My 5 cents on the self voting issue

in #steemit7 years ago

Should we vote for all our posts and all our comments now that after HF19 the value of our votes is 4 times heavier? Should some people with a lot of Steem Power upvote themselves when each of their upvotes would earn $50, $100, $399?

I say to this... absolutely we should if the system allows us to do so and if we decide that we want to do this. I replied on another post on this issue that the real question actually touches on more philosophical issues than technical ones.

Should anybody get to decide on this issue? Should Steemit Inc.? Or maybe the majority of the community? Is this an actual issue?

Some people when they reach a high level of wealth in the offline world, give a lot of money back to their communities through whatever methods. And some people, don't. Some people take most of the profits and reinvest it into making more money for themselves. Should we get to vote or decide how these people should use their earned money and through which means?

I think this debate is in a strange way a debate between socialism and anarchism. How much of any do you want? How much authority to we want to give to a centralized institution (be it democracy) to decide for moral issues? I myself lean to... :)


As the value of votes drops back to a realistic level this problem will resolve itself.

Well... if you are ok with self-votes I'll go ahead. But don't worry: I voted for your article as well. :-)

The main people who have an issue with it it seems are people who DONT have enough steem power, have been taking out money from their account and only now realize the benefit of keeping their money in the network, because...believe me, if you can upvote yourself and gain $150 in a minute, you better believe everyone would do it in a heart beat

I have low SP and I'm ok with self voting. The whales have earnt it

We should really start to see Steem Power as an investment in the Steem market. :)

I think everyone should do as they like.
We have the right to do it. Upvoting your own post is even a default setting. Upvoting your own posts should not be an issue. Especially when you have a great balance between upvoting yourself and others.
I actually do both. I mean I upvote others and myself too. Nothing is wrong with it.
Especially when you are new on Steemit like me. Upvoting yourself is helping you to Power Up since you earn money with it and if you Power Up your votes will be worth more and that is good for both of you and the whole Steemit community too.
The problem maybe is there if your upvote is worth like $10-20-50-$100 or more and you use your voting power only on yourself. So you don't upvote others! That's completely selfish and against the community!
I don't know how many people will agree with me but this is my opinion.
Sorry if my English is wrong. I hope you can understand it.
Enjoy Steemit! Have a nice day!

If the rules of the game change at all times for me it seems to control.

If the team is winning, it does not make sense to change for social purposes. Let the market decide on its own whether it is worth it or not get into the game.

For me, what we can't do after we start the game is to change the rules all times.

Congratulations :)

From what I have read, this stuff will sort itself out

Upvoted... I like this post. And I like it even though I only partially agree with you. I think that a self upvote is a nice thing to do if one has earned it through blood and sweat or if they have invested real money into it. But I believe in a balanced approach. We should all look after ourselves. But we must be good to the environment around us.

If all whale did this, the reward pool would be raped.... minnows would leave in numbers after weeks of months of frustration. And if all whales powered down this place is over.

But I must say you have been the most polite person that os pro self upvoting. I have only seen arrogance and abusiveness from others on your team. So good you.

May the STEEM be with you

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