Why whales will become dolphins & opportunities for new bloggers

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A lot has been said and written about whales. Some have claimed that whales have too much influence on steemit. That because of the whales some content that is uninteresting have earned a lot of money, while other content where the writer have put a lot of hours and efforts, barely made a few bucks. Also they claim that whales will always grow in influence as all their steem is in steem power. So let’s have a closer look at this, and see why that is actually not true.

Whales are losing influence

Some say that because whales have put all their steems in steem power, they will always grow and become more influential. This is actually not true. When people convert their steem into steem power it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are accumulating power. To understand it we have to look at the growth of steem power relatively to the growth of the supply of steem. In the “white paper” it states that the total supply growth of steem is around 100% per year, and only 90% goes to people holding steem power. This means that if the whales are not creating attractive content and so not earning extra value, they will on average lose approximately 10% of influence each year. So in the long run they are becoming smaller whales or dolphins.

Here is a little sample to show that “it’s possible” for whales to have their shares decreased.

Is it possible for whales to increase their power?

Yes they can, but on the long run, it’s almost impossible. We are now still in the early stages, where the user base is still relatively small, and subjects are still concentrated. This result in a more concentrated attention to the early developers and whales. Especially on post on updates and spam. In the long run though subject will be more diverse and the user base will be larger. In order the whales to increase their influence, they need to compete in the same environment on the same criteria in creating attractive content as other people. Which I believe is almost impossible. Because we, the people, eventually consisting of millions of newcomers will have some very creative individuals who can create wonderful blogs and videos that current whales cannot make.

Why the whales earned to be in this position in the beginning

In a good working economy you have entrepreneurs trying to create value through taking risk by investing their capital, time and efforts. It is their reward for doing this successfully. As long as what they create is valuable to us. It’s like Satoshi Nakamoto inventing the blockchain, which is arguable one of the most important inventions in the last few decades, and thereby reserving a significant share of bitcoins for himself.

Who will be the next whales?

Now we understand that the 10% of new supply of steems is meant for distribution for content creators, we understand that creating attractive content is the key for this. So maybe it’s Heiditravel, Cairns, Tara, or @chhaylin! The answer to this is who we will like the most. Of course I can be biased and say I like chhaylin’s post the most, because he is my little brother. But that’s not how it works. It’s about what everyone likes. And it’s the people or companies that can please us the most who eventually will become whales.

Honest content.

But anyhow, the content should be honest and not plagiarism. We don’t want to reward the wrong people who steal other people’s work. So let’s keep it fair and straight. So maybe the @cheetah! bot doesn't have to come after you.


I love what you wrote! So true, especially the call for honest content!

"Because we, the people, eventually consisting of millions of newcomers will have some very creative individuals who can create wonderful blogs and videos that current whales cannot make."

Its like the circle of life, generation after generation, beautiful. The white paper is a must read for anyone who hasn't, of course you can jump over the mathematical sections, but try get the gist of it.

Hope to some day at least be a minnow to properly value newcomers and original content!

I very much agree with you. Let's hope content will prevail in the long run. :)

If you request I'll also design a dolphin for the community :)

Here is the Steem whale:


Hello @deepsynergy!

I think your whale looks great. It took me a moment to see it though, but when i saw it, it was rather cute. Especially the eyes on both sides. In the beginning it looked like a woman wearing a bra. Haha..

I'd love to see your design for a dolphin. Let me know when you've made it:)

Ha as soon as I read women in a bra I looked up and seen that right away.. Now all I can see is a women in a bra...

This symbol makes the Whale look menacing . It's the eyes... after reading the comment below all I can see is a women in a bra now.... so I guess the scary looking whale logo won't really frighten me anymore.

interesting post @chhayll, the trend keeps going in that direction and this is good for Steemit:

whales stake diminishes and at the same time big fishs and dophins stake (superuser, hero) are growing

Hello @jako!

Yes. It keeps on decreasing. It's a good trend. Probably also a sign that Steemit it growing

thanks for droppin' some serious knowledge here, peace

So far I saw other dynamics in distribution of Steem Power:

Yes. At this stage there is still some volatility. There might be two reasons for this.

  1. Because we are still at the beginning, there is still a lot of attention for Steemit's development post by the developers. Like announcements on updates, or articles about spam. But when steemit progresses the attention will distribute more fairly.
  2. The user base is still relatively small.

I hope the learning curve won't hinder the growth of this. 99% of people are brainwashed robots controlled by politicians. Will we be able to lure them away from the matrix, and participate in controlling their future with innovative things that exist in the cryptosphere? Time will tell if innovation can truly thrive in a world like this.

Outstanding insight! Keep up the good work!

I hope this will provide some good information for others

Hmm ...... I hope this does provide some good information for others.... these upvotes provided me with some new info .

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