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RE: Starting to lose interest in Steemit and considering calling it quits...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I don't understand the problem here. You are very far ahead of the curve when it comes to rewards for your posts and how long you've been here. Also, a lot of your content is not made for publishing on Steemit. You have images that were already produced, published, and presumably paid for in other places prior to putting them on this site. You need to remember that this is a blogging platform, not an art gallery. We aren't purchasing your images - we are rewarding you for posting on your blog.

Post payouts aren't consistent. They vary based on a variety of factors. This has been likened to a "casino" or a "lottery." It took me over two weeks of steady posting just to break $2 when I first joined - and that was with STEEM prices over $1 and when others were making $5,000 to $10,000 per post. But I had no following on the platform and I wasn't doing much networking. Sometimes we see money being thrown around and expect that we ought to be getting our "fair share" of it, but that's just not how it works. I put in my time - paid my dues. Now I can earn somewhat consistently, with 630 followers and some support from large stakeholders.

Don't be so quick to give up and leave. This platform is still young...and it's not a job. Don't look at post rewards as wages for your work. And remember that you're one of the first users in the NSFW niche. You can carve out a large section of that niche for yourself. You can have influence in it. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Build for the future of Steemit. Now is the best time for that. Survive the growing pains and, if things go well for the platforms building on this blockchain, we'll all be very handsomely compensated for our time and effort right now.


Yeah right, I remember month of July 2016 when lots of post are getting thousands of rewards while Im just getting a dollar. I got jealous a lot and then later on I learned about satisfaction.

every three days like clockwork he posts a blog post complaining about steemit. I expect this to continue if he keeps posting, and he is not going anywhere, he will continue to post for sure, and continue to complain every three days for sure... and it's fun to watch as he plays this pimp style mental manipulation on the steemit community :)

Agreed @craig-grant if money is the only incentive we really don't need leeches @nspart it is obviously not about photography and art it's about money only money now we know who you are...bye bye!

I was not around for the insane payouts sadly I got here too late.


Like the tides of the sea, people come and go but STEEM will remain for sure!

Haha, love this comment @craig-grant!!
We should promote a #complainingpimps tag :-D

You make some good points but also just described what's wrong with the platform also which is a major barrier to it's growth. "This has been likened to a "casino" or a "lottery." That's not a positive in anyway, shape or form.

Read my reply to immarojas for more info on that and my general mindset. And I did do three shoots primarily for steemit. Hopefully I'll be able to profit from the content from those shoots down the line.

But thanks and I'm going to try to stick it out even if I spend less time on Steemit.

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