Facebook allows blatant scams but blocks me and my services! [Censorship]

in #steemit7 years ago

As I have reported already Fakebook (as I now call them) is refusing for 2 weeks now to allow me to post links to @shadowbot's main website (https://shadowbot.us)! Everytime instantly they are marked as blocked URLs! For what reason? Take a look at this guy he made the EXACT same post 3 times pushing his HYIP scam but that is okay by fakebook? Why is that not blocked and removed? They steal money!

BINARY OPTIONS/BITCOIN MINING:-Be careful of who you invest your hard earned money with. Trading is meant to earn profit and not the other way round. I manage an account with good attainable profit with just 10% as my commission after your successful payouts. 100usd be sure of a weekly payout of 1600usd.
200usd be sure of 2600usd.
300usd be sure of 3600usd.
400usd be sure of 4600usd.
500usd be sure of 5600usd.I am also into bitcoin mining in 3 hours and withdraw goes straight to your wallet.INFO HERE

Look legit to you? I wouldn't send him my coins/money! SCAM! Obvious scam! And yet when I try to tell someone it is a scam and if they REALLY want to earn to use steem and shadowbot I am flagged as the spammer/scammer!? FAKEBOOK actively censors steem and people who they view as a threat!

Here is the reply I tried to post to this scammer:

What a scam! Join Steem.com and earn for free with us: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/faq.php

And this is what happened instantly upon posting:
Full Size

And after closing the popup here is what I see:
Full Size

Previous posts regarding this censorship


Screw Fakebook!

Help me please, vote my picture

The only way I can suggest you is to publicize without the URL, asking to contact you for more info... it could be a good workaround? ;)

It more to me is the point. I don't use facebook much for promoting our service yet these people post the same SCAM over and over across thousands of fake accounts and never get banned or have their links flagged. It is okay to allow out right scams to be promoted but a steem based bot that is 100% free is blocked? If you don't like shadowbot that is fine, you can even tell me and post back. But to just block it?

I clearly feel fakebook is a cage: really!

🌈 Have a nice day!

facebook does this with politics and religion also, corruption at its best one would say. If they see another rival can you imagine what they will try and pull?

Fakebook! That is what they are! Fake news spreaders, scam allowing, but block anything they view as a threat.

I did not upvote you, but steemit is showing that I did. I think it might have something to do with shadowbot, but I don't know how I might have gotten connected to it. I want to be removed. It is upvoting things I would NOT upvote. How do I unlink from it?

ShadowBot pools votes together as a community. Under settings there is a form to delete your account from ShadowBot. I also advise changing your key to be 100% secure since that is best practice in crypto!

It won't let me login so I can't delete my account. This is not cool.

I can manually remove you but as I stated the best thing to do is reset your password regardless, Once you reset your password/key there is no more ability for that key to ever be used again!

go ahead and remove it. I will reset the key. How long will it take you to delete me?

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