Are You Really A Minnow? - Steemit and Homeschool Collide in the Book Pagoo - Schoolhouse Saturday by A Panama Mama

in #steemit7 years ago

When Steemit comes to life in the homeschool book you are reading, you have to share! The other day I was reading through the book, Pagoo, with my sons for their school. Pagoo is the story of a hermit crab who finds his way in the world. Starting out, he is born from an egg about the size of a pin head, so he is tiny. He starts talking about the sea soup he is eating along with all the other Plankton. Some of them survive, and some are swallowed up by much larger creatures in the sea! This is where Steemit and Pagoo collided before my eyes.


Plankton, Minnow, Dolphin, Orca, Whale... I had no idea of these classifications until recently. I assumed that we all started out as minnows, as I am sure most of you did as well. That is when I read the post @ana-maria wrote called I'm Giving Away Free 💲SBD💲 To 100 Members For Answering A Simple ❓Question. She asked each person to say if they were a minnow or not. I answered, yes, of course I am, I'm just starting out!

She then wrote a follow up post called Are You a Minnow At The Moment? - Shocking Contest Results and let us know that the majority of people who responded were wrong! I was one of them! I had to look more into this, so I started reading the post and found out that we all start out as Plankton/Red Fish! What?? Why is there so much geared toward "minnows" then? Do others not know as well?


Did you know it takes 1,000,000 (ONE MILLION) vests to get to minnow status? You actually have to work in order to become a minnow! You have to live long enough, work hard, produce enough quality posts, comment, interact and become a part of the Steemit society in order to do that! Type your user name in the Steemit Board page and see how far away you are from becoming a Minnow (if you are not there yet).

This is where Pagoo and Steemit are similar! Pagoo has to become a successful member of the ocean in order to grow up bigger and not be Plankton that the whales chomp up for lunch. He has to keep eating, growing, molting and interacting with others in the ocean to be able to keep living! As a member of Steemit, we must also keep going to get bigger and get higher up in the Steemit community.


I love it that the kids' schooling covers stuff that I just learned about the Steemit community! How about you? Did you know that you start out as Plankton/Red Fish here on Steemit, or did you think we all start out as minnows? I love it when I can learn something new and share it with others, don't you?

Are you a minnow? I'm not...yet!


Schoolhouse Saturday will be brought to you here every Saturday by A Panama Mama.
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Okay, it's me again. You know I can never say just two words about anything! So, I've been thinking about this all night. (Seriously. And I don't care what you say, I don't have OCD.) So, now I have a question.

What (the heck) are "vests" and how do you get them? I don't think my closet is big enough to hold a million.

Lol - girl, I KNOW my closet wouldn't hold a million. Vests are anything you do on steemit from what I understand. Buying steem, commenting, upvoting, posting. This post explains vests a little way down. I can't imagine being one of those people who have enough to be a whale. Crazytown.

TYVM for the information. Clearly I need to get busier. Or richer. Or both!

Lol - ain't that the truth? :)

At first, thank you very much for the mention and as well for linking to my posts! 🙂

Regarding Steemit and Pago similarity, I agree we have to keep going, interacting with others and as well educating ourselves. It sounds or even become crazy, but after 15 months being here, I'm still learning (almost on daily bases) new things and new tricks about Steemit. And whenever I think I nailed it all down now there comes a new thing that hit me right in the middle of my forehead. - lol -
But it's a fun ride too!

To answer your question - I finally become a Minnow a few days ago, and it has been a very long (even way too long) ride for me.
And now I know how could I shorten that path but I didn't know neither was aware of some things 15 months ago. 😉😎

Wow! That is a long time to become a minnow. I'm sure my journey will be about that long as well. ;) Thanks for the comment and for stopping by! Your post really helped open my eyes to the steemit world categories and how I was clueless (and I think most other people are as well starting out). I have met lots of people who refer to themselves as "minnows" who are brand new. ;) Congrats on reaching minnow-hood. ;)

If I am not mistaken, your vests are based on your steem power, which can be increased by simply buying steem and converting it. Which means, no effort required if you are willing to make the purchase required. I think reputation is a better measure of success, because you have to be given that by other people with higher reps voting on your posts.

Still, neither way is a good judge of quality. I see a lot of garbage books becoming best sellers, while great books go unpublished or end up in the 'discount' bin. Same goes for Steemit posts. There is the maxim that, if you want a book to sell, then there has to be 'a lot of blood on the cover, or sex between them'. In both the real world and steemit, quality isn't what sells. You have to choose between writing to get the upvotes and writing what needs to be written. I think we all need to remember that rep, vests, sales... are not indicators of just how good your work is. They are only indicators of how well you tap into the existing audience's hunger for something.

Sorry if it's a little grim, but it's the best advice I can give.

Yes, I completely agree. There is a lot of junk out there on steemit that gets a ton of money and clearly written and researched posts will end up making $.10. I agree that the rep is a better indicator, but that can even be skewed. Thanks for the great comment!

Keep working at it! We’re all way ahead of those that will join in 2019 and beyond - and who knows how much it will cost to buy Steem then?!?

Very true! Thanks for stopping by! :)

I am still plankton, I guess I have to do a lot of content creation to make vests :)

Yes and comments and upvotes! :)

Yes, i'm a minnow and think it wuold take long time to become dolphin...

Wow, cool! Yeah, it looks like quite a bit of work to get up to dolphin status!

You're halfway there! If you keep posting like you do, you'll graduate from #redfish and become a minnow before you know it! Keep on keeping on! @ironshield

Thanks! I feel like I've been "halfway there" for a while now! I was thinking you become a minnow at 500,000 and then I reread today that it was at a million. Oh man. ;)

I was pretty excited when I reached 'minnow' status. It's a very long road to 'dolphin' which is 100,000,000 vests. @ironshield

Oh wow! That is quite a long road!! I don't even understand how people become whales unless they invest tons of money into Steemit. Yikes.

Steemit secret: people who signed up in March 2017 bought STEEM for less than $0.10 each. They bought in heavily and have leveraged their STEEM to become whales. @ironshield

Ah, very nice. I heard Steem was once $.10, but you'd still have to buy a ton. I traded in some of my SBD last week and now I'm seeing that it's $2.50 or so. Should have waited a bit longer! :) Too bad we didn't all buy into bitcoin when it first came out. My hubs said he read a post that said if you had bought $5 worth when it first came out that you'd now have a million something... ;)

I bought a bunch of litecoin several computers ago. It's sitting on a hard drive somewhere collecting dust. @ironshield

Oh man, you need to find that hard drive!

The journey is not easy at all but with constant engagement we will all get and pass thru it @ironshield @apanamamama

Lol - yep! Slow and steady

How depressing.

(I know. It's a two word comment. So shoot me. It's all I can manage at the moment. How depressing.)

Lol - you're telling me.

@steem-marketing has voted on behalf of @minnowpond.
If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowponds team on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond.

            To receive an BiggerUpvote send 0.5 SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo
            To receive an BiggerUpvote and a reSteem send 1.25SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo
            To receive an upvote send 0.25 SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo
            To receive an reSteem send 0.75 SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo
            To receive an upvote and a reSteem send 1.00SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo

Thanks for the post. You know, I actually didn't have that steemitboard link! Thank you. I have been looking for that sucker! 😉

Nice! Glad I could help out. :)

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