Why Are You Here on Steemit...??? Win 1 SBD and 1 SteemBasicIncome for 'Best Comment'

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I've been reading so many posts lately criticizing steemit, steemit's senior level management, witnesses, whales, voting-bots, people who 'pay' into the bots, rule violators, and a number of 'users' who post "shit" content...oh...and the spammers of various types.


Me? I was attracted to steemit for a number of reasons:In no particular order...

  • Built on the blockchain
  • Decentralized
  • Ability to earn some currency for participation
  • Learn more/experiment with cryptocurrency
  • Potentially meet and interact with 'interesting' people
  • Escape from the 'other' social media platforms, which became nauseating
  • Post some quality content, which may actually get 'read'
  • Be a part of this "social media experimentation"
  • And...probably for reasons I can't remember at this point

Anyway; I was just thinking about this stuff and decided to post about it. 

Why did YOU come here to steemit? What are your general feelings about the direction steemit has taken? I'm curious.

  • I'm setting aside  1 SBD  to be awarded to the person who's response I like best...AND, a membership in @steembasicincome
  • A 'second' post will be chosen for a 'SteemBasicIncome' award/membership...

Deadline? Seven Days from Date of This Post  on (April 15th)


  • NONE

Regards @averageoutsider 


First of all, I love contests without rules!

I’m on Steemit for many of the same reasons you listed, and of the last, maybe to learn about blockchain is the one at the top. From there, my main personal reason for being here, as in staying, or haven’t left, is that I am really, really, really appreciating the subtle motivation it is giving me to write on a fairly regular basis. I learned to love writing as an angstful teenager. Recently it occurred to me that writing might have damn well saved me. Ever since that time, I’ve seen writing like a lot of other healthy practices, like reading, exercising, cleaning my space, etc. all of those things are the type that obvious happiness when I’m doing them, but for some reason I go through long periods when I just don’t. I see that as perhaps life’s biggest struggle — how to maintain the practices that bring sustainable happiness. So, I love that I’m writing regularly (and also the additional fun reading I’m doing).
Thanks for doing this contest. Spread the positivity!

Yes...NO RULES are GOOD @cstrimel ...Thank you for your response. Ahhhh..."how to maintain the practices that bring sustainable happiness" a challenge to many of us after finding the keys to happiness.

Well spoken. Many of us can relate...thanks for sharing.

@averageoutsider I was attracted to steemit for a number of reasons:They are pointed below:

• People are making thousands of dollars and if you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet that you want to be a part of this incredible new community too.

• Steemit knows that your content, attention, and time are valuable. That is why they have created a revolutionary new social media platform that actually pays it's users for the value that they add.

• It pays both the content creators when their post gets upvoted, as well as the people who curate the best content on the site by upvoting others post.

• Steemit currency units can be traded, bought, and sold on the open market just like all of the other digital currencies.

Thank you for entering @n1rvana ...best wishes on your steemit journey. Your response is well formatted.

welcome @avergeoutsider .. I'm really glad you liked it .. Hoping for best response:) :) :)

I had definitely joined steemit for rewards. Some extra and easy money. I was lubed by the trending posts shown on the home page. Excited I immediately signed up and when approved I immediately posted a question about airdrops. But it did not even cross 0.10 cents. Haha. Then I realised it wasn't that easy.
Eventually I learned the key point which was networking. But now more than rewards I believe in the platform and idea behind it.
So I have decided to use the money earned from steemit to be invested back in itself to earn more. Until it reaches a sizable amount. After that I will be using that money for a good cause. Not sure what though.
Currently I'm just thinking of spending it on my maids kids education. It may change to something else if o find a better cause by then.
I have been saving money earned from paybacks, cashbacks and surprise lotteries for the same cause. Its been an year now. Hope to reach there in an year or so.
BTW good you are not falling for the paid bid bots. I hope all whales do as u do. Would help build the community and in turn earn more in the long run.

Thank you for entering the comment contest with your reply...I hope that your "maids kids" are well deserving of their room fix-up...Bid bots; yuk...but they are tempting. I did a small experiment with a few some time ago to see how they worked. I wasn't impressed, but I guess it depends which ones you use, and for 'what' reason.


