Steemit Story Slam Competition - Whom Would You Nominate To Tell A Story?

in #steemit8 years ago

Perusing random storytelling sites in search of a focus for today's nag reminder, I came across a statement that pointed out that our lives are based on storytelling.

If you think about it, that's pretty accurate. We tell each other the narratives of our day as we go about our business. We don't even notice we're doing it most of the time.

Next time you're waiting in line at the coffee shop or grocery store, eavesdrop on the conversations happening around you. You'll be surprised at the number of times you recognize it, now that it's been brought to your attention.

It IS human nature, after all...

Follow this link to see the list of audio and video sites available to record your entry. Good luck!

First Prize - 20 Steem
Second Prize - 10 Steem
Bonus Drawing - 10 Steem

There's still time to submit your entry in the...
Storyteller's Collective - Story Slam Competition!

There's also an opportunity to double your win by abiding by one more condition...

Finish this sentence and the story that goes with it -


Then, post your audio / video entry per the rules and
qualify for DOUBLE the Steem if your story wins!


The deadline has been extended again, to Friday, March 24th.

We have two three entries so far. Excellent submissions, all!
This is why I chose someone else to be judge.
You have my heart-felt gratitude for taking on that responsibility, @sarahewaring!

How I Met Mama-Pepper and How I Proposed to Her by @papa-pepper

Bubbles by @natator88

Once Upon A Time by @cosmictriage


Audio and/or video.

Five minute limit.

Entry must be in comments of THIS POST to be eligible.

Limit 3 entries per Storyteller.

One entry per comment.

You may do a separate post, but it will not be entered in the competition if missing from the comment section.

If you do a free standing post, please add
#steemitstoryslam to tags so we can find you to upvote!

Deadline - Friday, March 24th


@sarahewaring, our resident Storyteller has graciously consented to be our Judge! (You can catch up on her series Fields of Fable or Rooms of Time by following the embedded links. All the Chapters for each series are linked to in the latest episodes.)

Upvotes for entries carry what weight @sarahewaring decides to give them, perhaps as a tie-breaker. Commentary is, of course, encouraged!

Upvote, ReSteem,


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