3 MIND-ALTERING Ways To Inspire Your Next Steemit Post

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Lets just be realistic here: The mind is freakin' powerful.

...and you can take advantage of that power on a daily basis.

If you've been following my blog then you probably know that I'm passionate about how the power of our mind directly and indirectly influences our body and actions.

With that being said I'm also interested in how our words, our body, and our environment can influence us in positive and resourceful ways.

handler Hilken @chandlerhilken

In this post I want to share some extremely useful and practical strategies to jumpstart your creative mind on a daily basis - especially if you're a content creator here on Steemit!

Although I'm new to this platform, I've been doing a lot of research and what I've found is that it's super important to develop a sense of consistency in terms of the content you create.

The problem with this is that we're not always inspired to create every day...

So then it would be logical to conclude that one of the major keys to success on Steemit - and in life - is in figuring out how to be creative every... single... friggin' day.

This article is designed to show you exactly how to do that in a super simple way that you can start using immediately!

1. Prompt Your Mind With A Question

Want to know how I started writing this post?

I simply asked myself, “what am I inspired to write right now?


Literally the next thing that popped into my mind was "how to inspire a blog post"…

And that's how I started writing this one!

I think we forget how easy it is to inspire creativity. Most of the times it actually involves us providing prompts for our mind to respond to.

When we're feeling stagnant or are lacking creativity, often times it's because we are focusing on what we don't have or what we are lacking.

When we focus on how much we don't have we are only prompting or mind to access thought patterns that are associated with what we don't have.

In your brain you have what's called a Reticular Activating System (RAS).

It's like the Google search engine of your mind.

If you look at your thoughts like a Google search engine and you start operating in this way, you'll start searching for the things that you are actually looking for.

In example...

If you were trying to understand how to build an app on your phone you wouldn't search Google for:

“I don't know how to make an app on my phone”.

Instead you would search...

“How to create a phone app.”

The first search might actually bring up people who are having problems with building phone apps and that likely wouldn't really help you as much.

While the latter search would likely bring you articles and videos that are practical and useful, targeted at people who are just starting off creating their own phone apps.

Now think of this in terms of your mind...

Ask your mind what you want it to search for. Are you trying to be more creative?

Simply ask yourself...

How can I be more creative?

And then pay attention to the first and immediate thoughts that come to your mind.

Sometimes we don't give these thoughts much value but in reality they do have a lot of value because they're coming from a subconscious place.

I believe we have a lot more value stored within our mind than we realize. We pick up a lot more information on a subconscious level than we do on a conscious level so the subtle ideas are actually really important and valuable.

When you begin using this strategy on a consistent basis, you'll immediately see the value in it and use it more frequently.

Mind-Altering Steemit Creator Strategy #1:

  1. Ask yourself this: "what am I inspired to write on Steemit today?

  2. Pay attention the first and immediate thoughts that come to your mind. Even if they are super simple.

  3. Focus on the ones that inspire you and then build off those thoughts.

In Example:
My first thought was “ what if I wrote an article about how to get inspired to write a post?”
My second thought was, “ what if I wrote out 10 ways to get inspired to write a post?”
My third thought was, “ what if I provided practical techniques for Steemit creators?”

2. Move Your Body

Our mind is actually connected to our body in more ways than we realize. It's actually quite obvious, but it's not always as apparent.

When you have a thought it oftentimes will turn into an emotion, and then that emotion oftentimes turns into some sort of movement or action.

Drew Graham @dizzyd718

Emotions are energy in motion (e-motion), they literally affect us on a physiological level whether that be in a very subtle way such as a simple blush or a slight eye movement, or in a more obvious way such as being “paralyzed with fear” or “ jumping with joy”.

The interesting thing is that we can easily reverse engineer this process.

So instead of starting with an emotion we actually can start with a movement or action and that movement or action can actually create an emotion, which leads to a change within our mental state.

Have you ever noticed that when you are sitting down for most of the day, you feel a bit less inspired to create things?

Have you ever went for a walk or run before sitting back down to create something? Did you notice a difference?

If you try that I guarantee you that you will notice an incredible impact on your mental state.

By simply changing your posture or your body position, you literally will begin accessing different parts of your brain.

This is especially useful when you feel stuck or are having issues connecting with your creativity.

When you stand up and walk around or change positions in some way, it allows your mind to start accessing information from a different vantage point.

Scientists say that we use a very small percentage of our brain and that right there means there is a lot of it to explore. So that's why I say, move your body and then re-access your creative mind.

You'll immediately noticed that there's much more available than you may have originally thought.

Mind-Altering Steemit Creator Strategy #2:

Before you write a Steem post, do 10 push-ups as fast as you can, then jump up in the air and yell, "woo!"

