Some good news! STEEMIT Milestones + THANKS - I hit 3300 Followers & 17,000 Posts! | What a ride Steemit Family - Thank you! Complete Stats Overview.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
3300 followers + 17k Posts - Aug. 4- 2017.jpg

It was about 41 days ago now that I reached 2000 followers, and 14,000 posts!! (June 23 / 24th 2017).

I hit 1500 Followers, 13,000 posts & 15,000 Steem Power all in the same week, (June 5-12th) and the day I hit those y-day was Aug. 4th, so ~56 days ago for those milestones.

I actually hit 3300 followers last nite around 9 pm EST --- and I was posting early y-day around 6 am and hit the 17k posts around 6:30 am EST.

I hit 3k Followers July 23rd, and 3300 Followers Aug. 4th so that is +300 followers in 12 days.

I joined in early August 2016, (7th, I think, so Steemit is telling me officially) of 2016 so right around 12 mths ago now nearly to the day.

In 2 days I will be 1 year old on Steemit LOL.


I had 1200 followers / 12,000 posts on May 31st, 2017. These other milestone posts are below.

That is +2100 followers & 5000 posts in the last ~66 days given y-day's post count + new followers!

It took me 50 days to move from 70 to 71 Rep. score.

I would have gotten to 71 Rep Score several days sooner, but I was flagged by a huge whale on here, with 7 accounts at their full vote power when I did a post to welcome + encourage new user and friend @itsmee.bosslady to Steemit -- and that killed the post rewards I was largely going to donate to her and it dinged my rep score quite a bit, when things like that happen. Just so newer people have an idea of what to expect with certain things here.

It is very true, the higher your rep score climbs, the longer and harder it is to move up to the next one. You really start to notice this once you hit the 50 rep score range.

Here are the recent screenshots from some milestones of mine, so you have an idea of what it might take to get those numbers on the platform here: (and always for my own use in the future too)

Part of why I do these is to give newer Steemians exact ideas and numbers for my milestones so they have an idea for their own markers here - and also because I think it is nice for the future to show my milestones and preserve them as I like to look back on things like this myself.

Many of us more senior Steemians in terms of some numbers often get asked how long these things take or how to do them, so it will give some direction to newer members here.

I was helped a lot along the way so I try to help when I can back as well.

If Steemit becomes THE social media and Crypto blockchain, we are a huge piece of history here folks. That is part of it too.

I just continue to Minnow along here. I've taken 5 weeks total off. As you know, I like to report good news and encouraging things when I can for others, sometimes that includes my side of things too.

I wanted to thank all of you who have voted for me, chatted with me, helped me, and become a friend.

Related Past Milestone Dates: (Joined August 2016)


10,000 Steem Power mark on March 25th, 2017
10,000 posts - 5-8-2017
1000 followers - 5-18-2017
1200 followers / 12,000 posts on May 31st, 2017.
15,000 Steem Power ~ June 10th, 2017
2000 followers & 14,000 posts - June 23/24, 2017
2500 followers & 15,000 posts - July 6th, 2017
3000 Posts - July 23, 2017 (16k Posts earlier that week)
70 rep. on May 2nd. I hit the 71 Rep. Score ~ June 20th ( ~48 days to move from 70 to 71 Rep. )
3300 Followers & 17,000 Posts - Aug. 4th, 2017

My last posts relating to these milestones are here:


These are days and figures on here, I never figured I would see!!

I have been very active on Steemit trying to help others, spread good info, build community and stand up for what is right when I need to for the greater good.

I am in the Top 1% or better in basically all stats categories now for quite awhile here on Steemit today showing just over ~ 299,666 accounts as per today......

(We are about to roll over 300k accounts today August 5th, 2017, or early tomorrow, another milestone)




--- The stats side has been been down for a long time now on & off. It has been revamped and up again lately.

299,666 accounts as per today:

-- Stats: 299,666 accounts as per today:

I am sitting 11th overall in total post count...


-- with my stats as of today.... ( 17,117 Posts./ stats page not updated today yet as you can see) with 5 bots ahead of us in the top 10 posters, so if you do not count the bots, I am the 6th human in the top posters for total post count hahaha!! (:

These stats are usually pretty close / up to date within ~ a few hours at times -- or within ~2 days other times

I was sitting ~9th for most of the last 6 mths, but the new bots on here posting 200x - 300x/day are blowing us out of the water hahahaha!!

I am still trending in the Top 50 Authors on Steemit out of 299,666 accounts:


I am #18 sorted by top authors in the last 7 days ( up + 25 spots) and I am #36 right now sorted by top authors in last 30 days. (same spot as last update about 12 days ago here)


Followers Ranking: ~ Top 105:


The following/followers stats have ALWAYS been several days behind for some reason in the 11+ mths I have been on here.

