Steemit is the Future of Paying People to Advanced Your Evolution!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Future is Steemit

So I read about this theory in a book written in 1993. It is an almost exact description of Steemit. It says that as we continue to develop the human race, we will start to see the importance of people who give us messages... information that advances our spiritual evolution and intellectual development. We will all become more aware of and connected to our personal evolution.

People will stop being so consumer-oriented ... so driven to own things to simply define themselves. They will work less ... and turn that energy to advancing their spiritual and personal evolution. You will see this in the creation of fewer jobs that require human labor and more jobs that rely on automation and technology.

When people come into our lives at the exact right moment to supply the answers we need, we should pay them ... because they give us our next awakening message. They show us our next growth step. These help us advance ourselves profoundly. This could become a main source of exchanging money in the future when there are a lot fewer conventional jobs in our societies.

When someone gives you information, a profound message that wakes you up to your own potential, they help you open up the next step on your own evolving path. Your life takes on a deeper spiritual dimension, and you grow as a human being.

This energy helps you be your best by igniting your intelligence and your intuition. It connects you to your true purpose. This theory holds that you should pay people for this because money is an exchange of energy and this empowers not only the experience you receive but completes the circle by returning positive energy to the messenger.

When I spoke to a friend about this, I could not believe this is what is happening in the world now. In general you do offer to pay people that provide you value. When I think of the way many social media platforms work now, this is exactly how it happens. On YouTube, Twitch and other platforms, people tip/donate to the creators for giving them value ... or just because they were entertained. (That still fills them with positive energy!)

Why Steemit is the Future

On our Steemit platform, we pay each other for adding value to our lives. Steemit is the most positive, educational platform I have ever been on. It really teaches people what they want to learn and we pay those teachers -- the people who give us the knowledge we seek -- for providing that positive insight that ultimately changes our lives.

We compensate those essential teachers through Steemit. This is exactly what was described in the book, The Celestine Prophecy.

Our system here in Steemit is the future of exchanging money for the profound insight we need to evolve and grow as human beings ... ready to tackle the challenges of a changing future.

Watch my video

What do you think? Is this the future to advance our evolution ... exchanging money for messages and timely information?


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Ha cool! I don't remember that part in the book but like I said it's been a long time. Very apropos for Steemit...Resteeming!

Yea! It might be worth to have another read. I am going to do so later this year but I just got the 11th insight and will read that on my trip in a couple weeks. Excited for that! Thanks as always @soulsistashakti for your support and positive outlook!

I do agree a lot with your massage. Steemit is like that start of getting used to giving, just because we want and desire to give to to others. This will rewire our mind into giving and we will always receive in one way or another.

Ya it is great to be able to give to so many people and connect with each other while we continue to grow and learn. I agree it does rewire our brain into giving more and then will receive more from that! Great comment brother! Thanks always for your support, I greatly appreciate it!!!

This post and video was particularly meant for me today. Sometimes I have so many thoughts and feeling going on I myself can't label what I am really experiencing. Since I have been on Steem since the summer I have so enjoyed it and I thought it was that simple but it's much much more then that. You expressed it brilliantly in your video. Steem fills me up daily as there are posts on everything that you are looking for to help with your personal growth. You speak alot about how folk are looking for their spiritual core these days. I think people are realizing there is a difference between religion the going to church thing and spiritually which is you heart/soul/spirit all seeking the answers of peace and harmony and how you can be the most blessed version of yourself. I think 2018 the platform of Steem is going to soar.

Glad you enjoyed this post and it resonated with you. Bit of a new topic in a way with me so hopefully I got the point across I was trying to make. I agree that people are getting more in tuned with there spirituality these days and there is a difference with that and religion. This is a great place to advance your growth in my opinion.

I look forward to continuing to achieve this with you @donnab! Thanks for your great insight as always!

You are a blessed messenger and your words are always exactly what is suppose to be spoken and is accepted by exactly the right eyes and ears. I think you know what I am talking about

Yes and makes me very excited! You are awesome! :)

The future we're moving into will be exciting, and totally different from "the way things have always been." Writers and teachers like you are helping it happen ... faster. Just putting the message out into the collective consciousness makes the momentum stronger. Buckle up and get ready to rumble. It's going to be quite a ride!!

This excellent post made its way into my new curation project The Inbox Runneth Over. You can find your post showcased at this link. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way.

I agree the more we put it out into collective consciousness it continues to make the momentum stronger!

Thanks so much @enchantedspirit for featuring me in The Inbox Runneth Over!!

Quite a deep message you have here @bitdollar. I find your mention of the advancement of our spirituality attached to human evolution. I do agree with your assertion that steemit is the future with regards to rewarding and paying people who share very incisive contents geared towards enlightening people as well. Thanks as always for sharing.

Yea something a bit out of the box. It applies in general for adding value, the spiritual evolution is the next step of what we are accomplishing. I am glad it spoke to you, I appreciate your insight here.

Thank you for the video

@bitdollar, Steemit is both a great community and platform. There is so much information to be shared.

I have learned a lot and I hope to pass along a lot of information as well. I look forward to seeing how Steem and Steemit continue to grow.

Me as well. Great community here. Thanks @sumatranate! Following you...

Great insights here. You kind of see this with the growth of the "business consultant" industry, kind of. The idea of generous pay outs for nothing more than enlightening messages, more or less. I agree with what you are getting at here. We will always be exchanging something, unless we get to an evolutionary point where interpersonal trade isn't required anymore... We just share for fun.

Yea exactly. We pay a ton for education and messages in general. As we evolve more spiritually we will pay for our messages of personal enlightenment. As a gesture but if we understand this theory will do it because of the "karma" it produces in a way. If not, just for fun as you say. :) Thanks for sharing this @mental-extract!

Yes, that seems to be the direction we are headed. It's a gift or token of gratitude, I understand. My pleasure.

i think it is and has even the potential of become even more than this, but at the end of the day we are the ones that can advance it further.Now we are on a good way i hope with more and more people coming in to keep it like that

Yea I think we are well on our way! :)

Well said. You did a great job with this post! Steem on!

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