Because you didn't put down any requirements, I will upvote and participate. I also will try to keep my response as minimal as possible, because I do tend go write longs replies.
Just like many of us, I was allured by the money part of Steemit. After been blogging for so long on blogger, with so few response it was something fresh!
In the beginning I was too much focused on the money, and because I did write a decent introduction post, this became a poisoned gift! After the introduction post which did get some upvote, the dark days began. Post weren't noticed, didn't get any value and this all crushed my motiviation.
But then out of the dark I did get a free delegation and everything changed. I did get my motivation back and was able to turn down the money part (not completely, but I'm now seeing it much more as a nice side effect)!
Now it is for all about interaction. The Steem platform is a mix between old fashioned blogging and some facebook!
The Steem blockchain stands on a crossroad. People are starting a friendly war against bots. People are trying to interact more, which is utmost important! The steem blockchain needs 2 types of users. The ones who are creating great posts, which makes us think, and by doing this they are giving us a platform to interact which each other! The second type and the commenters. They don't like or are not good in creating own post, but they use the platform given by the types 1, to interact with the other and other commenters. This and only this is the way to go for the Steem blockchain!
That's why I'm always trying to write my articles in such way, to go other a platform to interact, to get to know new people!
As long as we can, forget about the money part a little bit, than it will be fine.
While the witnesses have a big vote in the future of the Steem blockchain, I am confident that the users will decide what it will be
Thx for giving us this platform to interact with each other!

Thank you... @fullcoverbetting for a thoughtful response. The old blogging sites like blogspot etc. did seem to lack flavor.

Oh those "dark days"...how they affect most of us in the same way. It seems that the average poster here rarely gets a vote beyond the first couple of hours, and for a mere pittance compared to those who built a 'true' following or learned some other method.

Keeping a focus on reasons other than 'just' the money here on steemit, does seem to help us remain excited and participating. I hope those in control here, come up with good ideas and implement them for the benefit of us all.

I also want to thank you for the vote...you are correct...'no rules' or requirements are posted for this comment contest; something that I 'like' I also wanted it to be 'uncomplicated' quick and easy to participate in...and from the looks of it, the response is already better than I expected.

I also did ran a contest a week ago and had the upvote rules.
I decide when handing out the prices, that this wasn’t the way to go! So I decided to scratch the upvote requirement. The only rule was to place a genuine comment.
Did cost me more than I expected. Give away 12 SBI sponsorships!

I thought I saw a post regarding your contest a while back...You gave away 12 shares of 'SBI' love. A good thing. Thank you.

I am planning an ever bigger one, which really will cost my some Steem. Planning a contest around the upcoming world cup and will be given away 32 SBI shares! Really hope that it will attract some attention.
I don't mind given back to the community, the community has been great to me too!
I also don't like prices in the form of Steem of SBD, because they could abuse it. The SBI price is a push in the back, to keep posting and giving the steem blockchain an extra platform for interaction!

Keep doing your thing here on the platform. Good luck with your next contest as well; a generous reward pool.

I became aware of Steemit when a financial newsletter I follow recommended STEEM as one of five cryptos the author believed would break out in the long term. I joined shortly thereafter.

His logic was that the built-in use of the Steemit platform, its exponential growth, and people, such as myself, wanting to leave Facebook and other social media platforms in the dust, as a long-term driving force, could send its underlying value well beyond other cryptos without such use cases.

I believe in blockchain technology, in the decentralization of currencies, and in creating a more even playing field for local and world commerce, from micropayments to buying a house, with zero need to involve self-serving banks and/or government entities, with their massive and usually unwarranted fees.

I strongly believe in bypassing - and firing, if you will - Wall Street and the central banksters, worldwide, who have held our economies and peoples hostage for over a century, while enriching themselves at everyones' expense.

I was also looking for greater visibility for my writing, art and other projects, for a place to share my knowledge, and to build an online presence, that was not beholden to hosting companies who, quite frankly, are not always reliable or trustworthy (I'm looking at you, 1and1.com).

Have I found it? Partially.

It is discouraging when early-adopter whales strip-mine the reward pools for their own benefit, without posting any original content of their own, thus harming ALL other users, especially minnows such as myself.

But despite their lack of fair play, I still believe in the long term potential of Steemit, as the increasingly growing demand for STEEM and SBD as a direct result of its massively increased engagement, particularly as STEEM-based apps grow in popularity, point to long-term, and potentially exponential, growth in value.

Yes, we need better ways of weeding out non-posts and plagiarism, but it is coming, and we are still in the beta phase. We already have a lot of wonderful Steemians working actively to improve the platform for us all.

I'm here for the long term. How about you?

Very nicely written @crescendoofpeace Thank you for responding. There are many of us that share your feelings regarding cryptocurrencies potential to change the monetary system and controllers...Our voices will be heard through sites such as steemit, and our actions here as well.