You can see the followers here on this screenshot are way below the 3311+ I have today, showing only in the 3271 range, it is likely 2 days or so behind here as the stats page says today.... but even then I am still close to #90 rank overall in followers now:

(I actually remain roughly about the same, dropping a few places w the outdated stats page there, since last Milestone update here)

Top 120: Total Posting Rewards:


I am #120 all time now on Steemit for total value of posting rewards out of ~299,666 accts today - up +11 places over last update:


That is almost unbelievable to me still, given the epic payout and authors we have seen on here and I missed the early gold rush days where nearly any post put up last May-July made hundreds of dollars a lot of the time, or MORE!!

I have just worked hard daily, stayed at it and done my best.

Top 600 - Total Account Value:


I am #559 all time now on Steemit for total account value out of ~299,666 accts today - That's up +20 places from my last update:

Top 70 - Reputation Score:


I am #65 all time now on Steemit for reputation score out of ~299,666 accts today - same as my last 2 updates.... so I am wondering if that is out of date a bit too. I am up 3 places here.

I hit 70 Rep. Score on May 2nd 2017. I hit 70.5 this last few days, so that is about ~80 days there to move from 70 to 70.5 - as I mentioned, I was flagged by some huge accounts maliciously that set that back likely 2 weeks.

I hit the 71 Rep. Score ~ June 20th, and hit 70 rep. on May 2nd, so it took me ~48 days to move from 70 to 71 Rep.

I am sitting at 71.8 Rep score today writing this - August 5th.

Thanks for the friendship and support along the way everyone.

I say that again, because it is very true. And I am glad for the knowledge I have gained and helped spread here and for the support and the friends!!

Keep on the Rockets to the Moon with your goals and Crypto as we are all early adopters here and always try and keep that in mind, it can be easy to get discouraged if you do not.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Images most days unless noted or obviously mine / stated otherwise: Gif's - via , Funny or / Pixabay.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


A big big congrats on reaching such a high milestone , may you reach much more success! I enjoyed watching the Live broadcast last night . @barrydutton

It was sweet. I will be on his show soon as a guest, he asked me the other day. Benny is a solid dude.

And a new Crypto Dad!

Everyone give @benperrin117 on here a follow if you want easy to understand #Bitcoin / #Crypto101 type videos to help you!!!

Congrats Benny on the fatherhood man!!!

Defiantly will 👍 Thank you !!

Congratulations ☺

Thanks so much,

If I can do it, anyone can, that is why I post these partly, so people can see what it takes and yes, we all need a little help along the way.

  • help others when you can, so everyone wins.

True words, Steem on!

Those are great achievements congrats.

Keep stackin those stats! I'm right behind ya 😂🤑

congratulations on your miles stone the bet is yet to come!

Yeah Barry, congratulation! Is your to thr moon gif free to use?

  • use anything I have anytime. It is a beaut eh???? NOT MINE lol

other stuff you think is mine, give me some quick credit if you remember, anytime man

:-D yeaahhh thanks. I'll do!

Nice work BD! As always man, Hey whats yer IOTA addy?

Hey dude, nice hearing from you.

Ticker name is MIOTA --- right???

heading out for a bit......

Correct bro. :) check it out if you get a chance and as always my word is not financial advice.

Heading offline after my last post of the day, one today after this you will want to read.

LMK back if I had the right ticker/ coin on your question.

It seems you trade on very different platforms then me so hard for me to say what the 3 letter was IOTA is the discover-able name.

Working on my 1-year b-day post today and checking back in here on this IOTA thing with you LOL

Nice man, yea I am holding off a bit because of some rumors I heard also I have a little debt i need to cover before I make anymore big moves.

I pulled this up and left it on a tab until I heard from you. I have heard of IOTA since it stormed on the scene, here is the only info I can find on it for you -- market and info wise dude.



Hey thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is worth celebrating, the drinks is on

That is funny.

I have not had a drop of alcohol since the summer of 2003 but I will buy everyone some nice non fluoridated beverages!!


Congratulations @barrydutton
But why did they flag you?Like why someone would flag other's content or blog without any reason?

Sometimes the flags are used by mean people, and for not the reasons they are intended.

Flags are useful when they are applied for the RIGHT reasons here. It has been one of the 2/3 biggest issues, since the platform launched about 16 mths ago.

TY for commenting today, Steeeeeeeem Onnnnnnnn


Got it, I guess we all should be carefull while commenting on whale's post. Ignore the post if we don't agree to one's point of view.

It is a shame, people have to do this but it happens. It has become a clear form of censorship and those of us who have had the guts to actually speak out -- have been flagged, lost support, targeted by bots, etc etc.

Some excellent human beings, have actually left the platform while some of the bootlickers who only care for themselves, just do what is best for THEM.

@ebryans is a good example of someone who always spoke his mind and now will likely never come back -- he was a true champion on here and I miss him a LOT.

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JST 0.030
BTC 65702.61
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51