
GREAT HAT! No, autobots are destroying steemit faking its real value and discouraging people who invest their time and their intelligence into writing valuable posts.
Sorry not sorry for being rude, but FUCK AUTOBOTS.

Thanks for the hat comment! It’s hiding my heard as I try to grow my hair ! Without it I look like a street person! Ha!

I can tell you are into bots...


My approach is to use bots to support good content creators vs good content per se.

I recognise within that

  • I won't get to review/ enjoy every piece of content that every good content creator I support makes
  • sometimes a content creator might make a post that is worth more (or less) than the weighted vote I've given it. So any individual vote is given 'on balance' based how I value their content as a whole
  • consistent support incentives good content creators
  • consistent support can cause people to 'get lazy' or 'get greedy' however I (try to) review my votes regularly and if a content creator consistently is falling below their own high standards, they risk losing my support altogether, or having the weighted vote reduced

I've written about the subject a few times before, and I see bots as essential if Steem is to scale.

For example, it is easy for me to vote in a laissez faire fashion when my vote is worth $10, however should Steem become the size of Facebook and each of my vote be worth $1000 or $10,000. Every vote and each weight percentage will be publicly scrutinised. I would need to run my curation operation like a company with a raison d'etre to justify the rewards I'm meating out. Else I cannot see it being sustainable.

I think it's a good thought experiment to think how curation on Steem would work with a billion users and a trillion dollar marketcap.

Very interesting. The concept of supporting the good content creator vs good concept never crossed my mind. Duh!

So, how do you go about and how often do you re-evaluate the content creator's content? Through your feed? Also, how do you manage your Voting Power and your Bandwidth given the number of people you support?

I must admit, I'm trying to support (following) 129 people and I'd be less than candid if I said it's not hard to keep up. And I would like to follow more. I did set up rules to follow but it's not as effective as I would like.

Very valuable. Thanks. I need to revisit this.

Have you blogged on 'curation' and a Billion users? That would be an interesting discussion!

Yeah I agree with all that have been stated and good content, communities and engagement will be the key for sucedss

your appearance today is very different from other day day @brian-rhodes, good luck

I’m hiding my messy hair!

someday, I will definitely repay your good services to me @brian-rhodes, this is the promise I have recorded in my notebook day-to-day

after all I still salute with you @brian-rhodes, honestly, I often recognize you are my friends, you are a hero in my life, thanks @brian-rhodes

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

My sources say no

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