From Concept Designer for AAA Games and Art Director to Full-Time Steemian

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi Everybody !

Many people outside Steemit know me as an artist, art director, concept designer and illustrator working in the international industry of video-games and cinematography. But now that has changed.

I can't really tell you what I have been up to in the last months, but I can tell you that it was related to a AAA video-game that will see the light in the following year.

Even tho' I was enjoying it and learning a lot, I decided that it was time for trying something new. And Steemit was a great opportunity to start all over and discover these things that I was lacking.

It was mostly about finding myself.


It always is. And I have lost my inspiration and goal. The direction in which I wanted to move. I missed what I wanted for real in this path of arts and was working for someone else's dreams. Which would be cool if I wouldn't have a clue of what I want for myself.

But this wasn't the case.

My vision was completely different. Those games were realistic, war-like, violent without reason and destructive. Even tho' my five cents there were actually very creative and constructive.

But my place is somewhere else. My mission is another. I need to help other artists to get further and help my self by doing this and getting myself as far as I can.

This is why I came back to Steemit, because this platform allows me to find my center by giving me more time of practicing and find new alternatives, new people and fellows and economical support while I share my creations and inventions with you.

I think Steemit is a great opportunity for artists of any kind and creative people that just want to get far on their own, and maybe they don't have resources for doing so. This is also why I decided to stick to it and put all my efforts to make good content, find the people that need my advice and my help and collaborate with the platform itself.
Because we build it.


Many steemians are really greedy, abusing from the reward system and taking everything from it, leaving just scratches to the rest. But this doesn't discourage me (that much) for getting far with my goals and help many others to get closer to their goals and dreams as well.

So this is the why I decided to become full-time steemian. Which doesn't mean that I am not taking other freelances, but it does mean indeed that most of my time is dedicated to this platform and the people in withing.
My followers and peeps =)

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!



I can't wait for the day I can do this full time. I am working to achieve that goal as well. I have been in the corporate industry as a Graphic Designer, Creative Director, and Creative Brand Manager for the past 10 years. I have helped to make many others very successful, and in that I left little time for myself, creatively. I spent my entire youth painting and drawing in every bit of spare time I had. Graphic Design was a method to a dependable paycheck - but it sucks a bit of your spirit away working to make other people's dreams come true, and at times being taken for granted and in worst cases, taken advantage of. I love Steemit as well for the ability to do what I want, explore what I want creatively and be able to share it here with those who appreciate what I do. Its extremely liberating. A breathe of fresh air. Congrats on going full time - You definitely deserve to be successful here!

I think you should definitively try it! Steemit gives better opportunities to those brave adventurers who decided to work a skill until oblivion and want to show it to the world. To explain how it works. To explain how they think about it. To show the wonders of their creations.

I think you have this possibility and you just have to find your way through it. I would love to see more of your content and see how you will be doing, if you ever decide to try =)

It's nice to see you again @j-vo!

You are really successful and well-liked here, keep it up! :)

Thank you, my lasagna! I miss our bizarre chats!

The theme of this post is very similar to the previous one. Need to focus on one thing, you picked the Stemit. I think if you want to achieve something here, you need to work a lot and spend a lot of time here. Excellent choice. I like, what you're doing here, what content you create. You love your subscribers, create interesting posts, respond to comments! I also decided to stay on Steemit and move in the same direction. I see your support, thank you for this!

I honestly hope you will make it <3

Thank you for your kind words. Can you give me advice? Please tell me, under what circumstances an experienced user Steemit like you subscribes to the new guy?

You mean when I could hit the "follow" buttom for another steemian?

Yes it is true. I practice the language. My translator sometimes fails me. I did not notice the error. You understood me correctly.

I don t subscribe to others because I never ever see my feed. If I am interested in a steemian I just go to the comment that he/she left on my page or the comment I did on his/hers and I check once there. I am a horrible curator, I am mostly content maker, I m sorry :(

Why are you apologizing? That's your position and it's great. My question was not a hint to follow me) I ask people, who have achieved a lot here about things, that interest me. We all have different opinions and they are all standing) Thanks for the reply!

That is amazing and inspiring. I'm glad to have you more time in these areas and I take this opportunity to thank you. Your post has served as a guide to finding ways to improve my own work. Keep up the excellent work. 😀

I can't really tell you what I have been up to in the last months

You can't tell us now, but when the game is launched you will right? I want to play a game that i know some part of it was designed by you :)

Many steemians are really greedy, abusing from the reward system and taking everything from it, leaving just scratches to the rest

I can't understand why people do this, don't they realize this makes steemit worse and that by doing that they are compromising the future of this platform...

Indeed! When it be released I will be able to! If you are interested on doing so, you can play for instance Injustice 2: Among Gods ;)

And those people do that because they don t give a shit about anything, sad but true D:

Injustice 2: Among Gods

Already played it, loved it! What part did you do?

I've been designing a lot of the exchangable gear of the characters, for instance, poison eve, cat woman, cheetah, the ape, etc...

Damn, now i need to go replay that game :D

waooowww !! what a way you easily write about this <3 just amazing man !! i wanna see more like this in future so i am following you now :) Keep in touch :) Have a great day :)

Thanks a lot @ayun!! have a great day too =)

Cool,,I like your picture 👍

What's the game then!? Tell us all we'll keep it a secret.

Lol... I pass, I signed few contracts of confidentiality :D

Anritco me alegra que te estes decidiendo y que sepas lo que quieres, entonces ya vives 100% de steemit? o te falta poco?

Podría vivir tranquilamente de Steemit ya que me genera mas ingresos que cualquier otro trabajo. Pero la realidad es que no vivo solo para generar plata, tambien esta el honor de ser un artista y trabajar para proyectos grandes!

Por eso mismo aun no vivo 100% de steemit y creo que nunca sera asi, porque tengo mis freelances y proyectos a parte ;)

si a parte como se suele decir no es bueno poner todos los huevos en la misma cesta.

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