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RE: Community Interaction vs Post Payout

in #steemit7 years ago

I just don't get it. Why are people always panic voting high earning posts or posts from popular authors? Don't they understand that you make almost nothing from the curation rewards?

Also absolutely hilarious that posts have 20 views and 200 votes! I seriously don't think many of them are bots, i seriously think people are that stupid and the system is THAT flawed!


Honestly I don't think its a flawed system, maybe just a flawed mindset. It's more like a "I'm gonna upvote and comment and hope Senpai notices me" kinda think (if you get the reference). I DEFINITELY feel you on the curation reward thing, I barely care about curation rewards cause my reps so low, and I know my vote wont do much so it's better to do it on those new great posts then old trending stuff. ALSO random question, kinda a markdown noob, how do you separate paragraphs??

You can also press Enter twice to make a new paragraph without having to use headers.

It will look like this.
If I only press enter once it looks like this.

If you are new to Markdown, check out this guide. There is a link to this guide every time you post, but many people don't really notice it :)

I use headers for paragraphs with #, ##, ### and so on. Hope that helps. Kinda a random question, how did you know i knew markdown? :S

well we all gotta use markdown its like built into steemit thanks though haha il be using this from now on

Oh so nobody uses HTML anymore? I took a 10 months break from SteemIt lol

You can use a lot of HTML tags with markdown, or even use the editor when making posts. However, I think it is best to learn Markdown sooner rather than later, because it is a lot faster once you get the hang of it.

Maybe I should or get a friend todo a SteemIt compatible markdown learning series and post it on here.

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