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RE: 15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit - Part 2

in #steemit7 years ago

I've read the above and I want to let it simmer for a while and I'll be back to respond with my thoughts.

In the meantime, I just want to say that your goodness comes through in your writing - which I guess you will claim comes from you following your own rules.

Strange, I upvoted but you did not get even one cent from me, but when I upvoted your comments, you got 2 cents. I do not like that comments carry more weight than the articles that provoked the comments.


Thank you for showing up @arthur.grafo,

Yes, please let the thoughts marinade. I would rather you connect with deeper thoughts and to see you come to an amazing and enlighten realization you can share than to rush an idea prematurely.

I can see that wisdom and patience is a dear companion of yours. Till I hear from you again.

Highest Regards,

I am not much of a high jumper, maybe half a metre is my max - and you've just raised the post to one and a half metres for me with your complimentary comment. btw - I have never understood why I am not good at the 'high jump', why gravity seems to exert more of a drag on me than it does on my fellow-humans (and kangaroos?) who all can jump higher than me. I decided to attribute this fact to a theory of balance. All gurus tell us the universe likes to find balance in all things. So it would see that just because I love to soar in my dreams, flying among the stars, in my physical life I am condemned to remain anchored to the Earth and reality.

When I started to read this post, I was not too happy with it. Here I am being told, don't use your knowledge like a steel hammer, for hitting the idiots with facts, no, be courteous, be persuasive in gentle ways and so on. I said to myself, he is ignoring the destructive changes in our society - and I don't buy into it.

With a bloodthirsty grin, I waited to read all the article before I blast our dear Dr Sin - and then with just one little picture he knocked my feet from under me.

What am I talking about? The one change Mankind has gone through which has been used by calculating and evil people to weaken us, is what we call 'political correctness' (PC). The feelings of everyone else are of prime importance; not the truth and not our own feelings, just those of the spoilt generation, the millenials and the shallow movie actors

The good Dr then snuck in the sneaky picture (which is not better than a thousand words, for all it is, is words.) To quote: It takes a warrior's courage to acknowledge that your point of view matters....

Thank you. Now I can concentrate on what you have to say and learn a bit more about how to stop mishandling my relationships (It has also inspired me to make a post which will make me unpopular and seem [remember, I did say 'seem'] to contradict what this post teaches, but I believe it is about time somebody speaks up).


I realised that I am being told that my emotional and my subconscious fears are dictating how I behave towards others. If someone talks utter nonsense (as I often do, being a dreamer and thus not very 'down to earth'), if what they say (whether correct or not) challenges my worldview, then I react at an instinctive level, for that nasty little worm that lives in the background of my mind taunts me with, "what if he/she is right?"

Only chidren are supposed to react to such stimuli. this though shows me that this series of three posts is not only attempting to teach us how to persuade others; they are also teaching us that to be effective, we must grow up, be mature and learn to think with reason and emotions nicely balanced (yea, damn that universe and its phobias, sometimes it is fun to be a bit unbalanced, somebody should teach it how to laugh at itself now and then).

What brought about these last paragraphs of mine was the thought, when I sit with financiers in the hope of convincing them to finance me, I am just as careful, caring of their worldview and constantly placing myself in their shoes so that I can convince them to back me. This means, that when I am not allowing my fears, conscious or not, to lead me by the nose, then I do exactly as the good Dr is teaching us.

One more small point to bring up. When somebody says something that is obviously false or not well thought out and backed by weak arguments, without us realising it, we tend to allow them to generate in us a feeling of contempt for them. Maybe a few do deserve it (due to their lack coming about due to laziness), but it is more likely that all that is happening is, they are putting forth their arguments ineffectively because they don't know enough, or else, because they just are incapable of stringing their arguments in a logical and convincing manner.

I've tried this mental trick a time or two and it is funny how it affects me. I analyse what it is they believe and want to say and then rearrange it so as to put forth their argument for them in a seemingly logical manner. I've actually passed on such results and had the person react with arguments as to why I am wrong. I stop arguing, for the irony is too delicious for me to want to spoil the moment.

Well, I better end this mishmash of a comment, before I end up confusing myself beyond redemption.

I fully up-voted my dear @arthur.grafo,

I could not have said it better.

It has also inspired me to make a post which will make me unpopular and seem [remember, I did say 'seem'] to contradict what this post teaches, but I believe it is about time somebody speaks up

Write that post, I eagerly look forward to reading it. Many great findings originates from thought experiment that eventually results in the proof of counter intuitive but dependable outcomes.

P.S. Please remember to embed as many of the techniques as you like, much like @cheneats did, see his respond to Part 3

Highest Regards,

My way of writing is so different from yours, I don't think you can even imagine trying to write my way.

I imagine you start with an end in mind, you have an idea of what you want to say and what the conclusion should be, you set out the skeleton and then flesh it out.

Not me. None of my writing is like that. I only have the first sentence or paragraph and as I write, I follow wherever my writing takes me.

I suspect there is a tiny alien living in my mind and he leads my writing so that it can reach a conclusion....thank goodness.

I have the little proverbial alien too, I assure you.

Originally, I wrote this as 7 points, with only 2 in mind on a totally different title, then it became 12, and later, I copied and contextualized it for Steemian and it became 15.

Then I was in the restroom and realize this is way too long like the other post that almost made the readers passed out from exhausion.

So after flushing and washing my hands, I quickly broke it into a third before the first post.

Thank goodness for the little alien :)

I wrote the post...but I had a crash and it is gone!

I'll take a few hours off and then write it all over again.

Destruction is part of the creative process. Keep diving into ti descriptive yet determine friend @arthur.grafo

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