Shout-Out Saturdays - Positive Steemit Members

in #steemit6 years ago

So @crazybgadventure started a new initiative called #shoutoutsaturdays where everyone can post about people who are making a positive contribution to Steemit. These are people who we value and are in our "must read" list when they post. I have quite a few people I feel this way about. So strange since I've never met any of them, yet they still seem as close to me as some of my real-life friends. Today, I'd like to point out a few of them and keep it going each week with some new people. Feel free to give them a follow, as I know they would appreciate that!

Pixaby Image Source

When I started using Steemit, I quickly met up with @crosheille since we both were posting about crafting on Mondays. I am happy that we were because we have A LOT in common. She is also a homeschool mom, Christian and encouraging woman. She currently has 4 kids with one on the way. And I think I convinced her to come visit me sometime in Panama! Imagine meeting a Steemit friend in real life! Wowie!! She is the leader of #needleworkmonday which anyone is welcome to use as long as your project involves creating something with a needle...crochet, knit, embroidery, quilting...


Another person I met pretty much as soon as I started Steemit was @ethandsmith. This guy was encouraging when I was first commenting on his posts since his reputation number was way higher than mine! He helped me get going and I enjoyed the comments we had back and forth. Then he encouraged me to join a Discord group he was in, promoted me to be the rule checker for post promotion...and shortly after, invited me to join him and some others in starting our own Discord group. He posts pretty fun podcasts about posts he likes in the group as well as ways he is helping his wife improve her classroom (and other teachers out there). And he's working on his PhD. And he plays in a band. And his days have 26 hours in them. And he never sleeps...

The STEEM Engine

Thanks to @enchantedspirit (who is one awesome lady) for including me in her first post. She and I work hand in hand on The STEEM Engine discord group. I check the posts for compliance with the rules while she checks them for curation. I enjoy her sense of humor and her relationship with the be a fly on the wall in their home...

Now, if I could convince these people to move to Panama...

A recent sunrise out my backdoor

If you're interested in writing about some of your most valuable Steemian friends, be sure to use #shoutoutsaturdays on Saturdays and thank @crazybgadventure for thinking of this. I would love to see more people tell who they enjoy following and why!


This is really a super nice initiative from @crazybgadventure!
Thanks for starting it, I will definitely take part.

Love your posts as well @apanamamama,

PsI'll check @crosheille profile, thanks for the suggestion!

This comment has received a 9.99 % upvote from @webdeals thanks @bafi; Please remember that only posts/comments written between 30 minutes and 4days 23h and 30 minutes will be voted.

I knew this was a great idea when @crazybgadventure first mentioned it. He was surprised I was so excited about it. (I think he needs some self-confidence pills for his birthday -- or by next week-end, whichever comes first.)

Even just three or four of us can keep this going and make it happen. If it catches on with more, great! If not, at least we'll find some terrific new people to follow and those who don't bother can just suck eggs. (My catch-all phrase that basically means "lose out.")

Steemit has felt so gloomy and depressed lately. The falling price of Steem isn't helping. And there are some other things I won't give any more power by listing them here. But I've lived long enough to know life itself runs in cycles. What goes down eventually comes back up again, even higher -- and vice versa. It's all about making progress by finding balance -- at a new and somehow better level every time. I'm still working to understand exactly why this is part of the deal, but I know for sure it is.

The turn-around starts somewhere. Maybe it starts with us. So keep going.

Thank you for featuring me in your post. More days than you know, your encouragement makes my day go right. <3 (That's part of what I meant ^^^.) It's time I told you that.

:) Thanks for your words of encouragement! :) I'm glad that I can be an encouragement for you as well. :) I think we make a great team at the engine!! Yes, I agree that we can get this thing going. I'd love to see more people join in next week, but even if not, we can still be the positive that Steemit is needing these days. It was a great idea, so awesome that he threw it out there to you and you told him to do it! :) Wahoo!

@enchantedspirit I feel it's just a point of view game. I was glad that Steemit lowered in price so I managed to buy 250 in SP, whereas I would have gotten 1/3 of it.
I still believe this project will really skyrocket, long term we have SMT as proposed from @ned in various posts, as well as the increased popularity and visibility of the site, placing it in the top thousands sites of US and Globally.
I will definitely take part of this on Saturday!

Our community is amazing, I feel so blessed to read each of you, your ideas always surprise me.
I am bit stucked with daylife things, so I am writing more in italian.
I'll come back really soon!
My projects have to move 😁

Have a nice day,
Luca 🇮🇹

Great initiative @crazybadventure! I love that this initiative is focused on the positive. And, great choices @apanamamama.

Thanks! I think it's a great idea too. Glad he started it up. :)

I am in such a high reading all these let’s turn this ripple into a wave.

Yes, it's super cool! Wahoo! Good job coming up with the idea and following through! :)

I seriously do wonder when do you, @ethandsmith and @enchantedspirit find the time to sleep? I see so many posts that you curate and I am amazed by the amount of work you all put in here!

Very good selections you have mentioned, I to enjoy these three folks and yourself as well. @thesteemengine has really opened the doors to finding great folks to read and interact with.

@apanamamama agree with the name you mentioned here in. All the user are very kind hearted too...👍

Wonderful idea and I cannot agree more with you choosing @crosheille !
It is so encouraging how the #needleworkmonday initiative is growing. See you tomorrow 😘

Awww thanks my dear!! That means a lot~ 💕☺️ Looking forward to tomorrow!! 😃

You’re the sweetest and also are very encouraging! Thank you so much for featuring me in your first shoutout post! I seriously want to make that trip happen and to have my family meet your family in person. Not sure how soon but I’m hoping it will happen! It was definitely amazing how we instantly connected and even today are still finding out more things we have in common! Lol 😘❤️

I like the idea of this tag! I’ll definitely have to do a post using it. Thanks @crazybgadventure for a great idea :)

Babies can fly free ya know? :) Up to 2 year olds. ;) Ha. Yes, it's crazy how much we have in common! It would be awesome to meet up with you guys...or maybe we should all vacation in Costa Rica or something. Hmmm...I'm liking that idea too. No kids. ;)

Hmmm now you’re on to something. Our kids can meet later, us adults need a vacay LOL! 😂

Thank goodness for GinaBot. I usually forget about resteeming. Probably because so many people in Steemit are so resistant to it -- for reasons that baffle me. Nowhere else have I found such ferocious hostility to presenting work and ideas other than your own. It seems pretty narrow-minded and narcissistic, somehow ... but it's not the only time in my life I've been out of step with prevailing norms. Still, I've gotten out of the habit.

I understand! I forgot to resteem until she sent me a notice. Ha.

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