When I heard about Steemit, I was very excited and got started. It was a lot to figure out since this is my first block chain/decentralized/crypto experience but now that I am here, I am here to share my art. I make drawings ever since the day I know how to hold a pencil and have developed my skills through the years but I didn't do anything with it and there was nothing that inspired me to do more with it. So that is why I am here on Steemit, I am still developing myself in becoming the illustrator I can be, it gives me the feeling that I can do so much more with my talent than before, that gives me confidence and I also get rewards for it ;) To inspire others with my drawing who can share their (art)creative work too, I like to add something in this community to stay positive in life even when life gets hard sometimes.
Steem- on everyone :)

Thank you @nymia.aryn ... Happy to hear that you're being inspired by your participation here on steemit. Finding your 'niche' here offers rewards even beyond what we are earning in cryptocurrency. I wish you continued inspiration within the community.

Thank you so much! Yes far beyond crypto earnings Indeed! I wish you also a lot of inspiration here ;)

Interesting contest @averageoutsider; I really like the "no rules" bit!

I'm on Steemit because cats infiltrated the blockchain millennia ago — we were carved into stone blocks by the ancient Egyptians — so I am merely keeping up a proud tradition. Of course, leaving your mark on the modern blockchain is much easier!

My Humans love cats, but they insisted that they didn't want their own more serious Steemit blogs "infected" with endless cute kitten pictures and cat memes, so I had to have my own account for that. No worries, I'll show them! Cats have magical, mystical powers... or, at least, they quickly become an inevitable part of almost any social media.

Anyway, Steemit is cool and sometimes people need momentary diversions that are cute/fluffy but not just plain dumb and brainless... and that's what I hope to offer here.

Of course, being a cat I am also a fan of independence and anarchy and no rules. And, of course, "being kept," which makes the idea of any basic income program attractive as well... and Steemit seems to be home to a number of such initiatives.


Yes @curatorcat No rules are good (mostly) I only like rules that actually help protect the innocent against violence and other predatory malfeasance.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. Cats are 'good' people...I've rescued a few in my time (or they rescued me) and I have two regular strays that come visit me.

Why am I on Steemit?
To find my life.

Three, or was it four months ago now my friend finally badgered me into creating an account here on Steemit. Like pretty much everybody I'd put it off, the complex pyramid of how things worked daunting to a mind and body besieged by various demons such as mine.

But. I logged on. Looked around. Then began to type. I was lucky to have written for publications in the past so words weren't that hard. Crude from disuse, but they were there. Oh man were they there.

The dam that held them back was strong. Years of silence, pent up like a scream, behind a solid wall of steel. But there were cracks. Streams began to spray from the tiniest. Which grew, and grew and grew.

Then it burst. Words flooded the valley. Posts, comments, communities. Everywhere. I couldn't stop them from coming out. Writing into the late hours of the night, rehashing stories I hadn't told in years...or anyone. My travels, philosophy, art, you name it. Like seeing color for the first time my world began to fill itself in as finally I found an audience.

A dream that had become thin finally found form again. Steem wasn't just a site, it was a currency, a way to receive value for the work I did, and man did this site give. A world that wished to set itself apart from reality, and to create a place that humanity really deserves. I could make money, perhaps even a living from what I did. Which, despite my level of ability, has been such a challenge.

So, when you ask why I'm here, it's to find my life again. To put my feet under me again and launch for the stars yet another time.

Thanks for reading and hope you're having a great day! Win or lose, that was fun to write :) Putting down in words what you are here to do...great psychological principal behind it ;)

Thank you... @mikesthoughts ...You are so right about steemit being somewhat "complex" and daunting to comprehend all the intricacies of mvests, SP, sbd, reputation, curation, witnesses etc. and how all these various aspects work. Perhaps the powers behind the scenes need to consider 'simplification' in the future? It definitely is more convoluted than need be...

Focusing more on the content you enjoy creating while here keeps the headaches away, attempting to transverse the system. We come to understand the structure a bit better as time goes by, with help from others, and researching steemit in bits and pieces...

Best wishes in your journey.

Yeah, it's a system that will hopefully right itself eventually. I know there's a lot of rumblings going on from witnesses and stuff. Way beyond my level as a non-programming minnow so I don't concern myself too much about it.

Thanks much! And you on yours :)

(I'm not competing in your competition here, this is just a general comment)

Wow. Your thoughts/opinions are almost exactly the same as my own. If it helps at all, there is at least one other person here with the same point of view.

Thank you for the response & upvote bitbrain...much appreciated.

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