will just tell me what to do??? 😁

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The worst thing, however, is that I'm suddenly not sure anymore, if this check box has always been there... Please tell me it hasn't. That would make me feel a tiny bit stupid. And blind...

If it has always been there, just don't mention it, okay?
Just tell me how you handle this dilemma.

Thank you.


I have never upvoted my own comment probably because early on I got the sense that it was frowned upon... but it would be good to know for sure. I think if it drains your potential to upvote others then its just a question of how you're feeling at the time. I wouldn't begrudge myself a selfish day....certainly if I didn't have time to spend looking at many other posts or something.... but mostly, this platform is fun for spreading the love. Generosity is such a lubricating factor in this community that its always going to be more beneficial in the long run to send your love out to others and keep growing your positive connections with all the great people who are working hard to make awesome content. x

Yes, this is actually a fundamental philosophical and spiritual question about ego and unconditional love!!! 😇

Haha, I thought the same as you: Has this been here the whole freaking time and I'm just now noticing it??

LOL, why do we keep questioning ourselves?? ;)

Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing! I thought upvoting your own comment was a general no-no but perhaps it's heading that way (and yes, I think the check box is new). In short, I have no idea! Anyone?? ;)

OK, phew, thanks for letting me know you didn't see the check box before either... :)

Now this post have me thinking.
Really would like to know more

Let's see if some smart people show up and show us the way... :)

Since I am a relatively new here, this question has been plaguing me since I got here. Is it yes or is it no. I have seen arguments for both sides. So I am just as confused as you are.

OK Thanks for the empathy :D

I joined steemit around 6 months ago.

Pretty early I read an article where it was explained and even encouraged why upvoting your own comments is OK.

Times has changed a bit and now the community seems to agree that you shouldn't do that for the most part.

I think if I put a lot of time and thoughts in a comment it is fine to invite it myself as I do with my articles.

I can also give my comment a smaller vote to push it in front of others so it gets seen better when there are a lot of comments under the article.

In my opinion this is fine but upcoming my comments by default is not.

Hm, I never considered the upvote-for-visibility part... Good point... So an upvote truly means "up" in this case...

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