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RE: Is There Really an Advantage to Being a Woman on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

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An interesting investigation, but I am not sure of the results, but mostly I guess, it doesn't matter much to me. If I look at who I follow, and the content I enjoy, and the people in chat I interact with, for me it seems to be about a 30% male 50% female 20% unknown. But it really does not matter, People are People. I see some women with a lot of earning on steemit, and I see some men with small earnings on steemit. It is the amount of work a person is willing to put in that ultimately determines the earnings, or reputation. But earnings and reputation can be bought if a person wants to do such a thing. The only real way to figure out advantage/disadvantage is to only compare the organic growth factor of accounts. But it was interesting reading.


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I suppose my point was more to erode the resentment against women that I see in some corners of this site because of a perception of favoritism that I don't believe actually exists, and I think it might actually go the other way. I actually heard today that there are only 2 female witnesses (out of several hundred), which is a serious gender imbalance if I've ever heard one. I don't think it applies to us (or to #newbieresteemday in general) because of the demographic that enjoys the content we make, but it does apply to the overall inequality in influence and power on this site if men are holding the vast majority of the SP while simultaneously believing (wrongly) that women have an unfair advantage.

Thank you so much for the upvote, as always!

It seems that not enough rich women have found steemit. But then again most of the rich women are out in the real world trying to help real people. (I know some are just shopping and buying and stuff like that, but I prefer my fantasy vision of rich women, wanting to help others, not indulge themselves.) Not that we are not real, mind you. it could also have something to do with genetics, where women tend to be more family, nurture, caregiver, and men , well we are kind of like "what do you want me to do to fix it" mentality or screw them it's mine mine I tell ya, it's all mine. But at the end of the day none of us have an unfair advantage. Except the really rich people, and without there being rich people there is nothing to strive for, nothing to reach for or reach beyond. I guess I kind of see through rose colored glasses at times, I started here like the vast majority without putting in a single dime of my own money, so any growth, or lack of growth is my doing, not because it is "unfair" here on steemit. (Uhmm my thoughts shut down).

To say that what she is offering is a complaint of unfairness would be very unecessary diminiutive. When talking about your personal experience and the large scale of steemit there is a vast difference!

But the question is--- is there a perception that women have it easier? That they can just be cute (well damn, im out) and start bathing in riches?? Id say yes. and id also mentioned that there are people who are whales to have also not put anything in but they came in early on.

But yet we don't see those people getting interviewed by a lot of the other people are doing that type of thing. We don't see them on steam panels. Well not until now not until some of us started complaining about it and some of us being me.

Also every time I mention to the people that I am in a group with, Who are women, that we should become a witness it becomes this huge thing. Why? My guess is because a lot of women do not want to make waves so on the surface we can say oh yeah steam it is very excepting of women but is soon as you start to poke holes in that surface you will get a lot of shit. This is and to say that I don't love steam. And fact I think I think the block chain is is very malleable and we have a lot of opportunity in this way. Additionally being that the whole concept is freedom of speech and decentralization et , can't really shut us down when we are talking about feminism or issues like this. But it can be a slippery slope because this is a meritocracy which also often turns into you know of a popularity contest. If people who have more power than you don't like you then you're screwed. But if you find the right people who get your shit and who support you then it's awesome

I don't think she was complaining about unfairness, I think she was trying to point out the question, is there or is there not unfairness - - Like her - - - I just don't know. I don't look for it, so I may not see it, a forest for the trees thing. I do understand that some people came in early and have made it to whale status without putting their own money in, by being themselves and by being organic grown by steemit. Two of the people I hold in extremely high esteem on steemit happen to be women, In fact I have more respect for those two than any of the men, (including the founders), on steemit. The third person I hold in very high esteem on steemit is not even a whale, and does actually happen to be a he. Most of the people I meet on steemit, I have no clue as to their sex, and generally genuinly do not care. They are either nice, or not.

These are all great things but that surface level when you're talking about how things are happening and you go beyond your network then it's where are you start to see that this kind of thinking is a problem. That's when you start to see that it's a façade of saying well oh gender doesn't matter. The fact is that although we are on the Internet And this is a "decentralized freedom block chain" there are people that make the rules and we follow those rules. There are people that make changes and we have to do with those changes. And most importantly there are general consensus among the largest of groups. Steam is very small and although we can easily get locked intoour own little world. We it's still very like you can see everything happening if you just try and look. We have flag wars and we have people you know talking crap about one witness and you know #Feminism alone is something that is disturbing for anyone who's interested in women's empowerment outside of the block chain. That's kind of a situation where it's like it's great that if you stay in your little bubble and you stay in your lane then you can you know do OK without getting harassed to much. Yes some of my favorite people on steam it are meant if you check my blog you will see that I like man! And I also really love seeing women break out of traditional roles actually I love seeing men breakout of traditional roles too I love uplifting people who are struggling to own their identity because other people tell them that it's wrong . And honestly those people don't get too much shit but they kind of get ignored if it's not in a chat room or something like that. But again these are not numbers this is just my opinion and my personal experience so we can probably go back-and-forth and get nowhere

Well, I'll put it this way... if there is unfairness based on gender, the data says that it's not in favor of women. Since I'm still new I spend a lot of time looking at #introduceyourself and newly submitted posts finding hidden gems to follow, so I get a pretty broad taste of what's on this site, and the vast majority of it is written by men because of the 5-to-1 ratio. When you get to trending, there are even fewer female authors. This post was inspired by two recent trending articles that each made hundreds of dollars, and in each case the articles prominently featured complaints about how "hot girls" make so much money (ironically), with plenty of cheering on in the comments. So from what I see there is serious resentment against women among some very popular male authors here.

On the other hand, my feed looks very different because it's heavily curated to my tastes, and I know that we more or less run in the same crowd. I don't follow any men who make sexist comments about women, but I do follow many badass super talented women with excellent taste in resteems, as well as many badass super talented men. If the whole site looked like my feed, this would probably be the most awesomely not sexist social media platform on the whole entire internet. ;)

Yeah, exactly--that's what I'm getting at. In the larger Steemit ecosystem (which is much more expansive than the one that @bashadow and I occupy), there is an attitude that, as you said women "can just be cute and start bathing in riches," and if you look at the data, that's just not the reality here. As I mentioned in another comment above, I think that the more male dominated a space is, the more that men notice the rare instance when a woman is successful, and that's what sticks in their memory and gets blown out of proportion as something "unfair."

I think that my post actually does very little complaining or hurling accusations, and I was deliberate in backing off of larger conversations about feminism or using feminist language (hence why I said I don't want to start a discussion about wage gaps). It's kind of annoying that I had to do that, but I wanted to make this post broadly accessible. No matter what there are going to be people who read this and think I am being "aggressive" because of the subject matter, but I wanted to mitigate that a little and get a real conversation started (to the best of my ability).

You were literally tapping into every single thing that drives me insane. Have you looked at #Feminism ?

I haven't! I'm still pretty new here so I'm just finding my group, but I'll definitely browse and see what's there! Sounds like my kinda people.

It's full of anti-feminists

Oh then... nevermind. Not my people hahah. I just joined the Discord group!

Come to Discord today ha ha Ha ha ha

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