Page Managers, more Facebook restrictions are upon us - And I Don't LIKE them!

in #steemit8 years ago

With the direction Facebook is headed, It's a good time to steemit.

So, I'm a fairly active Facebook user and I have a bunch of Pages. Now maybe they announced these changes, maybe they didn't, I dont know...All I do know is I've started noticing the things below and it doesn't bode well for the future.


1. Facebook has image detection software and it blows:


We've know for a while that Zuckerberg has been working on this, as Facebook has been making suggestions for a while now, as to who our friends are in photos. That's kinda cool... but what's not cool is they now have some filters which block you from uploading content. One of my pages posts about stuff that guys like; Cars, motorbikes, surfing, bikini babes, humour etc...

Now I'm pretty sure this picture doesn't violate Facebok's TOS ???


Brazillian Football Babe:

BUT!!!..... this is the response i get when i try to post it..



...and this one won't post either.


Maybe Mark Zuckerberg is a fish lover?

I'm guessing that I am inadvertently setting off some nudity filter in the Facebook algorythm. It's more annoying than anything else. But its going to get worse not better I feel.

** PRO-TIP - Strangely the detection software only seems to work on regular Facebook. I can still upload the pics via Pages Manager App on my iPhone without a problem. But I expect that won't last.

2. Facebook now has music detection software and it blows !


We recently took a trip to Fraser island, which you can read all about in my other steemit post HERE. My wife made a video of us 4wding and edited it on her iphone. She then put some music over it. Facebook blocked the upload..oh ok, change the song, still no dice, 3rd time they wouldnt let her do it, so she simply uploaded it to Youtube and then shared it from there.

I understand that the music does belong to someone else, but this is the first I have seen Facebook actively blocking copyright infringement with music, and apparently doing it more vigilantly than YouTube.


3. Facebook is threatening to unpublish inactive pages.


Not really a biggy, and to be honest, I kind of expected this one. During the cryptocoin clone boom, I started a bunch of Facebook pages for coins that never eventuated to anything and thus the pages have been sitting inactive. I am now getting notices that Facebook will unpublish them. Fair play, they are probably just contributing to clutter.

4. According to Facebook I have been editing others' business pages! WTF ?

Now, this is the one that perplexed me. When I opened my Facebook notifications tonight and saw "Your edit for Fraser Island Beach Hoses has been accepted". I don't remember editing their page, i mean it doesn't belong to me.


But there is more, I have a contributors page where it tells me all the changes I've made, even going back 3 years, and gives me an accuracy score based on my edits (that I didn't know I was making).


So, when you check in somewhere if it prompts or asks you a question, then you are contributing to that page. Well, that's news to me.


Maybe these changes are for the better, maybe I should have known about them. Perhaps they were made clearly available for all to see, just like Facebook's contact email ;) Anyway if you didn't know before, or if like me, you've been slowly discovering these little surprises, this is more motivation for me to spend time on steemit, and not in Zuckerberg's little fiefdom. Good luck steemers!

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hi @bkkshadow I just dropped back to let you know that you are among my favourite reads today. You can find my post that mentions you here

I'm glad you found this post useful, and thanks for putting me on your list :)

nice one i followed you :)

upboat for the UNO gif!

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