Steemit ~ Where Dreams and Reality Collide

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit ~ where dreams flow through the blockchain.

Where our rebel hearts find kindreds and mentors, and we ourselves find a drive to be more.

To become better versions of ourselves.

We came here with our hearts full of dreams. We looked at Steemit as the Promised Land; The Land of Milk and Honey. The place where we would succeed and be big.

So we shared our knowledge and discovered new. We grew and commented and made friends. We supported and uplifted others with kind words, sympathies and that wonderful pat on the back called upvotes.

We came to Steemit believing it would make our dreams come true.

But we soon realize that Steemit will not make our dreams come alive.

Steemit is only an avenue where us likeminds congregate.

Steemit is not a twinkly fairy with magic dust. Nor is Steemit a genie who grants us fame and fortune with a bellyrub to the lamp.
Steemit didn't go to Hogwarts.

But our Steemit Family teaches us something. Something real and tangible. And terribly profound. Steemit teaches us that we make our dreams come true.

Only you can make your dreams a reality. I am the only one who can make my desires come to fruition.

That is the truth. That is the reality.

But Steemit is the place where we come to do it!

Steemit is the place we come to be better and grow and succeed!

Steemit is the place where our dreams and reality collide.

We make it happen, and we make it happen by our shared support and encouragement and drive. We help each other succeed, through our shared belief in ourselves, each other, and power of community.

We make our dreams happen. We make Steemit happen.

We are Steemit.

Take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable.

You are home.

images via pexel and Unsplash

I appreciate your support!

♡ Please upvote and resteem if you feel that little voice urging, and follow @ArbitraryKitten for more :)


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buttons upvote resteem.gif


Mmmmmmmmmm this is so true .
Steemit all the way .
We're all making it here 🙌
Yes ,we are focused .
Many talented steemians

Steemit brought us together in the most revealing and rewarding way <3

STEEM ever onward and upward :)

I love your post. Steemit isn't a magic genie going to make our every wish come true. but it is a place where you can meet like minded people who care about each other and build a community. My gut tells me that steemit, as long as the infrastructure stays strong and grows will be the next level of social media comm. :)

Thank you so much!

I truly feel Steemit is the future. Sure, it has it's flaws- but what doesn't? And something with this much positive human energy is only going to propel forward.

I think those people who know about Steemit but haven't joined is due to their fear and incertainty around cryptocurrencies. I know I had to convince two of my people. They didn't believe cryptos were real currency. I showed them how I could sell to btc then convert to usd to my bank and then pay my bills... couldn't do that with fake money ;)

The public will come around... It's shown people don't try something until they've seen it seriously 6 times...

wow! six times!! we are a stuborn species. lol. I know myself I got two of my friends to sign up @ecowarrior and @lemongrab and I mean I had to work on the like crazy because I dont really understand the btc thing myself but I know it is the future. I can see that. Also I would tell them about people like yourself. Kind, friendly, helpful, etc,etc. I would go on and on. lol
I swear they joined just to shut me up. :))

LOL! Hey, at least they joined!

I have equated this phenomena to falling in love-

(PS Awe, you're too sweet <3)

Yes, you are right. They did join. lol. No, No, You my dear are too sweet! Coming from the world I came from. It is hard to even believe that. But I am trying.
Thank you for your kind words sweetheart <3 Steven

It's hard to believe I am sweet coming from the world you came from? Can you elaborate on that?

Hard to believe I am sweet. The world of addiction that I came from just a short9 1/2 months ago. Sometimes it is hard to accept that, When for years you had never heard it, and probably never deserved it.

I am glad you were able to overcome, that takes great strength :)

This is community like I haven't felt in a long time. Me thinks we've been brought together for a reason. I'm genuinely goofy excited to see all my people on here succeed and bloom like magic lotus flowers.

I feel the same way! We are all together for a reason. We are going to change the world <3

<3<3<3 You are my kind of optimist.

While I love your optimism about this platform, I am more than aware that it may not be the posting nirvana we all wish to see.
Finally a place to produce what we love producing, and getting rewards for doing so

I hope I'm wrong, but I am a realist, and see things as they are- possibly from a different angle, due to my own circumstances...

steemit - where reality and reality collide.- Wish I had though of that title - much better than mine!

Wish I had though of that title - much better than mine! LOL! You're too much :)

I've noticed one thing with the bots, only a few that were here when I joined mid June are still here...

On the lucylin train...



Lol! Looks like I'm the caboose!


Have fun.



Very very informative post thanks

For your writing speech and advice



Nice post. (BTW, I like your style too.) 😇

JaiChai here.

Although I am still very new to Steemit - a neophyte, really - it's Steemians like you that have made my brief stay here a real blast!

Oh yeah, thanks a lot for the benevolent generosity.




It's wonderful to meet you!

I am very happy to know that I bring a sprinkling of happy to this place. That makes my heart smile! Thank you <3

Very inspiring.

You forgot to mention that Steemit doesn't do mind tricks because Steemit is not a Jedi...unlike me, of course XD But I don't use mind trick either.

Oh. Yup. My bad ;)


Ha, in my case most days, I never don any shoes. Flip-flops mostly. I'm here spashing around in the Steemit waters and starting to get wet... and it feels good!

Perfect! You will enjoy it tremendously :) Best. Ocean. Ever!

Takes off shoes

Hands Zord a warm beverage and a cookie :)

Join me! :)

takes off shoes and clinks warm beverage mugs with Zord :)

Taken from lol

This is what Steemit about right? :D

Happy and content and warm and comfortable...

Precisely :)

This is the truth.

All of the focused inspiration here is a breath of fresh air.

That is absolutely correct! I am so addicted to Steemit! The community, the support and encouragement... addicting... but it's a drug I am not going to quit ;)

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