Doing this simple exercise will change your state of mind and likely energize you to create something that you might not have created had you just stayed sitting at your computer!

3. Change Your Environment

Our mind's thinking patterns are tremendously influenced by our environment.

You can notice this immediately by walking from one room into another in your house or apartment...

If you walk into your office room you might start thinking about things that are related to your business or work.

Whereas when you walk into your bedroom, you might start thinking about dressing yourself or how you wish you had slept more last night.

One of the more fascinating phenomenons is when you have something on your mind that you're thinking about, then you walk into a different room, and completely forget about what you were just thinking!

Has this ever happened to you?

It happens because the environment changed and your mind started accessing different thought patterns that are associated with the environment you are in!

We can use this concept to our advantage by consciously choosing to change our environment when we are ready to act differently.

One thing that I love to do, especially when I'm really struggling to be creative, is to go out in nature.

Dani Aláez @danialaez

I'll take a hike out on a nature trail and when I do this, suddenly I start connecting to different ideas and inspiration and by the end of the walk, I'm almost always totally inspired to create something new.

I'm always surprised at how effective this is and that's why I know it's the real deal.

Mind-Altering Steemit Creator Strategy #3:

Before start writing your next Steemit post, take a short walk around your neighborhood.

It only has to be 5 or 10 minutes, just walk around and let your mind take in a different environment.

It can help to ask yourself the question we mentioned above...

"What am I inspired to create today?"

After your walk, come back to your creative space and immediately start creating.

Notice how this significantly improves your creativity!

Inspire Your Mind!

Our minds are very powerful and complex things, but at the same time they're very easy to access.

We can learn to influence them in very powerful and useful ways.

Often that starts simply by posing a question, changing our body position, or briefly exploring a new environment.

These three mind-altering strategies will surely impact your creativity and amp it up in ways you could never even begin to imagine!

Beata Ratuszniak @beataratuszniak

If you do try out any of these strategies, let me know in the comments! I'm always interested in hearing how these practical mind-altering tools help my Steemit friends :)

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I would have to agree with most of this.
Though I can't see myself doing 10 push-ups then jumping around shouting wooo.
But what ever it takes I suppose.
Most of the stuff I write is my take on the absurd world we live in.
If I find it entertaining and informative then it gets posted.
I do hate the Copy N Paste brigade.
But I suppose, if that's what the crowd wants, who am I to disagree.

I cannot stand the copy/paste mentality. Makes me want to throw up in a CPU....then do 10 push-ups and shout woooo! (it's my coping method too)

But I appreciate you stopping by @franks. Cheers friend!

You who probably best epitomizes the power of the mind, and using it to will your goals into fruition? Jim Carrey.. the guy wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 for acting service rendered before moving to Hollywood to become an actor.. That is visualization, and using the power of the mind to make the universe line up with your goals.

Yes @pawsdog! I recently saw Jim's new documentary on netflix actually. They referenced the $10k story. Have you seen it? You'd likely enjoy the crap out of it ;-)

I have not seen the documentary but I will check it.. For me I have one simple goal at this stage in my life.I trade everyday, every single day and once when trading I saw an order for 192 BTC come across the screen and I said, I'm going to be that guy.. so that is my goal. Why that day, that number meant something to me, I have no idea, but it did. So I work to have the = amount to have my 192 btc.. that is why I trade now.. just to collect my 192 at the end.. that is my mind visualization, my $10,000,000 check

love that vision @pawsdog. anything is possible...

Fantastic article. Especially for someone like myself who regularly burns out and gets in a creative rut. Personally, exercise tends to be most effective for me to de-clutter my brain and get back in a clear and creative frame of mind.

Heard that! Exercise does well for me too. I recently started long boarding and it's been like the perfect medium between running and biking.

I appreciate the kind words brother! Thanks for popping by.

This is exactly what I needed right now @axios. You're right about consistency. I think I'll try those 3 strategies that you have mentioned. They're just simple acts, but they're proven to boost creativity. As content creators, we should keep our creative juices flowing. It's important because once they've dried up, we tend to be frustrated about it and stop.

So glad this helped you! They help me so much and I use them to create every day :)

Hey @axios I like what you are saying here. Posture and repositioning is something i've taken note of over time...also recognize the power of a walk in opening up creative channels.

Funny enough i've been playing around with just dropping and doing push ups sporadically throughout my day(s). Have thought about getting midly competive with this and keeping a count going - i figure the numbers would add up quite a bit if i structured myself to actually keep count - would be an added point of discipline too...who knows what other creative potentials might open up :)

Steem On Brother

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Push ups are my favorite. Thanks for the reminder. I'd like to do them more. Such an easy way to gain strength and feel good about yourself. Plus gain a ton of energy!

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